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Progetti di ricerca
Knowledge for Use: Making the Most of Social Science to Build Better Policies
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
K4U's two broad research streams study both how use research to build better social policies -- ones that are more fair and more reliable -- and how to deliberate about them. The approach is broadly Popperian: the proof of an idea is in what it says about real cases. K4U looks specifically at special problems facing international HIV-AIDs policies, UK child welfare, EU mental health, the reconfiguration of the UK health service, occupational health, work and well-being and climate services in a period of climate change.
Sito web: https://www.dur.ac.uk/k4u/
Multilingual Locals and Significant Geographies: For a New Approach to World Literature
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
PROCON “Production and Consumption of textiles in the Mediterranean from 1000 to 500 BCE”
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
The focus is on the significance of the production and consumption of textiles for the development of city-states and the implications of this for other aspects of the economy, such as the use of farm land, labour resources and the development of urban lifestyle. The geographical area selected for this study is eastern, central and western Mediterranean Europe, Greece, Italy and Spain.
Sito web: https://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/past-projects/procon
DomEQUAL: A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
How does globalisation impact the construction of social inequality? DomEQUAL tackles this question through a study on paid domestic work (PDW). Of the 52.6 million PDWs in the world today, 43 million are women and 7 million are children. The multidimensional transformations brought about by globalisation with the intensification of international migration, the urbanisation of rural and indigenous populations, and changes in household organisation and welfare regimes have a massive impact on PDWs at the global level.
New research possibilities are open since PDW has become an object of global governance. The ILO Convention 189 is the most evident sign of this. For researchers, this has the important effect of making new data and tools for analysis available. DomEQUAL profits from this opportunity to provide a global comparison of PDWs’ social positions, especially in the socio-economic and legal fields. It also provides the opportunity to experiment an ‘intersectionality’ approach to PDW on a large scale. Finally, it analyses which type of global/local actor is more effective in improving the legal framework for PDWs. In so doing, it aims at a theoretical and methodological contribution that goes beyond PDW and addresses the construction of social inequalities within globalisation more generally.
This is done through a diachronic comparison (1950s-now) of the changing situation of PDWs in the following countries: Spain, Italy and Germany in Europe; Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil in South America; and India, the Philippines and Taiwan in Asia. These nine countries are interesting cases for comparison because of their different positions within the process of globalisation, the specificities of their socio-cultural contexts, and also because they have all experienced mobilisations for PDWs’ rights. The project will be carried out by the PI and two senior post-doc researchers based in Italy, with the support of nine experts in the selected countries.
Sito web: http://domequal.eu
Ethnobotany of divided generations in the context of centralization
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
Understanding the logics of obtaining, managing and perceiving of local natural resources, particularly plants, is crucial for ensuring sustainability of human life, as the use of plants is a key for survival of humans. The proposed research will create an advanced understanding of the mechanisms of changes in ethnobotanical knowledge experienced by traditional societies/minor ethnic groups when dominating group try to unify and/or erode this practical knowledge. It will also evaluate the effects of the sudden cease to existence of centralization and following impact of the trial of revival of discontinued traditional etnobotanical knowledge. Research will evaluate the effect of several social and cultural factors on the evolution of ethnobotanical knowledge of four compact, but divided ethnic minorities that had experienced for shorter (25 years) or longer (70 years) period different influences affecting their plant use and very different social conditions (including welfare and economy). As a long-term outcome, based on the result of present and consequent studies scientists will be able to predict the extent and depth of the changes occurring in the ethnobotanical knowledge and as a applied outcome learn to direct and educate people in the way that the knowledge necessary for sustainable maintenance and utilization of local plant resources will be constantly evolving in the way supporting health and well-being of different populations.
Understanding the speed limits of magnetism - MAGNETIC-SPEED-LIMIT
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
While the origin of magnetic order in condensed matter is in the exchange and spin-orbit interactions, with characteristic time scales in the femto- and subpicosecond ranges, it has been long believed that magnetism could only be manipulated at nanosecond rates, exploiting dipolar interactions with external magnetic fields. However, in the past decade researchers have been able to observe ultrafast magnetic dynamics at its intrinsic time scales without the need for magnetic fields, thus revolutionising the view on the speed limits of magnetism.
Despite many achievements in ultrafast magnetism, the understanding of the fundamental physics that allows for the ultrafast dissipation of angular momentum is still only partial, hampered by the lack of experimental techniques suited to fully explore these phenomena. However, the recent appearance of two new types of coherent radiation, single-cycle THz pulses and x-rays generated at free electron lasers (FELs), has provided researchers access to a whole new set of capabilities to tackle this challenge. These novel techniques have already produced breakthroughs, but we are only at the beginning of a new era of scientific investigations that uses them.
This proposal suggests using these techniques to achieve an encompassing view of ultrafast magnetic dynamics in metallic ferromagnets, via the following three research objectives: (a) to reveal ultrafast dynamics driven by strong THz radiation in several magnetic systems using table-top femtosecond lasers; (b) to unravel the contribution of lattice dynamics to ultrafast demagnetization in different magnetic materials using the x-rays produced at existing and soon-operating FELs and (c) to directly image ultrafast spin currents by creating femtosecond movies with nanometre resolution.
The proposed experiments are challenging and explore unchartered territories, but if successful, they will advance the understanding of the speed limits of magnetism, at the time scales of the exchange and spin-orbit interactions. They will also open up for future investigations of ultrafast magnetic phenomena in materials with large electronic correlations or spin-orbit coupling, at the fore-front of condensed matter physics.
ERC EarlyModernCosmology (Horizon 2020, GA 725883)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
The Early Modern Cosmology research endeavor utilizes a two-pronged approach to the study of early modern cosmology:
we propose a comparative inquiry into early-modern cosmologies by placing them in the context of their institutional, political, religious, and ideological settings;
and employ these case studies to make broader, more methodological reflections in a new area of epistemology we refer to as ‘political epistemology’.
Cosmology — the knowledge on the order, constitution, and motions of the world — was a field of acute ideological struggles in early modernity. The fact that such polemics were often inserted into a religious framework should not obscure the eminently political character of the many and diverse attempts to hegemonize scientific debates through cultural, educational, and editorial means. The formation of competing communities can also be seen in the rise of academic and scientific networks that were united by confessional and political ties. For example, the confessional embedment of cosmology in the framework of the late Scholasticism of Jesuit colleges stood in stark opposition to similar efforts in other settings — for example, in the mobile topography of interlinked Protestant universities or the claims for autonomy that were made by philosophy professors at the University of Padua.
Our study of the religious-political drives behind many early-modern European cosmological skirmishes (in astronomy, physics, philosophy, and epistemology) makes a significant contribution to the political understanding of the advancement of science. Furthermore, because these cultural conflicts over cosmology concerned the categories of science itself, and not merely the content produced by scientific activities, it is also essential for the ERC endeavor to engage with epistemology. Therefore, we inquire into the historical developments of science from the viewpoint of the metaphysical and epistemological principles of the science of the time, as well as from the viewpoint of present-day questions about the nature of our scientific modernity.
Sito web: http://unive.it/earlymoderncosmology
ENERGYA - Energy use for Adaptation
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
ENERGYA will improve our understanding of how energy and energy services can be used by households and industries to adapt to the risk posed by climate change. Specifically, the project will develop an interdisciplinary and scalable research framework integrating data and methods from economics with geography, climate science, and integrated assessment modelling to provide new knowledge concerning heterogeneity in energy use across countries, sectors, socioeconomic conditions and income groups, and assess the broad implications adaptation-driven energy use can have on the economy, the environment, and welfare.
The key novelty of ENERGYA is to link energy statistics and energy survey data with high spatial resolution data from climate science and remote sensing, including high-resolution spatial data on meteorology, population and economic activity distribution, electrification, and the built environment.
ENERGYA has three main objectives. First, it will produce novel statistical and econometric analyses for OECD and major emerging countries (Brazil, Mexico, India, and Indonesia) to shed light on the underlying mechanisms driving energy use. Second, it will infer future potential impacts from long-run climate and socioeconomic changes building on historical empirical evidence. Third, it will analyse the macro and distributional implications of adaptation-driven energy use with an economy-energy model characterising the distribution of energy use dynamics across and within countries.
Given the central role of energy as multiplier for socioeconomic development and as enabling condition for climate resilience, the research proposed in ENERGYA will result in timely insights for the transition towards sustainability described by the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations as well as the Paris International Climate Agreement.
FLOS: Florilegia Syriaca. The Intercultural Dissemination of Greek Christian Thought in Syriac and Arabic in the First Millennium CE
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
FLOS will focus on the metamorphoses of Greek Christian thought in Syriac (Aramaic) and Arabic in Late Antiquity, within the timeframe of the first millennium CE. Syriac Christianity was a pivotal mediator of culture in the Late Antique epistemic space, but is little-known today. FLOS aims to bring to light for the first time a body of highly relevant Syriac and Christian Arabic sources that have hardly ever been studied before. At the end of the millennium, in Islamic-ruled Syria, Mesopotamia, and Iran, Syriac Christians strived to define their religious identity. One of their strategies was the production of florilegia, i.e. anthologies that they used to excerpt and reinvent the patristic canon, a corpus of Greek Christian works of the 2nd–6th centuries shared by European and Middle Eastern Christian cultures. A Greco-centric bias has prevented scholars from viewing these florilegia as laboratories of cultural creativity. FLOS will reverse the state of the art through two groundbreaking endeavours: 1) open-access digital editions of a set of Syriac florilegia of the 8th–10th centuries; 2) a study of many neglected writings of Syriac and Christian Arabic authors of the 8th–11th centuries. These tremendously important writings drew from Syriac patristic florilegia to pinpoint topics like incarnation and the Trinity against other Christians or Islam, showing how patristic sources were used to create new knowledge for the entangled environment of the Abbasid era. FLOS will thus dramatically improve our understanding of the cultural dynamics of Late Antiquity; patristic Christianity will emerge as a bridge between the intellectual history of Europe and of the Middle East. By studying how this shared patrimony was transformed in situations of interreligious interaction, especially with Islam, FLOS will facilitate the comprehension of Europe’s current religious discourses, and the preservation of the endangered cultural heritage of the Syriac Christians.
Sito web: http://www.unive.it/flos
Sea level and extreme waves in the Last Interglacial
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
The Last Interglacial (125 000 years ago) was the last period of the Earth’s history when climate was slightly warmer than pre-industrial. As a result of higher global and polar atmospheric temperatures and slightly higher polar sea surface temperatures LIG ice sheets were smaller and global mean sea level was higher than today. The LIG represents a process-analog for future warming: sea level and ice sheets dynamics during this period are often regarded as indicators for the sensitivity of ice sheets to future melting.
Our knowledge of the Last Interglacial warmer coasts is characterized by three main research gaps:
1) Last Interglacial global mean sea level estimates are both inaccurate and imprecise.
2) Sea-level oscillations within the Last Interglacial have been inferred from a number of studies, but their existence is still debated and the rates of rapid sea level changes are poorly quantified.
3) The Last Interglacial may have been characterized by storms more intense than today, but this hypothesis is largely controversial and based on geological evidence from few sites.
This project aims to fill the current research gaps related to sea level and extreme waves in the Last Interglacial.
1) Advancing current knowledge of LIG global mean sea level and associated uncertainties.
2) Investigating the existence and pattern of sea level fluctuations within interglacials.
3) Test the hypothesis that Last Interglacial extreme wave events were stronger than today.
Sito web: http://www.warmcoasts.eu
Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 - ca. 1416)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
BIFLOW (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 – ca. 1416) is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2014 – 637533) and hosted by the University of Venice – Ca’ Foscari and the EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales), Paris.
The project will undertake the first systematic investigation of the various literary documents that circulated simultaneously in more than one language in Tuscany, and especially in Florence, between the mid-13th Century and the beginning of 15th Century.
During that period, Florence was both a prominent centre for vernacular literature, and home to a renewal of classical Latin eloquence. While both fields are well studied, their interaction remains largely unexplored.
This research, at the crossroad of several disciplines (literature, philology, linguistics and medieval history), has a strong pioneering character. It aims at reshaping our comprehension of Medieval Italian culture and of its passage to Humanism.
Sito web: https://biflow.hypotheses.org
Knowledge for Use: Making the Most of Social Science to Build Better Policies
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
K4U's two broad research streams study both how use research to build better social policies -- ones that are more fair and more reliable -- and how to deliberate about them. The approach is broadly Popperian: the proof of an idea is in what it says about real cases. K4U looks specifically at special problems facing international HIV-AIDs policies, UK child welfare, EU mental health, the reconfiguration of the UK health service, occupational health, work and well-being and climate services in a period of climate change.
Sito web: https://www.dur.ac.uk/k4u/
Purism in Antiquity: Theories of Language in Greek Atticist Lexica and their Legacy (ERC CoG 2019)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
AdriArchCult - Architectural Culture of the Early Modern Eastern Adriatic
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
Tra il XV e il XVIII secolo, le ripartizioni politiche tra la Serenissima, il regno Ungaro-croato, gli Asburgo, gli Ottomani e la Repubblica di Ragusa (Dubrovnik) trasformarono l’Adriatico orientale in un vasto arcipelago, in quanto persino le città costiere di terraferma rimasero divise dall’entroterra. Questo processo innescò la formazione di un mercato architettonico fluttuante e flessibile che funzionava in un contesto multilingue e multiconfessionale. Il progetto AdriArchCult produrrà uno studio complessivo della cultura architettonica della regione, esaminandone la sfera politica, religiosa, cognitiva e pratica. Ne risulterà una visione innovativa e dinamica della produzione architettonica di una regione che collega le varie facce della cultura europea.
Early Jewish and Christian Magical Traditions in Comparison and Contact
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
This interdisciplinary project contributes to the study of both Mediterranean magic and Jewish-Christian relations during late antiquity (III–VII CE) by providing the first sustained, comparative analysis of early Jewish and Christian magical texts and objects (e.g., amulets and incantation bowls). In particular, EJCM focuses on the similarities, differences, and contacts between these traditions in five central areas of their magical practices: biblical texts and traditions; sacred names and titles; healing and demonic protection at the interface of literary and material sources; the word-image-material relation; and references to illicit rituals. Accordingly, EJCM illuminates the dynamics of religious assimilation, cooperation, and differentiation in the everyday lives of ancient Jews and Christians.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/ejcm/home
SUNSHINE – Safe and sUstainable by desigN Strategies for HIgh performance multi-component NanomatErials (2020-2024 project ID: 952924)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
GEOarchaeology of DAily Practices: extracting bronze age lifeways from the domestic stratigraphic record (GEODAP).
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
In contrast to large-scale narratives based on artefacts, often prestige items from funerary contexts, this project focuses on the practices of daily domestic life, recorded in the sediments upon which it took place. These constitute the domestic stratigraphic record. This project, therefore, shifts the scale and the object of archaeological investigation, and aims at bringing interdisciplinary scientific analyses into dialogue with anthropological understandings of lifeways and households. Its main objective is the formulation of an innovative narrative of the Bronze Age addressing social, economic, and environmental aspects of a culturally interconnected region of Europe. The daily practices and life histories of bronze age people will be the pixels of this new picture that challenges previous depersonalized narratives relying on material culture. The region between the Carpatho-Danubian basin, the Balkans, and northern Italy was selected due to its important cultural interactions during the Bronze Age. Ten key archaeological sites in six European countries constitute the project’s database. Its innovative interdisciplinary approach integrates geoarchaeology (micro-stratigraphic analysis), organic chemistry (biomarkers) and archaeo-botany (phytoliths, seeds, fruits, and charcoal) to reconstruct with unprecedented accuracy the daily practices from domestic stratigraphy. This information will be compared with the story told by material culture and integrated with local paleo-environmental records. The project, in fact, challenges also previous reconstructions that called in environmental mega-events (volcanic eruptions, glacial advances, aridity events) to aprioristically explain broad cultural phenomena of the Bronze Age. Their inherent complexity can only be faced by crystallizing detailed micro-histories and site-specific environmental reconstructions into a broader synthesis based on hard scientific data.
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
SSE1K: Science, Society and Environmental Change in the First Millennium CE
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
In the Mediterranean in the first millennium CE, environmental and climatic changes have been identified as causes for significant short- and long-term societal and political processes and events, such as epidemics and the rise and fall of empires. However, the effects of environmental or climatic variation on humans are substantially more complex than a narrative of causation of major events, since culturally specific perceptions and interpretations of environmental or climatic fluctuation can have significant social, religious or political implications.
SSE1K builds on state-of-the-art research but goes beyond it to ask novel, important questions about relationships between past societies and environmental / climatic fluctuation. The project will pioneer an approach which is both multi- and interdisciplinary, centring on these questions: How did humans experience and perceive environmental and climatic variation across the Mediterranean in the first millennium CE, and how did they respond both intellectually and socially to these changing conditions?
SSE1K addresses issues which have been raised as significant challenges for collaborative study of climate change but have yet to be fully addressed: it will investigate how the circulation of knowledge and adaptability intersect with sustainability and resilience in pre-modern societies, and how human perceptions and ways of thinking shaped societal, political or religious responses to environmental / climatic change. The project will integrate textual, archaeological and environmental evidence to investigate a large geographical area (the Mediterranean) at a scale which balances human lived experience and climate trends (the first millennium CE) over macro- and micro-levels. This integration is crucial in producing a holistic picture of past knowledge, resilience and sustainability, and will change the ways that scholars understand the relationships between past humans and environmental / climatic variation.
ALiDiM - Arabic Linguistic Discourse in the Making
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - ERC
Sito web: http://unive.it/alidim
Oral Culture, Manuscript and Print in Early Modern Italy, 1450-1700
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Ideas
Sito web: https://arts.leeds.ac.uk/italianvoices/
Aristotle in the Italian Vernacular: Rethinking Renaissance and Early-Modern Intellectual History (c. 1400–c. 1650)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Ideas
This project funded by the European Research Council has as its main objective to provide the first comprehensive analysis of works written on Aristotle in Italian between c. 1400 and c. 1650. During this period, around 250 works—including translations, commentaries, compendia, dialogues, poems, and other compositions—attempted to broaden people’s familiarity with the most systematic philosopher of antiquity. Although the movement to translate Aristotle into Italian was hugely significant and foreshadowed many of the features of early modern philosophy, it has barely been studied. This project, which brings together the strengths of research teams in Venice and Warwick, will thus offer the first in-depth exploration of this phenomenon. By taking into consideration the whole range of writings on Aristotle—from speculative to civil philosophy and from translations through to poems—it will provide a more nuanced understanding of how philosophy was understood and practiced outside of the elite, Latin circles of universities and religious orders.
Sito web: http://aristotleinthevernacular.org
CRISIS “Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic Instabilities”
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - FET
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - FET
Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces
Sito web: https://www.odycceus.eu/
H2020 Project ODYCCEUS (Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in the European Spaces)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - FET
Social media and the digitization of news and discussion fora are having far-reaching effects on the way individuals and communities communicate, organize, and express themselves. Can the information circulating on these platforms be tapped to better understand and analyse the enormous problems facing our contemporary society? Could this help us to better monitor the growing number of social crises due to cultural differences and diverging world-views? Would this facilitate early detection and perhaps even ways to resolve conflicts before they lead to violence? The ODYCCEUS project answers all these questions affirmatively. It will develop the conceptual foundations, methodologies, and tools to translate this bold vision into reality and demonstrate its power in a large number of cases.
ODYCCEUS stands for Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces. The project seeks conceptual breakthroughs in Global Systems Science, including a fine-grained representation of cultural conflicts based on conceptual spaces and sophisticated text analysis, extensions of game theory to handle games with both divergent interests and divergent mindsets, and new models of alignment and polarization dynamics. The project will also develop an open modular platform, called PENELOPE, that integrates tools for the complete pipeline, from data scraped from social media and digital sources, to visualization of the analyses and models developed by the project.
Sito web: https://www.odycceus.eu/
•Time Machine H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - FET
DE RUBEIS Flavia, RAINES Dorit, TORSELLO Andrea, VAIA Giovanni
FETFLAG-01-2018 - Preparatory Actions for new FET Flagships: Area 1) ICT and Connected Society, sub area: ICT for Social Interaction and Culture: Europe urgently needs to restore and intensify its engagement with its past as a means of building a common path for the
generations to come. Time Machine will give Europe the technology to renew itself against globalisation and increased social
exclusion, by investing in its precious cultural heritage.
The FET Flagship is structured around the development of a large-scale digitisation and computing infrastructure mapping
millennia of European historical and geographical evolution, transforming kilometres of archives, large collections from
museums and other geohistorical datasets into a distributed digital information system. To succeed, a series of fundamental
breakthroughs are targeted in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and ICT, boosting these key enabling technologies in Europe.
Massive digitisation infrastructures and High-Performance Computing will be coupled with Machine Learning techniques to
produce a multiscale simulation of more than 5000 years of history.
Time Machine will make Europe the leader in the extraction and analysis of Big Data of the Past. It will profoundly transform
research methods and practices in the Humanities, allowing bolder questions to be asked and new levels of understanding
to be reached. It will bring a new era of open access to sources, where past and on-going research are open science. This
constant source of new knowledge will be an economic motor, giving rise to new professions, new services and new
products, impacting not only on education, cultural heritage and creative industries, but also policy making, and economic
societal and environmental modelling.
Time Machine is based on Europe's unique assets: its long history, its multilingualism and multiculturalism. It is designed to
bring together European research institutions, cultural heritage stakeholders, decision makers, businesses and the general
public in a unique endeavour: turning the history of Europe into a living resource for co-creating its future.
Sito web: https://www.timemachine.eu/
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - FET
The HumanE AI Net brings together top European research centers, universities and key industrial champions into a network of centers of
excellence that goes beyond a narrow definition of AI and combines world leading AI competence with key players in related areas such as HCI,
cognitive science, social sciences and complexity science. This is crucial to develop a truly Human Centric brand of European AI. We will leverage
the synergies between the involved centers of excellence to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape
the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and adheres to European ethical values and social,
cultural, legal, and political norms. The core challenge is the development of robust, trustworthy AI capable of what “understanding” humans,
adapting to complex real-world environments, and appropriately interacting in complex social settings. The aim is to facilitate AI systems that
enhance human capabilities and empower individuals and society as a whole while respecting human autonomy and self-determination. The
HumanE AI Net project will engender the mobilization of a research landscape far beyond direct project funding, involve and engage European
industry, reach out to relevant social stakeholders, and create a unique innovation ecosystem that provides a many fold return on investment for
the European economy and society. We will make the results of the research available to the European AI community through the AI4EU platform
and a Virtual Laboratory, develop a series of summer schools, tutorials and MOOCs to spread the knowledge, develop a dedicated innovation
ecosystem for transforming research and innovation into an economic impact and value for society, establish an industrial Ph.D. program and
involve key industrial players from sectors crucial to European economy in research agenda definition and results evaluation in releva
Sito web: https://www.humane-ai.eu
RePAIR: Reconstructing the Past: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics meet Cultural Heritage
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - FET
The main goal of RePAIR project is to develop a ground-breaking technology to virtually eliminate one of the most labour intensive and frustrating steps in archaeological research, namely the physical reconstruction of shattered artworks. Indeed, countless vases, amphoras, frescos and other ancient artefacts, all over the world, have not survived intact and were dug out from excavation sites as large collections of fragments, many of which are damaged, worn out or missing altogether.
Reconstruction of small artefacts is typically done by experienced operators, possibly with the assistance of dedicated software, but when the number of fragments is large (say, of the order of thousands) manual or computer-assisted restoration is simply hopeless. This prevents a large fraction of the world’s cultural heritage from being openly accessible to scholars as well as the general public. By developing and integrating novel technologies in the fields of robotics, computer vision and artificial intelligence, we envisage a future where archaeology can deal effectively with reconstruction problems at an unprecedented scale and be able to bring back to life ancient artworks and masterpieces which would otherwise remain broken into pieces forever. Specifically, we aim to develop an intelligent robotic system which will autonomously process, match and physically assemble large fractured artefacts at a fraction of the time it takes humans to do. The level of ambition of our proposal poses several challenges that cannot be satisfactorily addressed with off-the-shelf technologies, and hence we shall develop brand-new solutions that will push the boundaries of research in the fields of robotics and computer vision.
Our system will be tested over iconic case studies from the UNESCO World Heritage site of Pompeii, and one tangible outcome of the project will be to restore two world-renowned frescos which are now shattered into thousands of fragments and forgotten in storerooms.
The project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union, under Grant Agreement no. 964854.
Sito web: https://www.repairproject.eu/
Migration and Parenting in Trentino
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Relations, University of Amsterdam
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Chinese Labour: Shifting Dynamics of Chinese Labour in a Global Perspective
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Sperone Speroni (1500-1588) and the Rebirth of Sophistry in the Italian Renaissance
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
This two-year research project aims to analyze the works of Sperone Speroni degli Alvarotti (Padua 1500–1588), his reevaluation of ancient sophistic perspectives and his legacy in the early modern age. Speroni was one of the most important protagonists of the Renaissance debate on language and logic as well as civil and speculative philosophy. Educated as an Aristotelian, he eventually developed a distinctive philosophy and was the first to challenge Plato’s (327-447 BCE) condemnation of sophists. Despite the fact that Speroni was a central figure of Renaissance philosophy and literature in the vernacular, he is one of the most neglected authors in scholarly production. Furthermore, scholars have considered Speroni’s interest in ancient sophists as a marginal aspect of his philosophy and have disregarded the paramount role of the period’s vernacular writing on sophistry that began with his works and spread throughout sixteenth-century Italy. This project will not only contribute to the research on vernacular Aristotelianism funded by an ERC Starting Grant 2013 (ARISTOTLE – 335949) and led by Marco Sgarbi but also fill the gap in international studies with a complete analysis of the subject. Teodoro Katinis, an Experienced Researcher educated in European institutions and at Johns Hopkins University (U.S.A.), presents a research proposal from which the ground-breaking findings will revolutionize the traditional scholarly approach to a crucial period of the history of Western culture. Katinis expects that the development of this project will profoundly impact his career. Thanks to the training provided by Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and to its international network, Katinis will acquire new skills and build fruitful relations with European institutions and scholars. The training, network and publication of the project’s outcomes will increase Katinis’ possibilities of obtaining an eventual ERC Grant.
VEiL - Visualising Engineered Landscapes
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Sito web: http://www.unive.it/pag/18545/
“Feeling European: The Visual Construction of European Identity”
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Grantee and supervisor of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Grant to Dr. Russell Foster, Department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam, Grant Ref. H2020-MSCA-IF-2014-660793.
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/660793
“Memory and Securitization in the European Union and its Neighbourhood” (NEMESIS)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Jean Monnet Network Grant, Project partner (Lead Institution: Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation), Grant Ref. 565149-EPP-1-2015-RU-EPPJMO-NETWORK.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR): an Historical Analysis Between US and Europe
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
CICILIOT Valentina, VIAN Giovanni
The research project aims to analyze the history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), a spiritual awakening movement which was founded in 1967 in the United States of America within the Catholic Church and which spread rapidly throughout the world, so much so that today its has more than 120 million members. The proposal intends to focus on three specific objectives:
1. to survey the relationship between US Catholicism and European Catholicism through the history of the CCR;
2. to analyze the reaction of the Catholic Church hierarchy to the CCR, especially that of the pontiffs, through the analysis of official pronouncements made during meetings with the charismatic groups or at other specific times;
3. to problematize the issue of gender within Catholicism defining the role of women within the CCR. The research can generally be considered to be a part of World/Global Christianity Studies, seen from a cross-cultural perspective. It foresees the use of archive material (Notre Dame Archives) and the first historiographical, sociological and theological texts on the CCR as primary sources in approaching the history and nature of the charismatic movement in understanding its origin, evolution and success, firstly in US and then in Europe. The topic is particularly auspicious from the point of view of academic exchange between Europe and the United States, as it serves as a moment of reflection and dialogue on the theme of the history of Christianity. There being no expert on the subject of the charismatic movement in the Catholic Church at any of the European universities, this research project could be a unique opportunity to forge personal career possibilities and new international contacts. Finally, the project would contribute to the History of Christianity, Studies in World Christianity, American Catholic Studies and European History on an international level.
Sito web: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/199248_en.html?isPermaLink=true
Reader, Author, Scholar in a Context of Information Overflow. How to master and manage knowledge when there is too much to know?
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The Mamluk period (1250-1517) is an example in terms of intellectual vivacity. Scholars and books travel easily, ideas are extensively discussed and shared, and the sum of knowledge available is always increasing. When it is no longer possible to master all the knowledge alone, and by heart, how do scholars compose new books?
To answer this question, an eminent scholar of this time, al-Ṣafadī (d. 1363), will be taken as example. Several volumes of his personal reading journal—“tadhkirah”—are preserved, but have never been studied. They constitute exceptional evidence of his reading activity and reflect the very first stage of his working method. Besides, several manuscripts that were part of al-Ṣafadī’s personal library are preserved. Tracking them and the marginalia that al-Ṣafadī added next to their text sheds a complementary light on his readings.
The only holograph volume of al-Ṣafadī’s tadhkirah preserved will be subject to a thorough and comprehensive study. All the authors and works cited will be identified, al-Ṣafadī’s excerpts will be confronted to the original texts. When the actual manuscript al-Ṣafadī read is identified, a careful analysis of the latter is conducted (study of paratexts left by al-Ṣafadī in the course of his work, codicological analysis). Moreover, the way al- Ṣafadī used the excerpts in his own works will be studied as well. An Open Access online edition will be prepared, including links to the original texts cited, to biographies of the authors, to al-Ṣafadī’s works using these information, and to the online database ELEO (database of paratextual elements).
Such exceptional documents will provide us an innovative picture of intellectual life during the Mamluk period, a period similar to ours in terms of overabundance of information. Therefore, the study of this original subject is perfectly timely—it will fill the gap of our knowledge of intellectual history of the Mamluk period and will nourrish our perceptions about our times.
Comunità civiche e spazio pubblico nel Vicino Oriente antico
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Il progetto intende analizzare gli spazi pubblici delle città del Vicino Oriente antico (e cioè le strade, le piazze e simili luoghi intra moenia) come luoghi politici proprî alla comunità dei cittadini, con specifico riferimento al loro uso per attività istituzionali e consuetudinarie fuori della sfera egemonica delle Grandi Organizzazioni palatine e templari. L’esistenza di comunità civiche indipendenti dal Tempio e dal Palazzo è ben comprovata dalle fonti scritte, che mostrano come gli abitanti delle città avessero modo di esprimere il loro consenso politico sia attraverso istituzioni a carattere assembleare sia in occasioni di incontri e interazioni di gruppo meno formali (si pensi alla “massa” come soggetto politico).
Le istituzioni di governo cittadino sono state oggetto di grande attenzione sin dal celebre studio di T. Jacobsen sulla “democrazia primitiva” in Mesopotamia, significativamente pubblicato nel 1943. Tuttavia, sia il ruolo politico di raduni informali sia l’individuazione di spazi relati ad attività politiche comunitarie rimangono un tema poco frequentato. Mentre generazioni di archeologi hanno studiato il ruolo del Tempio e del Palazzo come materializzazioni architettoniche dei poteri egemoni, le tracce lasciate nel tessuto urbano dalle comunità civiche non sono ancora state oggetto di analisi sistematica. A lungo si è ritenuto che le comunità civiche non fossero leggibili nel dato archeologico. Questo paradigma interpretativo è stato rivisto criticamente da una serie di recenti studi, che hanno mostrato come sia possibile individuare e decodificare lo spazio pubblico in chiave politica.
L’ipotesi di lavoro è che sia possibile ricostruire aspetti della vita civica comunitaria a partire da una analisi urbanistica, in particolare attraverso lo studio dei criteri di pianificazione e dalla storia d’uso dello spazio pubblico. Ci si propone di verificare tale ipotesi con lo studio di tre casi rappresentativi di altrettante realtà urbane tipiche delle gerarchie insediamentali dell’Impero Ittita nella tarda Età del Bronzo: Hattusha (Boghazköy), la capitale; Sarissa (Kushakli), un’importante città di provincia dell’Anatolia centrale; e Ugarit (Ras Shamra), un ricco centro cosmopolita della costa siriana.
ATRA - Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
ATRA - Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism is a digital system that will map the circulation of antiquarian learning in sixteenth-century Europe. Its purpose is to contribute to the promotion of new knowledge on antiquarian studies in the Renaissance and demonstrate how the antiquarian approach – that based the growth of thought on documented sources and empirical evidence – played a primary role in the evolution of the entire cultural/intellectual life of Early Modern times. The main intent is to allow the interconnection of data that otherwise would probably never come into contact and to bring to the surface issues not yet bridled in rigid classifications. This will enable the discovery of new cultural itineraries and convergences in Renaissance scholarship; trace the paths that led to parallel or independent ideas; and uncover new trends of thought that can help us better understand the evolution of European civilization and spirit. Innovative and revolutionary interpretative pathways will come to light, conferring a renewed awareness of the concept of Renaissance antiquarianism and offering to the entire academic community further instruments to investigate the History of Ideas.
Innovative Training Network ‘Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics’ (ExSIDE)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
How will the stock market develop? Will I get a pay rise next year? When will the Central Bank change its interest rate policies? Expectations influence the behavior of many economic decision makers. The recent financial and economic crisis has highlighted again the importance of expectation dynamics for economic development as well as for the success of firm strategies and public policies. However, many aspects of the formation and implication expectations in Economics are still not well understood. The Innovative Training Network ExSIDE aims at improving our understanding of the role of expectation formation and social influence for economic dynamics and for the optimal design of economic policy.
Sito web: https://exside-itn.eu/
EUTERPE (European TERm Premium Estimation)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Standing at the Crossroads: Doubt in Early Modern Italy (1500-1560)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
This three-year research project aims to produce the first comprehensive social and cultural history of doubt and unbelief in
Renaissance Italy. The project is timely since scholarly attention to the topic of unbelief and skepticism in Early Modern
Europe is growing, as evidenced by recent publications and major research projects. In a period of dramatic cultural, political
and religious change, traditional ideas and beliefs were shaken; and doubts on human reason and its powers arose. As a
result, intellectual and religious authorities and long-standing truths began to be questioned by intellectuals and commoners
alike, and anxiety over the powers and reach of human reason spread. A number of works were published in the vernacular
that dealt with doubt and addressed a broad public. These works have never been coherently and systematically studied.
This project will fill the void analysing such works with an ground-breaking interdisciplinary methodology. It will result in new
comprehension of crucial aspects of European cultural identity such as the rise of the notion of freedom of conscience and
the development of intellectual inquiry, and will revolutionise the traditional scholarly approach to a key moment in Italian and
European civilization. Marco Faini, an experienced researcher with international experience in Germany (Wolfenbüttel, Münster), in the UK (Cambridge), and at Villa I Tatti, is confident that the development of this project will profoundly impact his career. Thanks to the training provided by Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and by the Faculty of History at Toronto University, Faini will acquire new skills and build fruitful relations with European and North-American institutions and scholars. The training, networks and publication of the project’s outcomes will increase Faini’s possibilities of obtaining a future ERC Grant and may also result in a tenure-track position at Ca’ Foscari University.
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/35603/
GYSIART: A cultural history of comparative art practices and receptions in Cold War Europe (1945-1991)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
BERTELE' Matteo, BURINI Silvia
Cold War studies tend to emphasize dual narratives, mostly investigated as actions that are dictated from above by State policies or as cultural relations in an international context. Starting from previous studies on bilateral art relations in the second half of 20th century, the project is intended as a comparative survey within a polycentric and inclusive European focus area, including the two German republics, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Italy. The main study cases will be provided by multilateral art encounters and the involved locations and actors, analysed as individual and collective art practices. Unique Cold War art archives and collections at the Getty Research Institute and at the Wende Museum in Los Angeles will provide key resources. In order to assess the impact of the art practices on culture and society, the fellow intends to investigate both their critical reception in the professional art world and their popular response through the commentaries left by exhibition visitors. A crucial question is whether the European dimension has ever been considered as a common ground - be it of political, social, artistic or speculative nature - for multilateral art practices within the divided continent. Particular attention will be paid to unmet expectations and missed connections among the interested art communities. By including current Member and Associate States and Third Countries, the research is meant to contribute to inter-European comprehension and integration, as an essential premise in order to “inform the reflection about present problems and help to
find solutions for shaping Europe's future”, as stated in the Work programme 2016-2017 of Horizon 2020. The project is conceived as a multidisciplinary research which, through training and inter-sectoral mobility in Comparative Studies, History and Art History, will have a ground-breaking impact on the future career prospects of the fellow in the academic and non-academic sectors as Comparative European Art Historian.
MASTER (Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
MARIN Andrea, ORLANDO Salvatore, PRANOVI Fabio, RAFFAETA' Alessandra, ROVINELLI Giulia, SILVESTRI Claudio, SIMEONI Marta
MASTER - Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis - (2018-2022) is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie RISE project (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange), which involves 10 international partners and it is intended to strengthen an international thematic network. The project is motivated by the growing number of applications, from mobile phone calls to social media, to land, sea, and air surveillance systems, which produce massive amounts of spatio-temporal data of moving objects. The project aims at developing methods for constructing, managing and analyzing holistic trajectories, i.e., sequences of spatio-temporal points enriched with semantic information coming from heterogeneous data sources, such as social media, Linked Open Data, knowledge bases. For example, in the mentioned contexts, the availability of holistic trajectories allows for the identification and monitoring of the different types of tourist flows, the definition of customized itineraries based on tourists' interests, the knowledge acquisition on fishing patterns to enforce fisheries management and conservation measures worldwide, the identification of the routes of migrants and the detection of the presence of suspicious boats.
Sito web: http://www.master-project-h2020.eu
[WHEREAL] World Heritage and East Asian Literature – Sinitic writings in Japan as Literary Heritage
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The WHEREAL project was aimed at opening a new area of inquiry where literary studies – especially those related to premodern sources – and heritage studies could meet to foster a deeper understanding of how past cultures impact present societies, and how the past texts and classical literary works are understood, used, and recreated to answer present social needs, for example concerning issues of cultural identity or the consolidation of shared and authorized memories. The project, that was rooted on the experience of literary studies and area studies, with a focus on premodern East Asian and Japanese literature, wanted to challenge the academic community of both literary and heritage studies, proposing a new theoretical category of “textual heritage” to be debated and used by other scholars in Japan and worldwide.
Texts are one of the clearer witnesses of how people of the past thought and felt about their cultural heritage, and they constitute at the same time a cultural asset themselves, like precious manuscripts or books being conserved into archives and museums. But unlike other forms of cultural products like painting or statues, texts are necessarily encoded into a specific language, that marks that text as belonging to a specific country, ethnic community and people. Language is indeed one of the most distinctive characteristic of the so called “national identity”, but the example of Sinitic writing (=classical Chinese) in premodern Japan makes this assumption both complex and inaccurate, as Japanese literary history is characterized by an extremely strong diglossia between Japanese (wabun) and Sinitic (kanbun) that continued at least up to the early 20th century, determining many aspects of linguistic and literary forms of Japan today.
To understand how people of the past, even in a non-european country like Japan, thought and negotiated their cultural identity through the use, conservation and recreation of texts, is a very powerful tool to rethink and relativize western-centered assumption about the transmission of textual sources – like the so called “Classics” – and the management of past memories and culture.
The WHEREAL project is important for the world society, and the European society in particular, because it fosters the understanding of the role of literature and writing in the consolidation of cultural identity, stimulating public debates on how to promote respect for cultural diversity in the 21st century Europe, intended not as a group of nations, but a lively multicultural and trans-national environment.
The overall objective of the research was to provide a definition of “textual heritage” in order to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue about ownership, authorship, authenticity of cultural goods and the management of past, both as physical embodiments like books and manuscripts, as well as intangible knowledge of reading, writing and translating. The proposed study of the discourse on heritage and Sinitic writings in Japan provided the opportunity to reflect on these issues from an external, more objective point of view.
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/792809/reporting
The Ophiucus Supernova: Post-Aristotelian Stargazing in the European Context (1604-1654)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
"The Ophiucus Supernova: Post-Aristotelian Stargazing in the European Context (1604-1654)" is a research project
proposed for a Marie Curie Fellowship by Dr. Matteo Cosci, post-doctoral researcher at the University Ca' Foscari Venice.
This research will examine how the unexpected explosion of a supernova in European skies in 1604 (SN 1604 or "Kepler's
supernova" as it was called) fundamentally affected the development of Renaissance scientific thought from a historical,
philosophical and cultural point of view. In fact, for the five decades after its outburst the interpretation of the new star or
stella nova was one of the main speculative battlefields where opposing conceptions of the universe collided. The study will
be grounded in an extensive set of primary sources and documents assembled by Dr.Cosci and analysed in their entirety for
the first time. The first outgoing phase of research will be conducted at the Department of History of Science at University of
Oklahoma under the supervision of Prof. Peter Barker, also consulting Dr. Patrick Boner of the Catholic University,
Washington D.C . The return phase will take place at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage at Ca' Foscari
under the supervision of Prof. Marco Sgarbi. Moreover, the research will provide data to, and will be assisted by, the Terra-
Astronomy research group, based at the University of Jena, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Ralph Neuhäuser, for
assessing the historical supernova's typology and rare features. Results will be presented mainly through a dedicated
internet site, a series of peer-reviewed articles in academic journals, and finally a book. The project provides the opportunity
to give the proponent additional training for his academic career, to establish collaborations between many research groups
working on similar themes in North America and in Europe, and finally to recover and reconsider a neglected chapter of
Europen cultural history.
VERTEXCULT - Vernacular Textual Cultures in Dante's Tuscany: Education and Literary Practices in Context, ca. 1250 - ca. 1321
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The project undertakes the first systematic investigation of the vernacular literary texts used for the intellectual education of secular people in north-western Tuscany between the half of the 13th and the first twenty years of the 14th century in order to clarify the cultural context of Dante’s formation in Florence, on which almost nothing is known yet. While the lyrical poetry in late-medieval vernacular has been much studied, the doctrinal literature (both in poetry and prose) flourished in Italy in the same years is often unpublished and almost never made the object of critical studies, nor its function was connected to the formation of secular intellectuals such as Dante. The project aims to define as accurately as possible the vernacular, namely, the non-Latin, cultural context and texts circulation in Florence and north-western Tuscany during the span of about seventy years, between the death of the empereor Frederick II (1250), which ideally marks the end of the Sicilian Poetic School and the displacement of the fulcrum of the Italian vernacular literature in the “municipal” Tuscany, and the death of Dante Alighieri (1321). The chronological limits depend on the crucial role of the Florentine poet, who within this historical context had reached the highest cultural dignity of the vernacular as the literary language of the legal-notary ruling class before Petrarch and Humanism marked a radical return to the Latin, indeed parallel to the decline of the figure of the “municipal intellectual” (Dante himself and other distinguished members of this specific secular and bourgeois environment as the mercant Chiaro Davanzati, the banker Monte Andrea, the judge Bono Giamboni, the notary Brunetto Latini, and the public officials Guido Cavalcanti and Dino Compagni).
InProV - An inventory of the prosimetra in vulgar tongue in the early centuries of Italian Literature (1250-1500)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
This research project aims to provide an inventory of the prosimetra in the history of Italian literature from its origins to the early Renaissance. There exists an abundance of critical bibliography on specific major works written in prosimetrum, from Dante’s "Vita Nova" to Sannazaro’s "Arcadia". However, this peculiar form consisting of prose and metre, which has always received cursory treatment in the history of literary tradition, appears only recently to have gained the critics’ attention as a specific genre on its own account . Yet a thorough investigation resulting in a detailed inventory of the extant texts has not hitherto been attempted. In keeping with other scholarly works recently published (such as the Atlante dei canzonieri in volgare del Quattrocento), an inventory of the prosimetra would provide a useful instrument to gain a deeper understanding of the features of this specific genre and its place within the early literary tradition.
Farmaccounta: Farm accountancy data a source for the history of European agriculture
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Farm accountancy data are used nowadays in the EU for fine-grained analysis of policy impact, but the history of farm
accountancy data begins at the end of the 19th century, when agricultural associations promoted the spread of accounting
techniques among farmers of different European countries. In the 1920s, agricultural associations and the International
Institute of Agriculture, the predecessor of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization launched an ambitious and
unprecedented attempt at international standardization of accounting rules in order to collect comparable accountancy data.
For this two-years projects I intend to study farm accountancy data collected by the International Institute of Agriculture
during the Interwar in order to assess the usefulness of farm accountancy data for the analysis of global trends in agriculture
around the Great Depression and prepare the creation of a database of historical farm accountancy data in the future.
I will analyse the Farm Accountancy Statistics series published by the International Institute of Agriculture concerning the
evolution of agriculture in different countries for the period 1928-1938, by examining:
1. The theoretical underpinnings of farm accountancy data;
2. The actors involved in the production of data at national and international level, including economists, agricultural
associations and international organizations;
3. The data expected influence on policy;
4. The picture of European agriculture that emerges from the data.
As a result, the project will contribute to our understanding of the impact of protectionism, transnational networks and
international organisations during the interwar period, a time of international economic tensions that increasingly resembles
our own.
Farmaccounta: Farm accountancy data a source for the history of European agriculture
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Farm accountancy data are used nowadays in the EU for fine-grained analysis of policy impact, but the history of farm
accountancy data begins at the end of the 19th century, when agricultural associations promoted the spread of accounting
techniques among farmers of different European countries. In the 1920s, agricultural associations and the International
Institute of Agriculture, the predecessor of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization launched an ambitious and
unprecedented attempt at international standardization of accounting rules in order to collect comparable accountancy data.
For this two-years projects I intend to study farm accountancy data collected by the International Institute of Agriculture
during the Interwar in order to assess the usefulness of farm accountancy data for the analysis of global trends in agriculture
around the Great Depression and prepare the creation of a database of historical farm accountancy data in the future.
I will analyse the Farm Accountancy Statistics series published by the International Institute of Agriculture concerning the
evolution of agriculture in different countries for the period 1928-1938, by examining:
1. The theoretical underpinnings of farm accountancy data;
2. The actors involved in the production of data at national and international level, including economists, agricultural
associations and international organizations;
3. The data expected influence on policy;
4. The picture of European agriculture that emerges from the data.
As a result, the project will contribute to our understanding of the impact of protectionism, transnational networks and
international organisations during the interwar period, a time of international economic tensions that increasingly resembles
our own.
Navigating Schengen. Historical Challenges and Potentialities of the EU Free Movement of Persons, 1985-2015 (NAVSCHEN)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
NAVSCHEN will produce the first dedicated historical analysis of all worldwide available primary sources on the transnational roots, debates and conditions for the implementation of the European Union (EU)’s free movement of persons (FMP).
The project’s overall objective is to highlight: a) the value of critical historical analysis and b) the normative legacies on human mobility rights in the European integration process to address the current challenges of the EU’s FMP. This project aims to bridge this gap via the comparative analysis between the European Parliament (EP) and the European Commission (EC)’s role and impact on the changing modes of implementation of this Schengen Area ‘fourth freedom’.
These two cases will be explored as part of a larger study on belonging and displacement in a ‘Europe in the making’. The project’s timeline will examine human mobility rights in light of the historical analysis of the European integration process from 1985 (the inception of the Schengen Area) to 2015 (a key turning point dominated by the public and private perception management articulation of responses to the so-called ‘refugee crisis’).
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/38081/
Bacterial Enzymes and Bioprocesses for Lignin Valorisation. B-ligzymes. H2020-EU.1.3.3. - MSCA-RISE-2018
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
B-LigZymes is an international, interdisciplinary and intersectorial platform that directly addresses current limitations in lignin degradation by generating technological and economical solutions inspired by fundamental research. B-LigZymes provides a holistic view for the development of biocatalytic processes involved in the valorisation of lignin. The B-LigZymes consortium is composed of 6 academic organizations, 4 of which are located in Europe (Portugal, The Netherlands, Italy and Germany), 1 in the United States and 1 in Argentina; there are 3 non-academic organizations in the partnership located in Spain, Finland and The Netherlands. The B-LigZymes programme foster collaborations across sectors, disciplines and countries and a shared culture of research & innovation (R&I) that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship. The existent complementarity among Beneficiary Organizations and partners enables bi-directional international and intersectorial staff exchanges and the sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market and vice-versa. These activities will be additionally nurtured by wide network training events, such as workshops, where the contribution of members with different expertise will bring a synergistic effect. Overall, the networking activities proposed will allow research members to develop new R&I and transferable skills that will boost future career opportunities, strengthening Europe’s human capital, competitiveness and growth and, contributing for a knowledge-based economy and society, in accordance to the expected objectives and impact of the RISE’s MSCA call.
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/824017/it
Reassessing Realism over Universals in the Time of Peter Abelard
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
This three-year GF will bring Caterina Tarlazzi at the University of Notre Dame (USA) and at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
(Italy), where she will be supervised by, respectively, Richard Cross and Marco Sgarbi. The overall aim of the project is to
investigate a neglected, though highly significant, topic in the history of the Problem of Universals: realist theories over
genera and species in the Latin tradition, c. 1090-1160. This topic has the potential to bridge the gulf now existing between
analytical and historical approaches to philosophy, drawing illuminating comparisons between medieval realism and
contemporary analytic views over universals (especially the so-called ‘scientific realism’ of David Armstrong, Michael Loux’s
‘constituent ontology’, and the ‘new essentialism’ of Brian Ellis). It will also re-shape important aspects of the history of
medieval philosophy regarding both the Latin 12th-century (where ‘realist’ notions seem to be found in Peter Abelard’s antirealist
philosophy) and its relations to later medieval philosophy (especially the 14th-century forms of realism of, among
others, Duns Scotus, Walter Burley, and John Wyclif). The topic has, however, remained almost entirely neglected so far.
This is mainly because a number of relevant sources are found in manuscripts scattered around Europe, which have never
been published but are familiar to Tarlazzi thanks to her three-year British Academy postdoctoral fellowship at the University
of Cambridge. Tarlazzi’s past experience and the training planned during this GF now allow for an in-depth study of these
sources, which will yield a complete reassessment of 12th-century realism. The results will be disseminated both within
academia and to a wider audience. The project has important implications for Tarlazzi’s own career development; for
research at the host institution and the teaching of medieval philosophy in Italian high-schools; and for research in history of
medieval philosophy in Europe.
The Emergence of a Science of Vegetation in Early Modern Natural Philosophy and the Sciences of Life: From Cesalpino to Malpighi
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Empirical Knowledge and Antiquarian Architecture in Sixteenth-century Venice
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Ill-Health, Work and Occupational Health in Early Modern Italy (ca. 1550-1750)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Reading Descartes: A Reassessment of the Shaping and Transmission of Knowledge in the Seventeenth Century
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Playing at the Gateways of Europe: theatrical languages and performatives practices in the Migrant Reception Centres of the Mediterranean Area
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The PlaGE project investigates the use of theatrical practices at the very core of the migration process: the transit-phase in the Reception centres of the Mediterranean migratory route. It will map and analyse the emerging presence of intercultural performative practices at the thresholds of Europe, focusing on four case studies in two crucial countries: Italy (which hosts the majority of the Reception Centres) and Morocco (a main EU partner in Reception policies). The interdisciplinary approach combines the latest methods of Performance Analysis with Social Research. Besides conducting a qualitative study through the use of semi-structured interviews and participant observation, the research will adopt the experimental practice-led method of “PAR” (Performance as Research), to explore the aesthetical and societal impact of theatre on the newcomers’ conditions, on the local territory and on the contemporary artistic environment. In order to face this challenging and urgent EU issue, PlaGE will adopt a high timely Euro-African perspective, by training in two strategical Universities located at two extremes of the Mediterranean Sea: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) and Ibn Zohr University of Agadir (Morocco).
Sexual and Gender Non-Normativity in Opera after the Second World War
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
In the late 1970s, North-American musicology inaugurated the exploration of the ways in which gender and sexuality affect
musical expression. Since the development of queer theory in the early 1990s, a new orientation has manifested in
musicological research. Musicology that integrates queer theory – most briefly defined as ‘Queer musicology’ – considers
music the site for the confrontation between heteronormative dominant culture and the composer’s non-normative gender
identity, who questions social prejudices on grounds of sexual and gender diversity through his art. Research in this recent
trend is very productive in North-America, but it has developed less in Europe. Despite the flourishing of this field in smallscale
studies across many genres, there are yet few book-length studies of coherent repertoire.
The project is unique in queer musicology in its focus on opera. By comparatively investigating eight operas premiered
between 1945 and 2000 by gay composers of various ages, nationalities, educational backgrounds and musical styles, it will
shed light on the expressive strategies employed by authors to represent sexual and gender non-normativity. The overall
objective will be reached through the developing of three specific objectives: I) to relate the representation of sexual and
gender non-normativity to the self-perception of his non-normative identity by the author, on the one hand, and to the
perception of sexual and gender non-normativity by the socio-historical context where the opera was composed on the other;
II) to identify the aspects of the libretto that refer to sexual and gender non-normativity; III) to identify the musical elements
that contribute to the expression of sexual and gender non-normativity.
Through the inquiry into how gay composers use operatic genre to explore non-normative genders and sexualities, the
project will highlight how music can relate experiences of marginalisation and challenge discriminatory prejudices.
Shades of Black - The Darker Shades of Black. The Value of Skin Colour in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Slave and Labour Markets, 1750-1886
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Supervisor: Rolf Petri, Co-Supervisor: Emmanuelle M. Saada (Columbia University).
Ricercatrice: Dr. Giulia Bonazza, Durata: 2020-2023.
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/data/16955/
SPECTACLE - The Lura of the Foreing Stage: Italian Art and Artistry serving the French and European Spectacle
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The proposed research is a multidisciplinary investigation on the role of spectacle during the radical transformation of European politics and culture in the decades between 1780 and 1820. Its principal aim is to define the cultural meaning of ‘spectacle’ and ‘spectacularity’ in eighteenth-century France. This will be achieved via an exploration of key contributions of Italian artists from different backgrounds and expertise (the designer Ignazio Degotti, the fireworks technicians in the Ruggieri family, and the circus performer Antonio Franconi and his family) to French and a wider European spectacle broadly conceived (e.g. theatre settings, public and private performances, propaganda events). Historians have examined cultural phenomena including theatre, visual arts, music, and popular manifestations as part of a more refined understanding of the pre-Revolutionary and Revolutionary process. However, the world of stage creation and popular festivals was inherently contingent, transient, and ephemeral. Due to this, artists and designers have not been given the same critical attention paid to musicians, dramatists, or visual artists. My research will cover this gap of knowledge in a growing body of scholarship which is only now beginning to address historical theatre production. Rather than reducing the purveyors of stage design to the ‘background’ of theatre and cultural history in their own ‘micro history,’ the novelty of my approach comes from integrating décor into cultural histories of seeing, experiencing, and remaking the world. By chronologically and biographically assembling visual and historical archival sources (sketches, wills, letters, contracts, private networks) scattered in diverse cultural institutions, the study will bring to the foreground material aspects of the spectacle-creative process and illuminate the interweaving lives of these artists, finally affording a deeper understanding of ‘spectacularity’ in European eighteenth-century culture.
[come supervisor] LANLOSS - Landscapes of Loss: Mapping the Affective Experience of Deforestation Among Diverse Social Groups in the South American Chaco.
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
[come supervisor] LANLOSS - Landscapes of Loss: Mapping the Affective Experience of Deforestation Among Diverse Social Groups in the South American Chaco.
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
[come supervisor] LANLOSS - Landscapes of Loss: Mapping the Affective Experience of Deforestation Among Diverse Social Groups in the South American Chaco.
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Identity as an immutable package of elements represents a key element in the rising discourse, particularly in the Mediterranean. However, in many parts of Europe there is a trend to redefine identity. Archaeology is also invited to play an active role. The EU-funded IDENTIS project will focus on social relations development through time in ancient Sardinia between AD 100 and 600. It will study how ancient communities shared social relationships through interactions with the past, power and surrounding environment. The project will focus on funerary contexts of the period based on findings from the west-central necropolis of Sardinia. It will provide new knowledge on the underexplored settlements around the necropolises and on the practices used to avoid social clashes.
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/44124
“White Islam in Europe” (WhIsE)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Grantee and supervisor of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship to Dr. Gulnaz Sibgatullina, Department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam/George Washington University, Grant Ref. H2020-MSCA-IF-2019-89275
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/892075
The Ophiucus Supernova: Post-Aristotelian Stargazing in the European Context (1604-1654)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Project Acronym: SN1604 – Grant agreement ID: 844152.
NapApps - Napoleonic Job Applications: from Personal Pleas to Modern Curriculum Vitae in Early 19th-Century Europe
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
DAL CIN Valentina, RAINES Dorit
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/30982/
PythiaPlus: Machine learning for the study of ancient epigraphic cultures
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The PythiaPlus research project proposes to explore and interpret the nature of the written (epigraphic) cultures of the ancient Mediterranean using Machine Learning. Its aim is to transform our understanding of the use of epigraphic communication and the nature of cultural interference within the written and indirectly spoken languages of the ancient world. This will be achieved by revolutionising our ability to access and analyse the epigraphic data: state-of-the-art Machine Learning models will be trained to trace distinctiveness and change in the Greek and Roman epigraphic habits on an unprecedented large scale and in unparalleled detail, revealing new insights in linguistic and cultural interactions.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/pythiaplus/home
Innovative training network 'Economic Policy in Complex Environments' (EPOC)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
How can we improve methods for analysing complex dynamic patterns in a globalized world and for making good economic decisions in such complex environments?
EPOC aims at developing and applying such methods relying on a productive combination of approaches from different research areas, in particular data science, network theory and agent-based simulation.
These methods will be applied for economic policy analysis with particular focus on policies governing processes of technological change and addressing the challenges of climate change.
Sito web: https://epoc-itn.eu/en/
CHINGREEN (Ruolo: Supervisor)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
BROMBAL Daniele, DAL MASO Giulia
The project explores how the rise of Chinese green finance along the BRI is (re)shaping global sustainable financial practices and thus the relationship between nature and finance.
Since Xi Jinping’s call for a new ecological civilization (shengtai wenming), China’s financial system has sought green routes.
The issuance of green bonds and the adoption of green financial securitization for funding green infrastructures are among the main tools China has adopted in its global extraversion through Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). It is now clear that the extent of Chinese-led green credit along the BRI will have a make-or-break role in meeting the Paris agreement’ global emissions targets.
To face this challenge, attention to the so far under investigated processes of standardization and harmonization of green financial instruments beyond China’s borders is increasingly urgent. Whilst a common “green” language is yet to be established, the way financial products are labelled and valued as “green” also remains contingent and unclear.
The overall rationale of this research is to advance the current understanding of the “financialization of nature” in its global and spatial variety.
To date, while green finance is indistinctly invoked as a solution and fix to the double crisis of the environment and capitalism, little specificity is given on how the duality green and finance is deployed and assembled by different forms of capital, public and private institutions and local actors along the BRI.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/chingreen/home
[come supervisor] NAMELESS - The Invisible Women: Nameless and Forgotten Stories of the Rubber Boom (Bolivian Amazonia, 19-20th centuries)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/nameless-stories/home
CBA TRIESTE - The Cinematic Battle for the Adriatic: Films, Frontiers, and the Trieste Crisis
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The project analyses cinematic practices related to the Trieste Crisis (1945-1954), a diplomatic struggle over the Italo-Yugoslav border at the outset of the Cold War. Both countries produced a collection of films about these events, which coincided with the establishment of film festivals as important geo-political events. Taking festivals as "lieux de mémoire" (sites of memory), the research explores how the conflict’s cinematic representation has been employed to construct desirable cultural memories related to its national and ideological concerns. The project will systematize the information on this film corpus and compare the historical and contemporary production on this subject. It will result in a digital archive presenting a selection of films and relevant archival materials. In doing so, it will provide a contribution to the study of cinema, film festivals and cultural memory, and a practical toolkit for researchers and cultural programmers, which can act as a model for other, comparable studies.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/cba-trieste/home
“DEEPICE” Understanding deep ice core proxies to infer past Antarctic climate dynamics
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
BARBANTE Carlo, BOHLEBER Pascal, LARKMAN Piers Michael, STENNI Barbara
The overall objective of DEEPICE is to educate a new generation of scientists with solid background in ice-core related climate science with a particular focus on Antarctica, a high level of technical and communication expertise and a large collaborative network across the academic and non academic worlds.
In addition to the already planned recovery of a 1.5 Myr ice core in East Antarctica, the specific main scientific objectives of DEEPICE will be to:
- Develop new laboratory techniques to analyse small and highly valuable ice core samples;
- Document surface climate parameters in the remote East Antarctic plateau, where weather data are very rare and instrumentation deployment is difficult;
- Document past ice sheet dynamics and flow in East Antarctica in relationship to climate change;
- Develop novel techniques required for the Beyond EPICA deep ice core to obtain the highest possible resolution records of climate and environment ever possible over the last 1.5 Myr
- Study and document the past climate dynamics in Antarctica on short and long timescales with the ultimate aim to improve predictions (on the future climate and the state of the Antarctic ice-sheet);
- Communicate state of the art research on climate change with a focus on the role of Antarctica in the climate system.
Sito web: https://deepice.cnrs.fr/
Tracing the model of Carolingian royal devotion. From texts to the materiality of sacred spaces in Saint-Médard of Soissons
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
The monastery of Saint-Médard of Soissons (northern France), was found by King Chlotar I (511-561) as a privileged place of prayer for the Merovingian aristocracy. The monastery’s patrimonial increase and its interest in accepting relics from Italy and Spain, pilgrims and other guests represented the main thrust towards its full profiling as an institution enjoying a status of European relevance. This site, which included an abbey annexed to an imperial palace, became a central place within the Carolingian kingdom’s geography of power.
This proposal aimed (2021-2022) to analyze Saint-Médard’s devotional/pilgrimage spaces and their use between the 7th and the 10th century. This also seeking a better understanding of how patrons and pilgrims built their relationship with it. Saint-Médard’s history most likely reflected a model of sacral Kingship, introduced by the Merovingian dynasty and implementedby the Carolingian sovereigns. The proposal also aimed to spark a debate on this very little known topic and, in particular, on the existence of a standard model of spatial organization in royal sanctuary-abbeys of France and the Frankish world(Italy and Germany).The project offered a comparative and interdisciplinary approach by concentrating on the archaeological interpretation of textual (chronicles, hagiographical texts, inscriptions) and visual (maps and drawings) sources and by incorporatingthem into the material context(buildings, material traces).
The right in human rights: Aristotelianism and Neo-Confucianism at the basis of the EU-China Dialogue (RIGHT)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
To fill a major gap in human rights theory and practice, the EU-funded RIGHT project will develop a ground-breaking definitional human rights framework based on Aristotelianism and Neo-Confucianism. The project will help lay the foundation for the sustainable continuation of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue. Awarded a Marie Curie global fellowship, the RIGHT study will be undertaken at the East Asian Languages and Civilisations Department of Harvard in the US and at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage at Ca' Foscari in Italy. An advisory board of philosophers and human rights experts will assist in the project. The focus group of Chinese and European academics and policymakers will provide additional insight.
Sito web: http://UNIVE, HARVARD
[come supervisor di Diego Villar] MOTOBOOM – The Current Impact of Motorisation on Amazonian Indigenous Peoples
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
P.E.A.C.E. - Pius XII Holy See facing the European Attempts for a Catholic Ecumenism after WW2 (1939-1958)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
P.E.A.C.E. will study the reactions and strategies developed by the Holy See towards the growth of the international ecumenical movement and its influence within European Catholicism between WW2 and the Second Vatican Council, i.e. the years of Pius XII's pontificate (1939-1958). The opening in March 2020 of new funds of the Vatican archives rekindled the attention of historians on this papacy: P.E.A.C.E. proposes not only a new subject, but also a new interpretative key to Pius XII’s pontificate. The hypothesis of the project is that these experiences of dialogue not only produced among Catholics a theological renewal that would later pave the way for the Second Vatican Council, but also that the impact of the ecumenical phenomenon caused conditioning and gradual openings in some fields within the Roman Curia. This unusual reading of Pius XII's pontificate may succeed in overturning some conventional interpretations of this papacy, explaining how dependent and consequential his choices were also in other spheres, such as in the biblical, liturgical, social and even political fields. P.E.A.C.E. will thus analyze the dynamic of action-reaction between the activity of local groups engaged in Catholic ecumenism and the surveillance and control by the Roman authorities, thus by combining the official Vatican documentation with the huge documentary heritage of individuals and institutions located all over Europe.
"Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism: Democratic Institutions, the Rise of Alternative Models and Mounting Normative Dissensus" (GEM-DIAMOND)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Marie-Skłodowska Curie Doctoral Training Network, Grant Ref. HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-101073292
Sito web: https://gem-diamond.eu/
Mortality Risk Attributable to Thermal Discomfort Indicators with Implications of Climate Change
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
A rapidly growing body of studies attribute mortality outcomes to thermal exposures, by empirically estimating reduced-form mortality responses to meteorological fields, usually ambient temperature. The research theme proposed in this project is motivated by the awareness that the human thermoregulatory system is a function of not just ambient temperature, but also other environmental parameters such as humidity, radiant temperature and wind. Correct characterization of the environment-related mortality relationship is vital not just in epidemiology, but also for climate-health impacts assessment, understanding the burden on health services, and the potential spill overs to labour productivity and the wider economy. This project will attribute mortality risk to multiple thermal stressors not previously examined in epidemiology and the wider climate-health impacts studies. The project will apply innovative approaches and for the first time, a comprehensive suite of thermal discomfort indicators, both under present climate and contrasting future socio-economic/climate scenarios. The transdisciplinary nature of the project requiring knowledge and training in subjects such as biostatistics, environmental epidemiology, human biometeorology, big data and climate modelling; will involve two-way transfer of knowledge between the researcher and the host institute. Results have the potential to: (i) improve the data and
modelling approaches applied in existing environment-related morality studies at a global scale; (ii) facilitate better understanding of the population’s adaptive capacity to thermal exposures, accounting for age and gender; (iii) inform future public health responses at various national/international scales, such as urban planning, healthcare services, and investments in energy-health adaptation; and (iv) assist in government initiated National Adaptation Programmes. The project is in line with the broader EU strategy for ‘Climate, Environment and Health’.
POLiN The political conditions of interoperability in European digital health policies. MSCA Fellow: Dr. Chloé Bérut
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Project led by Chloé Bérut (MSCA Fellow). Supervisor: Stéphanie Novak
Today, digital applications are an integral part of our lives. Checking the weather in the morning, buying a train ticket in the afternoon or watching our favourite TV show in the evening: our interactions with digitalised and connected applications are numerous and affect each of our everyday activities.
This is also true for healthcare: today, numerous applications are available to help you monitor your physical activity or to improve your health (period and pregnancy trackers for instance). If a lot of these applications belong to the private sector, governments and national health services are also concerned by the digital transition. Most of the time, the development of digital health public policies results in the creation of Electronic Health Records for citizens, or into the public implementation of services such as telemedicine or ePrescriptions. These connected applications are thought to improve coordination between health professionals, leading to an increase of the quality of care as well as a better efficiency of health services.
To create such applications, governments use technical IT standards, which define the way these digitalised systems work. As users of these applications, we know to what extent standards and designs strongly affect our digitalised experience (ie. is the application/website easy to navigate? Do I find every information I need, written in a visible way? Is it convenient to use?). But standards also influence our lives in a more subtle and imperceptible manner: they may, for instance, create or reinforce inequalities between citizens, or pose threats to their privacy and to the protection of their fundamental rights.
For example, the way data are presented in an Electronic Health Record may be more tailored to the need of specific segments of the population while excluding other, less represented minorities. In addition, the way data is coded in applications may greatly contribute (or impede) the use of health data for secondary purposes, with strong effects on privacy.
Yet, as citizens, we do not know much about these IT standards and their implications, nor do we know much about the decision-making processes underpinning standards adoption at the political level.
The aim of the POLiN research project is precisely to explore political decision-making about digital health standards at the European Union (EU) level. It will explore which actors took part in the decision-making process (member states and European institutions, but also the internet giants) and see how influence strategies affected the content of European decision-making on two case studies: COVID-19 contact-tracing applications, and the European Health Data Space.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/polin/home
POLiN The political conditions of interoperability in European digital health policies. MSCA Fellow: Dr. Chloé Bérut
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Project led by MSCA Fellow: Chloé Bérut. Supervisor: Stéphanie Novak
Today, digital applications are an integral part of our lives. Checking the weather in the morning, buying a train ticket in the afternoon or watching our favourite TV show in the evening: our interactions with digitalised and connected applications are numerous and affect each of our everyday activities.
This is also true for healthcare: today, numerous applications are available to help you monitor your physical activity or to improve your health (period and pregnancy trackers for instance). If a lot of these applications belong to the private sector, governments and national health services are also concerned by the digital transition. Most of the time, the development of digital health public policies results in the creation of Electronic Health Records for citizens, or into the public implementation of services such as telemedicine or ePrescriptions. These connected applications are thought to improve coordination between health professionals, leading to an increase of the quality of care as well as a better efficiency of health services.
To create such applications, governments use technical IT standards, which define the way these digitalised systems work. As users of these applications, we know to what extent standards and designs strongly affect our digitalised experience (ie. is the application/website easy to navigate? Do I find every information I need, written in a visible way? Is it convenient to use?). But standards also influence our lives in a more subtle and imperceptible manner: they may, for instance, create or reinforce inequalities between citizens, or pose threats to their privacy and to the protection of their fundamental rights.
For example, the way data are presented in an Electronic Health Record may be more tailored to the need of specific segments of the population while excluding other, less represented minorities. In addition, the way data is coded in applications may greatly contribute (or impede) the use of health data for secondary purposes, with strong effects on privacy.
Yet, as citizens, we do not know much about these IT standards and their implications, nor do we know much about the decision-making processes underpinning standards adoption at the political level.
The aim of the POLiN research project is precisely to explore political decision-making about digital health standards at the European Union (EU) level. It will explore which actors took part in the decision-making process (member states and European institutions, but also the internet giants) and see how influence strategies affected the content of European decision-making on two case studies: COVID-19 contact-tracing applications, and the European Health Data Space.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/polin/home
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Il progetto BICAS si propone di indagare il percorso della pietra di costruzione dalla cava all'edificio a Megara e Selinunte, tra il VII e il I secolo a.C. Le strategie messe in atto dagli abitanti per trovare, procurarsi e utilizzare questo materiale ci dicono molto sul modo in cui queste antiche città si sono sviluppate.
Diversi tipi di indagine alimenteranno la ricerca sulle modalità di estrazione e trasporto della pietra, così da comprendere le modalità di lavoro. Prima di tutti, vorrei condurre una serie di analisi non invasive, tra cui prospezioni pedonali intorno alle cave, una documentazione grafica delle cave (rilievi topografici, ortofoto, scanning 3D) e uno studio architettonico (organizzazione dei cantieri, scelta e utilizzazione dei diversi tipi di pietre, costi e impegni dei programmi edilizi secondo i principi dello architectural energetic). Inoltre, vorrei eseguire ulteriori analisi petrografiche a Megara sia in cava (Intagliata, Thapsos) che sul sito stesso, tramite una ventina di campioni, in modo tale da determinare il comportamento dei litopi nei processi di degrado. Avremo in questo modo la possibilità di paragonare le proprietà delle pietre utilizzate a Megara e a Selinunte.
In terzo luogo, lo studio delle interconnessioni tra le cave di pietra, le vie di trasporto e lo spazio urbano farà luce sul modo in cui ciascuna città esercitava il controllo sul proprio territorio. Infine, BICAS fornirà approfondimenti sulle evoluzioni socio-politiche della metropoli (Megara) e della sua colonia (Selinunte), sotto il prisma dei rispettivi programmi edilizi.
Basato su strumenti innovativi e un approccio interdisciplinare, il progetto fornirà informazioni senza precedenti su come gli abitanti di Megara Iblea e Selinunte costruirono concretamente le loro città. Inoltre, lo stretto confronto con un progetto simile in corso a Delo e Delfi porterà ad una comprensione globale dell’argomento nel mondo greco antico.
The BICAS project aims to investigate the course of the construction stone from the quarry to the building in Megara and Selinous, between the 7th and 1st centuries BCE. The strategies implemented by the inhabitants to find, to extract and to use this material tell us a great deal about how these ancient cities developed.
Different types of investigations will fuel the research on stone extraction and transportation, so as to understand the working modes. First of all, I would like to conduct a series of non-invasive analyses, including fieldwalking surveys around the quarries, a graphic documentation of the quarries (topographic surveys, orthophotos, 3D scanning) and an architectural study (organization of the construction sites, choice and use of the different types of stones, costs and implications of building programs according to the principles of architectural energy). Furthermore, I would like to carry out further petrographic analyses in Megara both in the quarry (Intagliata, Thapsos) and on the site itself, using around twenty samples, in order to determine the behaviour of the lithotypes in the degradation processes. In this way we will have the possibility to compare the properties of the stones used in Megara and in Selinous.
Third, studying the interconnections between stone quarries, transportation routes, and urban space will shed light on how each city exercised control over its territory. Finally, BICAS will provide insights into the socio-political evolutions of the metropolis (Megara) and its colony (Selinous), under the prism of their respective building programs.
Based on innovative tools and an interdisciplinary approach, the project will provide unprecedented information on how the inhabitants of Megara Hyblaia and Selinous concretely built their cities. Furthermore, close comparison with a similar project underway in Delos and Delphi will lead to a comprehensive understanding of the topic in the ancient Greek world.
EPSEI: Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments: towards an integrated approach on national and international stage
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
GLOCOM: Global Partners in Contaminated Land Management (2011-2015, contract number 269233)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
Beyond the 'West' and the 'East' (BETWATE)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
Sito web: http://virgo.unive.it/miyake/betwate/
IRSES GLOCOM (Global Partners in Contaminated Land Management)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
IRSES EPSEI (Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments: towards an integrated approach on national and international stage)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
SEEK - SEmantic Enrichment of trajectory Knowledge discovery (project N. 295179)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
RAFFAETA' Alessandra, SILVESTRI Claudio
Sito web: http://www.seek-project.eu/
ECONANOSORB: Ecological application of nanosorbents on the base of natural and synthetic ionites and carbons (2012-2016, contract number 295260)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
Sito web: http://Website: https://sites.google.com/site/econanosorbpublic/
IRSES ECONANOSORB (Ecological application of nanosorbents on the base of natural and synthetic ionites and carbons)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
EPSEI – Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments: Towards an Integrated Approach on National and International Stage (The Legal Framework for the Exploitation of Natural Resources in Western Siberia and its Comparative Relevance)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
Marie Curie IEF project “NEXUS - Network-based Expert-Stakeholder Framework for Sustainable Remediation”
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
CHETCH – Europe and China taking care of Healthcare Solutions
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
The research project intends to contribute actively to the cooperation between Europe and China, investigating opportunities for mutual integration in the healthcare sector. Cooperation and potential synergies will be examined from a comprehensive perspective, including policies at national and local level, the legal environment, medical practices, healthcare industries and related businesses. An interdisciplinary approach is followed.
Researchers in the social science and humanities areas will compare the European and Chinese healthcare systems at different levels, including value systems and ethical issues. The economic expert will analyse the integration reached so far, in the healthcare industries (i.e. technologies, pharmaceutical products, etc.) on the basis of foreign direct investments, trade and micro economic data. The typical cost-benefit tools will be used to evaluate the economic impact of integrating Western Medicine (WM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices, supporting the medical team of experts.
The legal instruments will help define obstacles and plausible solutions that can be generated by the regulatory environment, as well as appropriate solutions to enhance collaboration both at institutional, medical practices and business levels. The team of experts in the medical field will investigate best practices of traditional medical systems using a modern science framework. The team will develop a process of recognition and scientific validation of TCM versus Complementary Alternative Medicine, at different levels.
CHETCH is based on the idea that a Europe-China partnership could be a win-win strategy. Europe and China have complementarities that could help each other face their specific needs in the long run
Marie Curie Fellowship. Fellow Dr. Xanthi Penteli. Role: Supervisor
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - People
Sito web: http://scout-eu-project.weebly.com/
SHARE-DEV3 Achieving world-class standards in all SHARE countries
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Research Infrastructures
SERISS, Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Research Infrastructures
SSHOC - Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Research Infrastructures
Improve on the measures and open clouds methodologies in social science. Coding jobs and education
Sito web: https://sshopencloud.eu/
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Research Infrastructures
Elicit information from Share respondents about the effects of the Covid Pandemic
Sito web: http://www.share-project.org/home0/news/article/eu-commission-grant-share-eric-is-becoming-a-central-pillar-in-corona-crisis-related-research.html
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Excellence Science - Research Infrastructures
Understanding non-intended consequences of epidemic control decisions to contain the pandemic
Sito web: http://www.share-project.org/home0/news/article/eu-commission-grant-share-eric-is-becoming-a-central-pillar-in-corona-crisis-related-research.html
NANORESTART, NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (2015–2019, project ID 646063)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
NANORESTART è un progetto H2020 che coinvolge 26 partner internazionali e che ha come obiettivo lo sviluppo di nanotecnologie per la conservazione dell’arte moderna e contemporanea, a basso impatto ambientale e sostenibili. In particolare verranno sviluppati nuovi formulati nanotechnologici per la pulitura di superfici plastiche e pittoriche, il consolidamento di tele e strati pittorici, la rimozione di materiali indesiderati e la protezione di opere d’arte in musei e aree esterne. Tali formulati saranno testati, nell’ambito del progetto, su numerosi casi studio.
Sito web: http://www.nanorestart.eu/
caLIBRAte - Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials (2016-2019, project ID 686239)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
caLIBRAte è un progetto H2020 che coinvolge 24 partner internazionali e si propone di fare il punto sullo stato dell’arte nella ricerca riguadante la sicurezza in ambito nanotecnologico (nanosafety) e unirlo allo stato dell’arte in tema di governance del rischio e scienze della comunicazione, al fine di sviluppare un framework di governance del rischio per l’analisi e la gestione dei rischi per la salute umana e l’ambiente derivanti dai nanomateriali e dai prodotti nanotecnologici. Uno degli strumenti che in questo progetto saranno ulteriormente sviluppati, per poter essere incluso nel framework di governance del rischio, è il sistema di supporto alle decisioni SUNDS (sviluppato nel progetto EU SUN).
Sito web: http://www.nanocalibrate.eu/home
RES URBIS (01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019): RESources from URban BIo-waSTE
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
CAVINATO Cristina, PAVAN Paolo
BIORIMA – BIOmaterial RIsk MAnagement (2017-2021 project ID: 760928)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
BIORIMA (2017-2021) è un progetto finanziato dal programma H2020 che coinvolge 41 partner internazionali e che ha come obiettivo lo sviluppo di un approccio integrato per la valutazione e la gestione dei rischi associati ai nanobiomateriali utilizzati in dispositivi medici e in medicinali per terapie avanzate. BIORIMA svilupperà approcci e metodi per la caratterizzazione, la valutazione della tossicità ed ecotossicità, la stima e il monitoraggio dell’esposizione, la prevenzione dei rischi industriali, che saranno integrati per poter stimare e gestire i rischi per la salute umana (per lavoratori coinvolti nella produzione, pazienti, personale sanitario) e per l’ambiente. Il progetto fornirà inoltre un Sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni finalizzato a supportare le autorità pubbliche, i produttori e altri portatori di interesse nella valutazione costi-benefici di nuovi nanobiomateriali.
Sito web: https://www.biorima.eu
AI4EU: A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
Artificial Intelligence is a disruptive technology of our times with expected impacts rivalling those of electricity or printing. Resources for innovation are currently dominated by giant tech companies in North America and China. To ensure European independence and leadership, we must invest wisely by bundling, connecting and opening our AI resources. AI4EU will efficiently build a comprehensive European AI-on-demand platform to lower barriers to innovation, to boost technology transfer and catalyse the growth of start-ups and SMEs in all sectors through Open calls and other actions. The platform will act as a broker, developer and one-stop shop providing and showcasing services, expertise, algorithms, software frameworks, development tools, components, modules, data, computing resources, prototyping functions and access to funding. Training will enable different user communities (engineers, civic leaders, etc.) to obtain skills and certifications. The AI4EU Platform will establish a world reference, built upon and interoperable with existing AI and data components (e.g. the Acumos open-source framework, QWT search engine..) and platforms. It will mobilize the whole European AI ecosystem and already unites 80 partners in 21 countries including researchers, innovators and related talents. Eight industry-driven AI pilots will demonstrate the value of the platform as an innovation tool. In order to enhance the platform, research on five key interconnected AI scientific areas will be carried out using platform technologies and results will be implemented. The pilots and research will showcase how AI4EU can stimulate scientific discovery and technological innovation. The AI4EU Ethical Observatory will be established to ensure the respect of human centred AI values and European regulations. Sustainability will be ensured via the creation of the AI4EU Foundation. The results will feed a new and comprehensive Strategic Research Innovation Agenda for Europe.
Sito web: https://www.ai4eu.eu
IoF: Internet on FIRE
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the glue that binds pieces of the Internet and keeps global communications in tune. BGP has a slow convergence: two configuration parameters have a high impact on BGP convergence speed, but there is no consensus on how to change their default value to a better one. IoF addresses this problem in the Fed4Fire+ open call #5.
Sito web: https://iof.disi.unitn.it/
RiskGONE – Risk Governance of Nanotechnology (2019-2023, project ID: 814425)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
RiskGONE è un progetto H2020 che coinvolge 22 partner internazionali con lo scopo di fornire un framework all’avanguardia per la governance del rischio delle nanotecnologie e per rafforzare le procedure scientifiche interdisciplinari per la gestione del rischio, sulla base di una chiara comprensione dei rischi, delle pratiche di gestione del rischio e della percezione del rischio da parte di tutti i portatori di interesse. I partner di progetto mirano a raggiungere questo obiettivo supportando i processi di standardizzazione e validazione per i nanomateriali ingegnerizzati (Engineered Nanomaterials - ENMs), valutando, ottimizzando e pre-validando le SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) e le linee guida ISO per i test, oltre che integrandole in un framework per la governance del rischio e nel relativo Strumento di Supporto alle Decisioni. Infine, all’interno del progetto verrà costituito un Risk Governance Council trasparente e capace di auto-sostenersi, che agirà come organo di governo, basato sulla scienza, per la sicurezza dei ENMs.
Sito web: https://riskgone.eu/
ELISE: European Learning and Intelligent Systems Excellence
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
OR²AN²G Open and Resilient Radio Access Network for Next Generation Wireless Backhauls
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Industrial Leadership - LEIT
GEMMI Gabriele, MACCARI Leonardo, MARIN Andrea
Replacing the cable connections with a wireless multi-hop network is a key opportunity to make 5G services profitable even in situations where a capillary cabled infrastructure would be unaffordable, and in general to extend the reach of mobile networks. A new challenge for research is to provide performance, reliability, and dependability to those we call Next Generation Wireless Backhaul, leveraging on the research background on wireless mesh networks. OR²AN²G aims to evaluate the technical feasibility of large-scale Next Generation Wireless Backhaul using real world data and taking advantage of the “Colosseum” testbed available at Northeastern University. This testbed, based on 256 software-defined radios, allows the deployment and testing of solutions at scale under different channel conditions, which are emulated through FPGA-based filters.
Sito web: https://or2an2g.dais.unive.it/
Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets (No Agro-Waste - NoAW)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
Scale-up of low-carbon footprint material recovery techniques in existing wastewater treatment plants (SMART-Plant)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
Resources from Urban Bio-waste (RES-URBIS)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
2018 Families_Share Horizon
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
Families_Share offers a bottom-up solution to work/life balance by supporting families with childcare, parenting advice and after-school activities.
The project is developed in 6 Pilot Cities in 4 countries and involves parents of children aged 3–11 that live in the same neighbourhoods in the 6 Pilot cities (Bologna, Gyor, Kortrijk, Thessaloniki, Trento, Venice). Besides the initial pilot cities, Families_Share application is also being used by Families in Rome, Pescara. In addition, Families_Share application has been adopted by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice as a way to support the personnel families taking care of their children in the emergency situation due to Covid-19.
Sito web: https://families-share.eu/project-about
Progetto H2020 NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART – NANORESTART Call: H2020-NMP-2014-two-stage SECOND STAGE Topic: NMP-21-2014
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe (GAIN, GA 773330)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
GAIN is an EU‐funded research project that brings together partners from academia, industry
and associations with the primary aim of supporting ecological intensification of aquaculture
in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The core focus of GAIN
is to increase production and competitiveness of the industry, while ensuring sustainability
and compliance with EU regulations on food safety and the environment.
APACHE – Active & intelligent PAckaging materials and display cases as a tool for preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage (2019-2022 project ID: 814496)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
APACHE è un progetto H2020 che coinvolge 26 partner internazionali e che ha come obiettivo lo sviluppo di tecnologie all’avanguardia per il controllo e la prevenzione del degrado dei beni culturali. L’approccio innovativo è basato su tre pilastri: 1) materiali avanzati per la sensoristica e l’assorbimento per controllare l’ambiente in cui si trovano i manufatti; 2) modellistica per definire le soglie di degradazione dei manufatti e distinguere tra la necessità di una conservazione preventiva o di un restauro; 3) controllo remoto degli stressori che interessano le opere d’arte. Inoltre, verrà offerto agli utenti finali un sistema di supporto alle decisioni capace di guidarli nella scelta delle migliori soluzioni per la conservazione delle opere d’arte.
Sito web: http://www.apacheproject.eu
QUEST - QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
Sito web: https://questproject.eu
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
ISEED – Inclusive Science and European Democracies, is an international research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2021-2024). ISEED responds to the EU’s call for supporting inclusive, innovative and reflective societies in Europe, specifically by “Developing deliberative and participatory democracies through experimentation”.
Our idea in ISEED is to explore modes to engage citizens, and non-citizens, in knowledge-based public deliberation by using lessons derived from the field of citizen science. Citizen science works by inviting and including non-scientists in the collection and production of scientific knowledge. You can find some citizen science projects here, for example using penguin-watching, or recording whale vocalisations, to understand these animal populations.
ISEED analyses cases of successful citizen science to explore what conditions can ensure people’s informed inclusion and participation in creating knowledge-based democratic deliberation. Our insight is applied to cases of public debate on science-based issues, for example climate change or vaccination programmes, paying attention to publics traditionally included but also to counter-publics marginalised in these debates.
Sito web: https://iseedeurope.eu/
Integrated emerging approaches for joint protection and restoration of natural lakes in the spirit of European life heritage support (ProCleanLakes)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Science with and for society
GAMBARO Andrea, STORTINI Angela Maria, ZANARDI Chiara
L’obiettivo generale di ProCleanLakes è lo sviluppo di un piano d’azione per la bonifica e la protezione dei laghi naturali europei dagli inquinanti chimici. Vedrà il coinvolgimento di un’ampia gamma di soggetti interessati per integrare:
• Miglioramento dello stato ecologico e chimico dei laghi naturali, inclusa la biodiversità, utilizzando nuove soluzioni integrative di base naturale
• Utilizzo di nuove soluzioni digitali 4.0 per supportare il monitoraggio, il ripristino, la protezione e il trasferimento delle conoscenze degli ecosistemi ad altre regioni
• Abilitare attività imprenditoriali basate sul concetto di economia circolare, garantendo la transizione dalla Blue Economy alla Green Economy
• Aumentare la consapevolezza, responsabilizzare, sviluppare capacità e co-sviluppare soluzioni con i cittadini e le parti interessate relative ai problemi e alle sfide dirompenti associati al ripristino e alla protezione dell'ENL
EUCLID (EU China Lever for IPM Demonstration)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
The overall objective is to secure food production for the increasing worldwide population while developing sustainable production methodologies to fight pests with an Integrated Pest Management approach (IPM), to be used in European and Chinese agriculture.
EUCLID research activity aims at developing more sustainable pest management methods in Europe and China in order to reduce the negative effects of pesticides on human health and the environment, to reduce economic losses in agriculture, and to provide scientific support to EU and China policies.
Tomatoes, leaf vegetables and grapes are the main crops of research, due to their economic relevance in the targeted markets; however, research outcomes will also have an impact on other crops. In addition, the project will consider the entire food product chain from agriculture to the final consumers.
Sito web: http://www.euclidipm.org/
CLIMEFISH Studio degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici su pesca ed acquacoltura in ambiente marino e di acqua dolce
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: http://climefish.eu/
The SIGN-HUB: preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: http://www.unive.it/pag/33750/
Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/sign-hub
Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/33750/
Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/33750/
Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/33750/
Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/33750/
Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/sign-hub
The SIGN-HUB project: Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
SIGN-HUB is a 4-year research project (2016-2020) funded by the European Commission within Horizon 2020 Reflective Society 2015, Research and Innovation actions.
It has been designed by a European research team to provide an innovative and inclusive resource hub for the linguistic, historical and cultural documentation of the Deaf communities’ heritage and for sign language assessment in clinical intervention and school settings.
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/33750/
EeMAP Energy efficient Mortgages Action Plan
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
BARRO Diana, BILLIO Monica, CASARIN Roberto, LUCCHETTA Marcella
EeDaPP Energy efficiency Data Protocol and Portal
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
GAIN - Green Aquaculture INtensification in Europe
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
GAIN is designed to support the ecological intensification of aquaculture in the European Union (EU) and the
European Economic Area (EEA), with the dual objectives of increasing production and competitiveness of the
industry, while ensuring sustainability and compliance with EU regulations on food safety and environment. Ecointensification
of European aquaculture is a transdisciplinary challenge that requires the integration of scientific
and technical innovations, new policies and economic instruments, as well as the mitigation of social constraints.
Successful eco-intensification of aquaculture will provide more and better aquatic products, more jobs, and improve
trade balance by reducing imports.
GAIN, besides looking at innovative ways of integrating cultured species, will seek integration with other sectors, in
order to promote the implementation of the principles of circular economy in Aquaculture. The GAIN Consortium
includes a wide range of complementary expertise and a well blended mix of research institutes and industrial
partners, which will ensure the achievement of the following specific objectives:
(i) Develop and optimize sustainable feeds, without increasing the pressure on land and fish stocks;
(ii) Add value to cultivation, by means of innovative processes, which turn both by-products and side-streams into
valuable secondary materials, thus increasing profits and minimizing the environmental footprint;
(ii) Improve the management of finfish and shellfish farms, in terms of FCR, fish welfare and reduction of wastes,
through the use of sensors, biomarkers, Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things) and predictive mathematical models;
(iv) Support integrated policies and address current barriers to the implementation of the principles of circular
economy in aquatic production.
Sito web: http://www.unive.it/gainh2020eu
NETCHER - NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
The last decades have witnessed a variety of initiatives promoted by a diverse set of actors engaged in the protection of endangered cultural heritage and in stopping illicit trade, initiatives that have tried to bring solutions, remediation, methods and approaches to tackle looting and trafficking.
NETCHER seeks to address the complex challenge of harmonising and bringing together these worthy, but often disconnected initiatives by using a participative approach that will result in the establishment of a structured network (defined as a Social Platform) drawing together a broad range of players such as international bodies, umbrella organizations, national governments, researchers, public policy makers, NGOs, as well as public and private foundations.
In light of the significance of these uncoordinated efforts, the Platform will take charge of the systematizing and framing of all the emerging best practices in order to enhance and capitalize on the experiences of the partnership members at an international level for building a joint action plan with shared toolkits and a research and innovation roadmap.
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/822585
MEMEX: MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
PELILLO Marcello, SILVESTRI Claudio, VASCON Sebastiano
Smartphones can help build social cohesion
The future of our cultural heritage is augmented thanks to inclusive digital storytelling tools. Memories will be intertwined with physical places, locations and objects to promote social cohesion. This is the aim of the EU-funded MEMEX project. It will create assisted augmented reality experiences in the form of stories that intertwine the memories of participating communities. It will develop techniques to (semi-)automatically link images to location and connect to a new open-source knowledge graph that will facilitate assisted storytelling. MEMEX will focus on Barcelona's migrant women. It will also throw the spotlight on residents in Paris' XIX district (home to one of the city's largest immigrant communities) and on second- and third-generation Portuguese migrants in Lisbon.
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/870743
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Improving data quality in SHARE - new waves
VULNER: Vulnerabilities Under the Global Protection Regime (GA n. 870845)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
The concept of “vulnerability” is increasingly used as a tool that allows decision-makers to identify migrants in need of special assistance and protection, as exemplified on the international level by the 2018 Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration that calls for States “to respond to the needs of migrants in situations of vulnerability and address the respective challenges”. At the European level, “vulnerability” has also increasingly been used in the legal and policy instruments of the Common European Asylum System, in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as domestic courts, and in the resettlement practices of the EU Member States.
Yet, there is no solid understanding of the concrete meanings, practical consequences, and legal implications of “vulnerability”. Meeting this need becomes even more crucial when it is recognized that every migrant is vulnerable to some extent, according to the context, their resources, and intersecting social identities, such as ethnicity, gender, age, and nationality. The focus on the specific needs of certain vulnerable migrants is the result of a policy choice to value some vulnerabilities over others. If not based on scientific data and analyses that provide a clear and non-stereotyped understanding and conceptualization of the vulnerabilities that are actually lived and experienced by migrants, such policy choices run the risk of failing to address, or exacerbating existing vulnerabilities, or even producing new ones.
In response to this research gap, the VULNER project aims to produce scientific data and analysis to support evidence-based policy-making; the investigation will focus on three main questions:
How are the “vulnerabilities” of migrants defined in the relevant legislation, case law, policy documents, and administrative guidelines at national, regional, and international levels? Is there a duty to assess vulnerabilities, and how? What are the legal consequences of this?
How do decision-makers understand the “vulnerabilities” of migrants? How do they address them?
How do the legal frameworks and implementation practices affect concrete vulnerabilities, as experienced by migrants? How do they adapt their behaviour in turn? What are their coping strategies?
The VULNER project focuses on migrants seeking protection in Europe (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Norway), North America (Canada), the Middle East (Lebanon), and Africa (Uganda and South Africa). For the analysis, two different yet complementary perspectives are adopted. First, investigation will consider the ways that the “vulnerabilities” of the migrants seeking protection are being assessed and addressed by the norms and practices of decision-makers. Second, empirical fieldwork data will shed light on the various forms and nature of the concrete experiences of “vulnerability” as they are lived by the migrants seeking protection, including resilience strategies and how they are being continuously shaped through interaction with the legal frameworks. Ultimately, through this systematic documentation and analysis of legal and empirical data, the very notion of “vulnerability” will be questioned and assessed from a critical perspective.
Sito web: https://www.vulner.eu/3169/about
Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core: 1,5 Myr of greenhouse gas – climate feedbacks
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
The aims of the European Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core project are:
- Retrieve a continuous ice core to bedrock in Antarctica, covering the climate history of the Mid Pleistocene Transition and beyond (1.5 million years), where glacial/interglacial cycles changed from a 40,000 to a 100,000 year cyclicity.
- Derive first high-resolution climate and CO2 records over the time interval older than 700,000 BP.
- Use the new climate records to constraint the cause of the MPT and long-term carbon cycle-climate feedbacks.
The optimal drill site, identified with geophysical surveys, is located at Little Dome C, 40 km away from Concordia Station at Dome C (3233 m a.s.l.), the Italian-French base on the high East Antarctic Plateau.
Sito web: https://www.beyondepica.eu/en/
Cultural-E: Climate and cultural based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Houses
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
BOSELLO Francesco, PASUT Wilmer, PISTORE Lorenza
CULTURAL-E aims to define modular and replicable solutions for Plus Energy Houses (PEHs), accounting for climate and cultural differences, while engaging all key players involved in the building life cycle; to create comfortable, efficient, and affordable indoor environments. CULTURAL-E will develop technologies and solution sets that are tailorable to specific contexts and energy demands, as well as performing a comprehensive optimization of the value/cost ratio of PEHs. Sets of design-for-assembly technologies will be produced and driven by a careful mapping of European climates, building archetypes, and cultural energy habits; going beyond the positive by maximizing the share of the demand covered by renewable sources (toward Ø emissions in the operational phase). The CULTURAL-E solution sets are the result of a usercentric design process and aim to achieve and affordably maintain the best indoor environmental conditions. The houses become regenerative for the indoor and outdoor environment in the life cycle, with minor extra costs compared to nZEB, thus guaranteeing a sound return of investment. E-mobility is dealt through a dedicated management strategy to avoid energy demand peaks coming from the simultaneous fast-charging of multiple vehicles. Despite an “agnostic approach” to technology selection, CULTURAL-E will enhance the TRL of specific key technologies, such as air movement for summer thermal comfort, natural and mix-mode ventilation, packed and modular HVAC units, industrialized active window systems for natural ventilation and solar control, cloud-based house management system, and user involvement in the continuous building control, optimized envelope (tailored thermal features). Finally, to increase the replicability of the solutions and the adoption of a “cultural-centric” design, key market players involved in the PEH development are supported by dedicated tools and guidelines that will assist the development of robust, inclusive business models.
Sito web: https://www.cultural-e.eu/
Inclusive science and European democracies
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://iseedeurope.eu
NewTechAqua - New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture - GA 862658
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
The vision of the EU aquaculture industry is to grow substantially in the next decade and to provide annually 4.5
million tons of sustainable food products. To this aim, NewTechAqua intends to expand and diversify EU production
of finfish, molluscs and microalgae by developing and validating technologically-advanced, resilient and sustainable
new solutions. The organizational approach of NewTechAqua is to group the solutions in 6 different categories: feed,
Industry 4.0, sustainable farming, genetics, new species and new products. They will be validated on conventional
(Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, seabass and seabream) and emerging (greater amberjack, meagre, Senegalese sole
and grey mullet) finfish species, molluscs (Pacific oyster, mussel) and microalgae. NewTechAqua is structured in 9
WPs. WP1 will conceive, formulate, produce and demonstrate three innovative sets of aquafeeds (pro-health, organic,
zero waste). WP2 will establish new AI epidemiological models for enhancing the control of parasite outbreaks in
Norwegian and Mediterranean farms. Sustainable aquaculture will be also promoted by advanced model systems
and technologies for mollusc and in-land fish farms ecointensification. WP3 will develop innovative breeding
programmes to improve performance, robustness and quality of farmed fish, molluscs and microalgae, while WP4
will achieve significant advances in reproduction technology of three emerging fish species. High-quality seafood
products and sustainable food processing techniques for valorisation of by-products will be validated. WP6 will
develop a set of indicators to monitor and measure progress towards the expected impacts, while market uptake of
NewTechAqua results and outputs will be ensured by a detailed exploitation strategy (WP7). Finally, NewTechAqua
will achieve well-targeted communication, dissemination and maximum transfer of generated know-how and project
new technologies (WP8).
Sito web: https://www.newtechaqua.eu/
EMERGE – Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions (2020-2024, project ID: 874990)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
DC-ren - Drug combinations for rewriting trajectories of renal pathologies in type II diabetes
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) is highly prevalent in type 2 diabetes, with major impact on patients and healthcare systems. The complex disorder, further modulated by cardiovascular comorbidities, presents as an accumulation of risk factors, which we treat with drug combinations. While the overall benefit of this approach is evident on a cohort level, individual patients show remarkable heterogeneity in drug response, and lack of guidance on personalized medication results in suboptimal control of the disorder.
For resolving variability, we propose a new concept for personalization of drug combinations beyond the cohort-centric perspective. We improve patient stratification based on equivalence relations of clinical presentation, disease pathophysiology and drug combinations. The approach is derived from dynamical systems theory, aimed at reducing probabilistic assignment of patient-specific disease evolution and matching drug combinations. The availability of a large European repository holding DKD patients in routine care with diverse drug combinations, complemented by high-throughput screening for improving patient phenotyping, and molecular network modelling of pathology, embedded risk factor combinations and consequence of drug effect allows a systems representation of patient groups. Integrating clinical presentation and molecular architecture in a novel computational framework will establish a decision support software prototype. We will validate this tool for predicting optimized personalized drug combinations in a study using given clinical trial repositories. Demonstration will expand to other available drugs, which in combination with approved drugs promise benefit for groups of DKD patients.
With a clear route toward uptake in the clinical setting, and generalization capacity of our approach to other complex disorders we foster next steps in personalization, anticipate major patient benefit, and see novel translation and business opportunities.
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/848011
NewTechAqua - New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.newtechaqua.eu/
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
The EUMEPLAT project aims at analyzing the role of media platforms in fostering or dismantling European identity. The assumption we will draw on is that European dimension has rarely been dominant in media history. In most cases – i.e., movie – market shares are mainly divided among national productions and importations from the most influential country. In broadcasting both regional and national patterns emerge, with properly European exchanges being the exception more than the rule. Web platforms are usually owned by US companies, with a new threat appearing in our media landscape.
We will focus on the “platformization” process, as the rise of new closed Web architectures, so as to inquire its positive and negative externalities, functional and dis-functional consequences. Positive externalities are beneficial to society at large, in a way that explains the overall ambition of the project. Detecting the insurgence of negative effects is a fundamental duty for scholars and policy-makers, as externalities of both kinds tend to reinforce themselves, giving rise to positive loop feedbacks and critical vicious circles. Negative externalities include misinformation, toxic debate, exclusion of independent voices; positive externalities encompass European co-productions, or practices able to bring people out of the information bubble. For this purpose, we will run a multidisciplinary analysis of platformization in three fields: news, video sharing, media representations, with the final goal to offer a theoretical synthesis. The research question is whether or not new platforms – YouTube, Netflix, NewsFeed - are making European culture more European, based on indicators related to production, consumption and representation. Patterns will be detected by comparing national, regional and European and level. Advanced methods will be applied for data analysis, so as to provide guidelines for decision-makers (i.e., fake news prevention; best practices in co-productions).
Progetto Europeo H2020 “Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions - EMERGE, GA 874990, bando H2020-MG-2018-2019-2020, H2020-MG-2019-SingleStage-INEA, CUP H74I19001300006,
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
REACHOUT project builds next level climate services that supports adaptation decision making in 7 City Hubs. These hubs serve as living labs for co-creation of the services with government, citizens and the private sector and serve as accelerators for further regional and national upscaling of the use of these services. The hubs represent a regionally diverse portfolio of climate vulnerabilities and adaptation needs across stakeholders. In each hub REACHOUT has a direct beneficiary partner that has already internalized adaptation planning and has strong institutional connections and relationships with other municipalities, towns and organizations in their periphery.
Sito web: https://reachout-cities.eu/
TranspArEEnS – Mainsteaming Transparent Assessment of Energy Efficiency in ESG Ratings
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
BOSELLO Francesco, PASUT Wilmer, PISTORE Lorenza
Cultural-E is a EU-funded project, which aims to define modular and replicable solutions for Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs), accounting for climate and cultural differences, while engaging all key players involved in the building life cycle.
Cultural-E is developing technologies and solution sets that are tailorable to specific contexts and energy demands, as well as performing a comprehensive optimisation of the value/cost ratio of Plus Energy Buildings.
Sets of design-for-assembly technologies are being developed through a careful mapping of European climates, building archetypes, and cultural energy habits. We are going beyond the state-of-the-art by maximising the share of the demand covered by renewable sources, towards zero emissions in the operational phase.
In a nutshell: the Cultural-E solution sets will be the result of a user-centric design process and will achieve and affordably maintain the best indoor environmental conditions in Plus Energy Buildings.
Sito web: https://www.cultural-e.eu/
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
MODERATE aims to connect data providers with other building stakeholders by improving interoperability between datasets, by making use of data from different providers and aims to develop services based on data analytics that can transform raw data into knowledge for end-users.
Sito web: http:// https://moderate-project.eu/
EXIT. Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Sito web: https://www.exit-project.eu/
GREENART - GREen ENdeavor in Art ResToration
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
European Cultural Heritage (CH) is a crucial resource that must be maintained, preserved and accessible, to counteract
degradation enhanced by unfavorable environmental conditions and climate changes. Conservation methodologies
lack durability, sustainability and cost-effectiveness, and are typically based on energy-consuming processes or nonenvironmentally
friendly materials. Coping with these issues, GREENART proposes new solutions based on green
and sustainable materials and methods, to preserve, conserve and restore CH: 1) Protective coatings based on green
materials from waste and plant proteins, with self-healing and reversibility character, possibly functionalized with
organic/inorganic nanoparticles to impart VOC capture, anti-corrosion and barrier behaviors. 2) Foams and packaging
materials made by biodegradable/compostable polymers from renewable sources (polyurethanes and natural fibers)
to control T/RH. 3) Consolidants based on natural polymers from renewable sources, to mechanically strengthen
weak artifacts. 4) Gels and cleaning fluids inspired by the most advanced systems currently available to conservators,
improving them according to green and circular economy. 5) Green tech solutions for monitoring CH assets noninvasively
against pollutants and environmental oscillations. Life cycle Assessment and modeling will favor the
“safe-by-design” creation of affordable solutions safe to craftspeople, operators and the environment, and minimize
energy-consumption in monitoring museum environments. Such holistic approach is granted in GREENART by a
multidisciplinary partnership that gathers hard and soft sciences and engineering, including academic centers, innovative
industries and SMEs, conservation institutions and professionals, museums whose collections hold absolute masterpieces
in need of conservation, public entities and policy makers. The latter will favour training and dissemination activities
to make stakeholders familiar with the new methods.
Sito web: https://www.greenart-project.eu/
Bauhaus of the Seas Sails (BoSS)
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
Il Bauhaus ha definito il ruolo del design nel XX secolo combinando arte e architettura con l'industria e l'edilizia e radicandolo in una visione politica, economica e sociale del mondo. Il New European Bauhaus (NEB) proposto dalla Comunità Europea mira a promuovere un movimento fondato su sostenibilità, inclusione sociale e bellezza che favorisca l'attuazione del Green Deal.
Ciò significa realizzare approcci rigenerativi ispirati dalla natura che arricchiscano le nostre esperienze attraverso la creatività, l'arte e la cultura, abbracciando la diversità per promuovere spazi inclusivi e accessibili in cui il dialogo tra diverse culture, discipline, generi, etnie ed età diventi un'opportunità per immaginare un futuro migliore per tutti.
In risposta alla sfida della crisi climatica, il Bauhaus of the Seas (BoS) propone una mobilitazione NEB che riguarda lo spazio naturale più importante dell'UE e del mondo: il mare.
Il BoS mira a sperimentare soluzioni per la neutralità climatica con un'attenzione particolare alle città costiere, offrendo l'opportunità di impegnarsi con le comunità per una transizione ecologicamente sostenibile, socialmente equa ed esteticamente accattivante.
Sette dimostratori lighthouse verranno localizzati in ecosistemi aquatici diversi: l'estuario atlantico del fiume Tago (Lisbona/Oeiras), la laguna di Venezia (Venezia), il golfo di Genova (Genova), il delta atlantico Reno-Schelda (Rotterdam), lo stretto di Öresund (Malmö) ed il fiume Elba connesso al mare del Nord (Amburgo). Questi dimostratori fungeranno da studi pilota per una più ampia implementazione del NEB secondo la visione del BoS.
Sito web: https://bauhaus-seas.eu
MORE - Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives
Horizon2020 - H2020 - Societal Challenges
CIMINO Francesca, PEROCCO Fabio
Sito web: https://www.moreproject-horizon.eu/
SHARE PREP - Survey of health ageing and retirement in Europe - Preparatory Phase
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Sito web: http://www.share-project.org/
DUALPRO - Dual electric-acoustic speech processor with linguistic assessment tools for deaf individuals with residual low frequency hearing
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
SHARE LEAP - Longitudinal Enhancement and Access Improvement of the SHARE infrastructure
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Sito web: http://www.share-project.org/
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Sito web: http://www.share-project.org/
SHARE-M4 (Multinational Advancement of Research Infrastructures on Ageing)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Fisheries and aquaculture‐Oriented Research Capacity in Egypt (FORCE
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
SHARE-M4 (Multinational Advancement of Research Infrastructures on Ageing)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
FORCE - Fishery & aquaculture oriented research capacity in Egypt
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Sito web: http://www.forceproject.eu/
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Sito web: http://www.share-project.org/
DASISH, Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
BRUGIAVINI Agar, BUIA Raluca Elena
Sito web: http://snd.gu.se/en/news/snd-leads-eu-project-dasish
ITS-NANO Intelligent Testing Strategies for nanomaterials impact and exposure – towards regulation and clustering of materials (2012-2013, contract number 290589).
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Capacities
Sito web: http://Website: http://www.its-nano.eu/
EURODITE - Ricerca sull'industria automobilistica internazionale
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
TARPOL - Targeting environmental pollution with engineered microbial systems á la carte
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
NANOTEST project: Alternative testing strategies for the assessment of the toxicological profile of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.nanotest-fp7.eu/
SIMBAD -- Beyond Features: Similarity-Based Pattern Analysis and Recognition
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
ECCell - Electronic Chemical Cell
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/john.mccaskill/ECCell/
MATCHIT - Matrix for Chemical IT
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
VALORGAS - Valorisation of food waste to biogas
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
CAVINATO Cristina, PAVAN Paolo
KNOWSEAS - Knowledge-based Sustainable Managment for Europe's Seas
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.knowseas.com/
ENPRA project: Risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.enpra.eu/
E-URAL project: European Union and RussiA Link for S&T co-operation in the area of the environment
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.e-ural.vsu.ru/en/
PEGASO project: People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.pegasoproject.eu/
G MOS Global Mercury Observation System, project n. 265113
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.gmos.eu
Progetto di ricerca WASSERMed
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.wassermed.eu
KULTURISK: Knowledge-based approach to develop a cULTUre of Risk prevention (2011-2013, contract number 265280).
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http:// Website:http://www.kulturisk.eu/
TIMBRE: Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe (2011-2014, contract number 265364)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
EFIGE - European Firms in a Global Economy
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://bruegel.org/efige/
NANOFORART: development and experimentation of new nano-materials and responsive systems for the conservation and preservation of movable and immovable artworks
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.nanoforart.eu
Medina - Assessing the ecosystem status, including fisheries, within the Mediterranean marine coastal areas of North African countries
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.medinaproject.eu
Kulturisk: Building a culture of risk prevention in Europe
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
GIANNINI Valentina Luisa, GIUPPONI Carlo
Sito web: http://www.kulturisk.eu/
NANOFORART: NANO-materials FOR the conservation and preservation of movable and immovable ARTworks. (2011-2014, contract number 282816).
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://Website:http://www.nanoforart.eu/
4FUN (The FUture of FUlly integrated human exposure assessment of chemicals: Ensuring the long-term viability and technology transfer of the EU-Funded 2-FUN tools as standardised solution)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Novel processing routes for effective sewage sludge management (FP7 ROUTES)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Ecoefficient Biodegradable Composite Advanced Packaging (FP7 EcoBioCap)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
MATHEmatics of Multi-level Anticipatory Complex Systems
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
INSPIRE - Developement of systematic packages for deep energy renovation of residential and tertiart buildings including enevelope and systems
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
MICREAGENTS - Microscale Chemically Reactive Electronic Agents
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
COBRA - Coordination of Biological & Chemical IT Research Activities
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://www.ecltech.org
ASSYST - Action for the Science of complex Systems and socially intelligent ICT
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Progetto EUROSCHELL. Bridging the gap between science and producers to support the European marine mollusc production
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
4FUN: The FUture of FUlly integrated human exposure assessment of chemicals: Ensuring the long-term viability and technology transfer of the EU-Funded 2-FUN tools as standardised solution
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Integrating bio-treated wastewater with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India (FP7 Water4Crops)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/311933/results
Citispyce. Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of, and for, young people in cities across Europe
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
SYstemic Risk TOmography: Signals, Measurements, Transmission Channels, and Policy Interventions
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
BARRO Diana, BILLIO Monica, CASARIN Roberto, GARDENAL Gloria, LUCCHETTA Marcella, NARDON Martina, PARADISO Antonio, PELIZZON Loriana
Sito web: http://syrtoproject.eu/
SUN Sustainable Nanotechnology, (2013 – 2017, contract number 604305)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://Website: http://www.sun-fp7.eu/
studio sulla variabilità climatica dell'Atlantico Equatoriale (PREFACE)
VII PQ - VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
Sito web: http://preface.b.uib.no/
GEtCoheSive Governance Enhancement for Cohesive Societies
Interreg - Interreg IV Central Europe
CAMPOMORI Francesca, DELANEY Eugenia, DESIATA Eleonora
Citizens across central Europe increasingly want to get more involved in local and regional policy-making. The GEtCoheSive project develops and tests inclusive governance practices to improve public authorities’ capacities to engage with citizens from vulnerable backgrounds, especially in view of environmental policies and access to care services. The partnership develops a transnational strategy and local action plans for four cities to make their societies more cohesive.
Sito web: https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/getcohesive/
Progetto Europeo Eco-Governance-Fondamenti ecologici per la governance dello spazio costiero adriatico: ecologia, monitoraggio e gestione degli ecosistemi acquatici di transizione
Interreg - Interreg IV IPA - Adriatico
Blood Ethical good for Social capital and SafetY (BESSY)
Interreg - Interreg IV IPA - Adriatico
Progetto di Catalogazione Beni Demoetnoantropologici relativi alla navigazione interna in area veneta
Interreg - Interreg IV IPA - Adriatico
servizio di realizzazione di attività di informazione e aggiornamento sui diritti umani”
Interreg - Interreg IV IPA - Adriatico
Valorisation of SMall-scale ARTisanal FISHery of the Adriatic coasts, in a context of sustainability (Adri.SmArtFish ID 10045781)
Interreg - Interreg IV IPA - Adriatico
Co-generazione di conoscenza competitiva tra le università e le PMI - Know US
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
SHARED CULTURE - Alle origini di Venezia
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
Trans2care: rete transregionale per l'innovazione ed il trasferimento tecnologico per il miglioramento della sanità.
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
Sito web: http://www.trans2care.edu
Eduka2 - Per una governance transfrontaliera dell’istruzione
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
Il progetto EDUKA2 ha affrontato la sfida comune della debole capacità di cooperazione transfrontaliera nel settore dell’istruzione. L’obiettivo generale del progetto è stato rafforzare detta capacità, contribuendo al cambiamento tramite la creazione di strumenti di governance congiunti e modelli didattici e formativi condivisi.
Sito web: http://www.eduka2.eu/progetto/
Nano-Region: una rete aperta per l'innovazione attraverso le nanotecnologie
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
Le strategie industriali del terzo millennio puntano sempre più verso elevate specializzazioni e raffinate
tecnologie abilitanti, tra queste le nanotecnologie. Nell’Area del programma Interreg SLO-ITA esiste una
tradizione manifatturiera ben consolidata che ha urgente bisogno di effettuare un salto di qualità, onde
affrontare le sfide poste dalla società globale del nuovo millennio. D' altra parte all’interno della stessa area
sono presenti le competenze più avanzate nelle tecnologie emergenti ed in particolare nel campo delle
nanotecnologie, grazie ad una serie di centri di ricerca di eccellenza. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di
mettere in rete le esistenti competenze di nanotecnologie per rispondere ai bisogni del mondo produttivo. Il
progetto affronterà i seguenti aspetti: - attività capillare di divulgazione sul territorio volta principalmente a
colmare il distacco tra scienza e attività produttive in ambito nano tecnologico; - standardizzazione
transfrontaliera delle pratiche di trasferimento nanotecnologico; - creazione di una rete operativa di laboratori,
che, operando come un’unica entità, forniranno un completo servizio di supporto su tematiche riguardanti le
nanotecnologie rivolto alla imprese regionali anche attraverso un programma di esperimenti proof of concept.
Progetto Interreg Italia-Slovenia “Innovative Technologies to Enhance the Durability of Softwood Traditional Structures in Socio-Ecologically Sensitive Environments - DuraSoft”, bando mirato per progetti standard n. 07/2019.
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
ACQUAVITIS “Innovative solutions for the efficient use of water in cross-border viticulture”
Interreg - Interreg IV Italia - Slovenia
I cambiamenti climatici aumentano gli stress ambientali ai quali è sottoposta la viticoltura; i vigneti transfrontalieri del Carso Classico, dell’Isontino e della valle del Vipacco/Vipava sono di particolare importanza per la rinomata produzione enologica; ACQUA-VITIS si propone di monitorare le modalità di ricarica degli acquiferi sotterranei e le loro fonti di approvvigionamento e di come queste acque vengono utilizzate dai vigneti. L’analisi della composizione isotopica dell’ossigeno (e possibilmente dell’idrogeno) verrà condotta sulle acque del sottosuolo, dei bacini superficiali e sulla linfa xilematica delle viti a cadenza semestrale per sei vigneti (due per area). Presso i 6 vigneti verranno installati pluviometri per l’analisi isotopica delle precipitazioni mensili, per una durata minima di 18 mesi. Verranno inoltre condotte analisi tessiturali e mineralogiche dei suoli, oltre all’installazione di sensori di pressione nei 6 vigneti che monitorano costantemente l’acqua nel suolo. Le informazioni acquisite serviranno a creare un modello della circolazione idrica sotterranea, che consentirà lo sviluppo di un software per i viticoltori e la realizzazione di innovativi sistemi di irrigazione superficiale e profonda del suolo, in ottemperanza alla direttiva quadro UE in materia di acque (2000/60/CE), volti allo sfruttamento sostenibile della risorsa idrica per il futuro.
Sito web: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/acquavitis
Olkas. From Aegean To The Black Sea. Medieval Ports In The Maritime Routes Of The East.
Interreg - Interreg IV South-East Europe
Project developed in the frame of the "Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation Program".
Sito web: http://www.ekbmm.gr, www.olkas.net
Analisi degli impatti di natura ambientale, sociale ed economica conseguenti ai cambiamenti climatici e individuazione delle strategie ed adattaemnto del progetto Climaptour
Interreg - Interreg IV Spazio Alpino
PORTODIMARE - geo POR tal of TO ols & D ata for sustaInable M anagement of co A stal and ma R ine E nvironment
Interreg - Interreg V ADRION
The PORTODIMARE project has been designed to capitalize, valorise and give further impulse to
the big amount of knowledge and analytic tools that have been developed during the last decade
within various European projects in the Adriatic-Ionian area (AIR). The resulting infrastructure will
become the reference for new projects on ICZM-MSP to be developed in the future in the area.
PORTODIMARE main objective is, indeed, the development of the Geoportal of the
Adriatic-Ionian-Region (GAIR), oriented to support transnational cooperation networks for the
implementation of ICZM and MSP in the AIR and to support the Blue Growth in the area.
Sito web: https://portodimare.adrioninterreg.eu/
APPRODI - From Ancient Maritime Routes to eco-touristic destinations
Interreg - Interreg V ADRION
CALAON Diego, ZENDRI Elisabetta
PROLINE-CE: Efficient Practices of Land Use Management Integrating Water Resources Protection and Non-structural Flood Mitigation Experiences
Interreg - Interreg V Central Europe
SIforREF Integrating Refugees in Society and Labour Market thorugh Social Innovation
Interreg - Interreg V Central Europe
CAMPOMORI Francesca, PASIAN Pamela
The challenge that SIforREF addresses is combating the risk of marginalization of refugees after the reception phases
(which are different in the various central European Countries) . SIforREF’s main objective is to enhance significantly
and/or to launch (where not existing at all) refugee integration policies at regional and local level (in the 4 involved
regions), particularly addressing refugees’ transition from reception phases to autonomy. The change that SIforREF
intends to produce is the following: we expect that refugee integration is included in the decisional agenda both at
local and transnational level. Moreover, we expect that through this project policy-makers and stakeholders engage in
virtuous governance in order that innovative and inclusive measures become mainstream. The main outputs of the
projects are: tools for evaluating and designing social innovative practices and improving the social innovation
capacity of policies; pilots of these tools (7) and a regional and transnational strategy. As for the approach, SIforREF is
based on the idea that best practices related to refugee’s integration can be found both in countries more
experienced in tackling with refugees -or where policy makers explicitly put in their agenda refugees’ mid- term
integration- and in countries less experienced or where national governments are more hostile. The complexity of this
issue require a mutual learning among central European regions, especially neighbourhood regions like those involved
in the project.
SIforREF conveys innovation because it tackles an issue (refugee integration) which is poorly addressed by official
policies, despite attached problems are evident, and because it aims not only at exchanging good practices, but
intends to jointly design and implement methodologies for integrating refugees that draw from the social innovation
Smart accelerators of cultural heritage entrepreneurship - SACHE
Interreg - Interreg V Central Europe
It is widely expected that culture and heritage automatically inspire innovation and new creative entrepreneurship but research shows that this is rarely the case. It is therefore necessary to challenge and reinterpret the role of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) for regional development.
The SACHE project will develop and deliver integrated local development strategies based on tools and approaches that accelerate creative entrepreneurship within and around cultural heritage. The project will expand and strengthen the role of cultural heritage sites, symbols and values by transforming them into “Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship” (SACHE) based on a newly developed central European model.
Museums, galleries, theatres and festivals will be conceived not only as sites of education or entertainment but also as accelerators, i.e. cultural engines that mobilise and nurture the energies of small creative businesses.
This will expand access to cultural heritage as well as the production of value enhancing services, the development of innovative clustering of CCIs around each SACHE. It will also help to foster cross-sectoral cooperation with other industrial and service sectors especially in digital technologies.
Sito web: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/SACHE.html
Ecos4in: Knowledge Ecosystems for Industry 4.0
Interreg - Interreg V Central Europe
Sito web: https://programme2014-20.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/ECOS4IN.html
GEtCoheSive - Governance Enhancement for Cohesive Societies
Interreg - Interreg V Central Europe
CAMPOMORI Francesca, DESIATA Eleonora, PASIAN Pamela
The GEtCoheSive project develops and tests inclusive governance practices to improve public authorities’ capacities to engage with citizens from vulnerable backgrounds, especially in view of environmental policies and access to care services. The partnership develops a transnational strategy and local action plans for four cities to make their societies more cohesive.
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
The S.LI.DES. project aims at fostering cross border cooperation among cultural destinations in the Programme area and the joint planning of smart strategies to support more sustainable and balanced territorial development through the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, in particular those assets shaping the identity of the destinations
Sito web: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/slides
ML-REPAIR - REducing and Preventing, an integrated Approach to Marine Litter Management in the Adriatic Sea
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
CAGGIANI Maria Cristina, POJANA Giulio
The Italy-Croatia Interreg ML-REPAIR Project (2018-2019) aims to prevent and reduce input and dispersion of marine litter (ML) in the Adriatic Sea, so contributing to an environmentally sustainable growth of tourism and the fishery sector by supporting behavioral changes through raising awareness activities about ML issues. The project, capitalizing the results of the previous IPA-Adriatic DeFishGear Project (DFG), is focused toward a joint governance of ML management in Italy and Croatia. The main project activities are being focused on testing innovative educational tools for raising awareness of tourists and youth population of local communities in coastal areas, and supporting strategies for ML monitoring in a participative approach involving the fishing communities. The DFG activities selected to be capitalized in this project are specifically: a) the Fishing for Litter (FfL), based on the principle of removal and correct disposal of ML recovered during fishing activities; b) the monitoring of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) and ML on the sea floor; c) the dissemination of available information about ML and d) evaluation of plastic debris ageing, degradation and potential generation of microplastics. The experience gained by partners in DFG will be specifically spent to spread further the implementation of good FfL practices in the fishery sector, increasing the number of boats and ports involved in this activity in Italy and Croatia.
2014 - 2020 Interreg V-A. Italy - Croatia CBC Programme: Safe Anchoring and Seagrass Protection in the Adriatic Sea - SASPAS. Subcontractor finanziato da CORILA con 80.000 euro (2018-20)
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
ECOlogical supporting for traffic Management in cOastal areas By using an InteLlIgenT sYstem (Ecomobility)
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
GAMBARO Andrea, TOSCANO Giuseppa
Il progetto ECOMOBILITY è un progetto europeo Interreg Italia-Croazia. Durerà 18 mesi, dal 1 Gennaio 2018 al 30 Giugno 2019. Il Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica dell’Università Ca’ Foscari è il capofila del progetto. Gli altri partner sono: Regione Veneto (con ARPAV) e l’istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISAC-CNR) in Italia, l’Università di Rijeka e la municipalità di Rijeka in Croazia.
L'obiettivo generale di ECOMOBILITY è quello di promuovere l’innovazione nella gestione dei principali mezzi di trasporto nelle aree costiere, utilizzando un approccio eco-compatibile.
Durante il progetto ECOMOBILITY verrà messo a punto uno strumento di supporto per il sistema di gestione del traffico, che consentirà agli organismi di gestione del traffico di organizzare il flusso dei veicoli in base alla concentrazione di inquinanti, riducendo i picchi di inquinamento nelle aree già critiche. Il sistema raccoglierà i dati ambientali dalle stazioni di monitoraggio distribuite nella zona urbana e trasmetterà le informazioni, sotto forma di mappe, agli organi di gestione del traffico in tempo reale, consentendo così di intervenire preventivamente con l'azione più appropriata. Il sistema verrà testato a Venezia e a Rijeka (Fiume, in Croazia). Allo scopo di coinvolgere anche i cittadini, i dati ambientali real-time verranno utilizzati anche per alimentare un'applicazione per dispositivi mobili, che avrà lo scopo aiutare l’utente a pianificare itinerari più “green”, aggirando le aree critiche più inquinate o scegliendo il mezzo di trasporto meno inquinante.
ECOMOBILITY avrà anche una parte più propriamente scientifica, che si occuperà di studiare il contributo del traffico navale e delle altre fonti di inquinamento sulle nano particelle, argomento di grande interesse e di frontiera nel campo delle scienze ambientali.
Valorisation of SMall-scale ARTisanal FISHery of the Adriatic coasts, in a context of Project title sustainability (AdriSmartFish)
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
Artisanal Small-Scale Fishery (SSF) according to EU is the one employing vessels smaller than 12m LOA, not using towed gear. World-over, it is the most relevant fishery segment, deeply rooted in local traditions, adapted to the environment through coevolution, and inherently sustainable. For this, and for its potential to provide sustainable growth and jobs, in harmony with the marine environment, it is acknowledged at many levels (FAO GFCM, EU CFP, ERDF, EUSAIR) to play an important role in the pursuit of Blue Growth.
In the Programme area, SSF sector represents the 50% of the Italian and 90% of the Croatian fleets operating in the FAO Geographic Subarea (GSA)17 (Northern Adriatic).
The common challenge it faces, proven also through previous CB projects (e.g. ArtFishMed) is a lack of competitiveness in comparison with other fleets (e.g trawling and/or dredges), difficult access to market, low prices, decreasing stocks and
biodiversity in the catches, decreasing market values and increasing running costs. Due to the common characteristics of SSF throughout the Area, and to the fact that it exploits natural resources shared and freely moving between the waters of the two Countries, it is a challenge that calls for a cross-border cooperation approach.
The general objective of the Project is to strengthen the Small-Scale Fishery role in the GSA 17 in the near future, by fostering their potential for innovation within the Blue Growth context. In a sector like the SSF, which has evolved in strong connection with local tradition and in balance with the ecosystem, the elements of innovation most likely to bring the greatest benefits won’t be found in processes and technologies, but rather in the approach to management and in the valorisation of the products, in an effort to boost its resilience and sustainability, and market value. Exploiting the great
adaptability of SSF, the Project will promote its assumption as a paradigm for the implementation of integrated management strategies, through an Ecosystem-Based Approach.
The project will involve all the actors responsible for the management of the coastal area with a bottom-up approach; strategies to mitigate risk and exploit opportunities will be identified in cooperation with stakeholders, and will serve to strengthen the scientific advice, to improve medium term planning and the policy making process.
The outputs of the project will be:
- A comprehensive body of knowledge on the current state of SSF in GSA17 to drive policy-makers and operators, and to give scientific soundness to the project itself;
- Market and product innovation for the SSF sector, based on knowledge-transfer, cocreation, resilience and sustainability; this will benefit also the coastal environment and consumers;
- Management innovation in the SSF sector, by both empowering its self-management capabilities and streamlining regulations; this will benefit also environmental resources and other users of same coastal areas
ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for Project title biodiversity (ECOSS)
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
The Adriatic sea calls for cross border actions in the field of preservation of ecosystem and biodiversity, one of the main territorial challenges. The whole area is under the influence of climate change and pollution that requires for joint, systemic and integrated management of coastal and marine resources that could be enhanced only adopting a cross-border approach. Challenges related to the health and function of the marine ecosystem needs an innovative integration of ecological and oceanographic research with conservation programmes, across a wide range of temporal and spatial
scales, linking and integrating the coastal and the offshore areas. A collaborative effort at transnational level is necessary to align the present ocean observing capacities, foster sustainability of marine-related policies, narrow existing technological gaps and sustain the training of the new generation of marine scientists and operators. ECOSS overall objective is the establishment of the ECOlogical observing system in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), shared between Italy and Croatia, able to integrate ecological and oceanographic research and monitoring with Natura 2000 conservation strategies.
Building on the facilities, infrastructures and long term ecological data existing in the Programme area and developing specific case studies, ECOSS will enhance the marine observational capacities for improving the conservation status and the expansion of the marine component of Natura 2000 network. The synergies and feedbacks among the main conservation management questions, ecological variables and key oceanographic processes will be assessed, basing on the connectivity among habitats and species in coastal and offshore waters. For the first time in the area, the holistic view of marine ecosystem health, at the base of the MSFD, will be merged with the traditional nature conservation approach, evidencing and developing the interconnections and synergies among the MSFD and H&BD. ECOSS will activate, develop and stabilize a process of Public Engagement so that all the societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, third sector organisations, etc.) work together during the whole process in order to better align the project outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. ECOSS will develop, building on the existing ICT facilities, a robust data management infrastructure, following the principles of open science, facilitating access to the results and maximizing the re-use and the
transferability of project outputs. ECOSS will realize a permanent and stable partnership among different actors in the science-society-policy context, thus producing a real joint management of ecosystem, biodiversity, services and resources
that will be crucial for identifying and addressing environmental problems and proper adaptive solutions.
ECOSS ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
BUFFA Gabriella, PRANOVI Fabio
ECOSS overall objective is the establishment of the ECOlogical observing system in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), shared between Italy and Croatia, able to integrate ecological and oceanographic research and monitoring with Natura 2000 conservation strategies.
Building on the facilities, infrastructures and long term ecological data existing in the Programme area and developing specific case studies, ECOSS will enhance the marine observational capacities for improving the conservation status and the expansion of the marine component of Natura 2000 network.
Sito web: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/ecoss
S.LI.DES. - Smart strategies for sustainable tourism in LIvely cultural DEStinations
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
The S.LI.DES. project aims at fostering cross border cooperation among cultural destinations in the Programme area and the joint planning of smart strategies to support more sustainable and balanced territorial development through the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, in particular those assets shaping the identity of the destinations
Sito web: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/slides
S.LI.DES Smart strategies for sustainable tourism in LIvely cultural DEStinations.
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
The project aims at developing a cross-border smart methodology and strategy to preserve and valorize
unexploited tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and to promote sustainable territorial development,
focusing in particular on ‘living heritage’, ie. craft activities and creative industries. Through a set of
innovative tools and methods, S.LI.DES will develop a Smart Destination Ecosystem to dynamically analyze
different aspects of the project cultural destinations#-# heritage, monitor visitors’ mobility patterns and
identify the potential of valuable skills and “know-how” to enhance visitors’ experience. All data will concur
to assess the competitive and sustainable performance of the destinations, to support the development of
actions aimed at diversifying tourism offer through targeted investments in cultural heritage and to design
a cross border smart strategy transferable at EU level.
Sito web: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/slides
Progetto Interreg Italia Croazia Underwater Muse
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
MIMOSA – Maritime and Multimodal Sustainable Passenger Transport Solutions and Services
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
CAGNIN Alessandra, FASANO Giovanni, FAVARO Serena, LANZINI Pietro, PESENTI Raffaele, STOCCHETTI Andrea
MIMOSA is focused on changing a low level of cross-border connectivity by developing visible outputs, ranging from multimodal solutions to innovative and smart tools and technologies. It tackles the common challenge of increasing multimodality and reducing the impact of transport on the environment. MIMOSA is focused on EUSAIR Strategies and in Italy Croatia Programm Specific Objective 4.1: to improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Programme area
Sito web: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/mimosa
Progetto ADRIACLIM “Climate change information, monitoring and management tools for adaptation strategies in Adriatic coastal areas”
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
Progetto VALUE e Il Porto sepolto - Da Ariano nel Polesine agli Euganei fra Etruschi e Veneti - Piano di ricerca archeologica e valorizzazione turistico culturale
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
Sulla base della mappatura del patrimonio culturale, naturale, archeologico e dei servizi presenti verrà definito nuovo modello di sviluppo culturale e turistico ed istituiti 4 Distretti culturali con l’obbiettivo di valorizzare le risorse, promuovere in maniera innovativa il vasto patrimonio archeologico, culturale e turistico, diversificare l’offerta turistica dei territorio transfrontalieri e favorire la destagionalizzazione di flussi turistici. Inoltre VALUE intende attirare e far conoscere a nuovi target il patrimonio archeologico e storico esistenti nei territori, molto spesso noto solo agli addetti ai lavori ed esperti.
Sito web: https://www.parcodeltapo.org/index.php/it/i-progetti/97-ente-parco/i-progetti/1045-progetto-value.html
RESISTANCE - Raising awarenESs of MaritIme Spatial planning imporTANCE
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Croazia
The guiding idea of our project is that joint solutions can be effectively developed only if the international cooperation of different organizations is encouraged. This project is example of cooperation of various experts, members of representatives of local, regional authorities, educational institutions, international environmental organizations, who will jointly evaluate their already developed good practices for a sustainable use of marine and coastal resources. To ensure such sustainability, it is necessary to establish a smart coastal management system to assist the Maritime Spatial Planning. All involved PPs will work together to establish guidelines for preserving the wealth of the Adriatic Sea in order to reap maximum economic benefits while protecting the marine ecosystem. In accordance to the EUSAIR Pillar 3 and the relevant Flagship the so far achieved experiences from the projects SOUNDSCAPE, ECOSS, ECOMAP, NET4MPLASTIC, DORY, ML-REPAIR, SASPAS will be amalgamated to develop sustainable growth, to decrease pollution and contamination, and protect the unique biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea.
Sito web: https://programming14-20.italy-croatia.eu/web/resistance
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Slovenia
Creazione di un accelerazione di impresa transfrontaliero
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Slovenia
Strumenti di marketing innovativo per le imprese dell'area trasfrontaliera
CROSSMOBY :Pianificazione della mobilità e servizi di trasporto passeggeri, sostenibili e transfrontalieri, all’insegna dell’intermodalità
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Slovenia
Il progetto CROSSMOBY affronta la sfida volta a migliorare le capacità in materia di pianificazione della mobilità sostenibile e a fornire collegamenti di trasporto pubblico transfrontalieri basati un forte approccio di cooperazione istituzionale, per conseguire risultati concreti per i cittadini dell’area del Programma, anche in termini di riduzione delle emissioni derivanti dal trasporto. Il principale obiettivo del progetto è la creazione di nuovi servizi di trasporto transfrontalieri e sostenibili ed il miglioramento della pianificazione della mobilità attuata all’interno dell’intera area. I cambiamenti sostanziali attesi si concretizzeranno attraverso la sperimentazione di nuovi servizi ferroviari per passeggeri ed in un nuovo approccio alla pianificazione della mobilità, basato sulla già esistente metodologia PUMS applicata ad un numero limitato di progetti pilota. Gli output principali di progetto riguardano la riattivazione di servizi ferroviari transfrontalieri per passeggeri e un piano d’azione strategico transfrontaliero sulla mobilità sostenibile, che contribuiscono a rendere CROSSMOBY un progetto originale e nuovo, dal momento che non ci sono mai stati progetti precedenti, nei programmi di cooperazione Italia-Slovenia, che abbiano portato a simili risultati. Inoltre, per affrontare la mancanza di opzioni di mobilità sostenibile e per migliorare l’accessibilità a livello transfrontaliero, la cooperazione transfrontaliera si rivela necessaria laddove le autorità responsabili e le altre organizzazioni dell’Italia e della Slovenia siano in grado di sviluppare servizi in modo coordinato.
Sito web: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/crossmoby
CROSSMOBY - Pianificazione della mobilità e servizi di trasporto passeggeri, sostenibili e transfrontalieri, all’insegna dell’intermodalità
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Slovenia
CAGNIN Alessandra, LANZINI Pietro, PESENTI Raffaele, STOCCHETTI Andrea
Il progetto CROSSMOBY affronta la sfida volta a migliorare le capacità in materia di pianificazione della mobilità sostenibile e a fornire collegamenti di trasporto pubblico transfrontalieri basati un forte approccio di cooperazione istituzionale, per conseguire risultati concreti per i cittadini dell’area del Programma, anche in termini di riduzione delle emissioni derivanti dal trasporto. Il principale obiettivo del progetto è la creazione di nuovi servizi di trasporto transfrontalieri e sostenibili ed il miglioramento della pianificazione della mobilità attuata all’interno dell’intera area. I cambiamenti sostanziali attesi si concretizzeranno attraverso la sperimentazione di nuovi servizi ferroviari per passeggeri ed in un nuovo approccio alla pianificazione della mobilità, basato sulla già esistente metodologia PUMS applicata ad un numero limitato di progetti pilota. Gli output principali di progetto riguardano la riattivazione di servizi ferroviari transfrontalieri per passeggeri e un piano d’azione strategico transfrontaliero sulla mobilità sostenibile, che contribuiscono a rendere CROSSMOBY un progetto originale e nuovo, dal momento che non ci sono mai stati progetti precedenti, nei programmi di cooperazione Italia-Slovenia, che abbiano portato a simili risultati. Inoltre, per affrontare la mancanza di opzioni di mobilità sostenibile e per migliorare l’accessibilità a livello transfrontaliero, la cooperazione transfrontaliera si rivela necessaria laddove le autorità responsabili e le altre organizzazioni dell’Italia e della Slovenia siano in grado di sviluppare servizi in modo coordinato.
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Slovenia
Applicazione delle nanotecnologie per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti e modelli di business
ISE-EMH, Ecosistema italo-sloveno per la sanità elettronica e mobile
Interreg - Interreg V Italia - Slovenia
Sito web: https://www.ita-slo.eu/it/ise-emh
Studio dell'attuale sistema di gestione dell’accessibilità nautica del Porto di Venezia basato su indicatori di performance.
Interreg - Interreg V Spazio Alpino
Studio e prestazione complementare dell’attuale sistema di gestione dell’accessibilità nautica del porto di Venezia.
Interreg - Interreg V Spazio Alpino
CORAZZA Marco, DE NADAI Giuseppe, PESENTI Raffaele
AlpES: Alpine Ecosystem Services - mapping, maintenance, management
Interreg - Interreg V Spazio Alpino
AlpES will:
1. develop an Alpine ecosystem services concept
2. carry out a mapping and assessment of ecosystem services for the Alpine Space area including the testing in selected study regions across the Alpine Space
3. provide stakeholders with the results through an interactive web GIS and
4. ensure a multi-level and cross-sectoral transfer of AlpES results to a maximum number of stakeholders via a suite of innovative, tailored and transferable learning tools and targeted activities
Interreg - Interreg V Spazio Alpino
Progetto per Conservare e valorizzare nello spazio comune Retico, centrato sui beni culturali e il paesaggio culturale della Valtellina e Valposchiavo nel contesto UNESCO.
Obiettivo specifico del progetto, che può contare su 8 partner italiani e 3 partner elvetici, è la maggiore attrattività dei territori di Valtellina e Valposchiavo, caratterizzati da risorse ambientali e culturali con specificità comuni ed in particolare lo sviluppo di iniziative per la conoscenza, conservazione, gestione e valorizzazione sostenibile del patrimonio naturale e culturale.
Il progetto intende valorizzare gli stretti legami storici, sociali e culturali dei territori di Valtellina e Valposchiavo al fine di migliorare la conservazione del patrimonio architettonico e paesaggistico condiviso, mettendo in comune attività, conoscenze e metodologie, ma prima di tutto una visione strategica della conservazione preventiva e programmata che verrà attuata operando con le più avanzate tecniche per la diagnostica, la progettazione, il restauro, la manutenzione e la gestione dei beni culturali, soprattutto in una prospettiva di lungo periodo.
Orchestrating Information Technologies and Global Systems Science for Policy Design and Regulation of a Resilient and Sustainable Global Economy
Sito web: http://project-symphony.eu/
EAGLE: Europeana Network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy
EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Roman Epigraphy)
EAGLE, The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy is a best-practice network co-funded by the European Commission, under its Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme. EAGLE will provide a single user-friendly portal to the inscriptions of the Ancient World, a massive resource for both the curious and for the scholarly.
The EAGLE Best Practice Network is part of Europeana, a multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitised items from European museums, libraries, archives and multi-media collections. EAGLE will collect, in a single readily-searchable database, more than 1.5 million items, currently scattered across 25 EU countries, as well as the east and south Mediterranean. The project will make available the vast majority of the surviving inscriptions of the Greco-Roman world, complete with the essential information about them and, for all the most important, a translation into English.
The technology that will support the EAGLE project is state-of-the-art and tailored to provide the user with the best and most intuitive possible experience. Our services will include a mobile application, enabling tourists to understand inscriptions they find on location by scanning with a smartphone, and a story-telling application that will allow teachers and experts to assemble epigraphy-based narratives. A multilingual Wiki will be set up for the enrichment and enhancement of epigraphic images and texts, which will provide a basis for future translations of inscriptions into other European languages. The results of the EAGLE project will be disseminated as widely as possible, both within the scholarly community and within the public at large. To this end, EAGLE will publish its own Wikimedia Commons, and will also develop an inscription-themed documentary with a related teaser video.
EAGLE will work within the Europeana, and with its sister projects, to ensure full and effective integration within this flagship project to make European culture globally available.
CIP 2007-2013. CIP-ICT-PSP.2012.2.1 - Europeana and Creativity
Grant agreement ID: 325122
Sito web: https://www.eagle-network.eu
Europeana Space - Spaces of possibility for the creative reuse of digital cultural content
Project 621037. The aim of the Europeana Space project (2014-2017) was to create new opportunities for employment and economic growth within the creative industries sector, based on Europe’s rich digital cultural resources. The project created an open environment for the development of applications and services based on digital cultural content. The use of this environment will be fostered by a vigorous, wide-ranging and sustainable programme of promotion, dissemination and replication of the Best Practices developed within the project, and the extensive resources and networks of the Europeana Space consortium will be maintaned in the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding also beyond the end of the EC funding period.
Sito web: http://www.europeana-space.eu
The role of public information in markets: an experimental and computational approach
Sito web: http://prova
Altri programmi europei - COST
Physics of Risk'
Altri programmi europei - COST
The aim of this Action was to develop a greater understanding and application of modern statistical physics, mathematics and computational physics in relation to problems associated with risk such as occur in quantitative finance, food safety, health, social science and other disciplines, where these tools can enhance and improve upon current approaches to these issues.
Sito web: https://www.cost.eu/actions/P10/
MOVE - Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: http://www.move-cost.info/
COST Action IS1006: Unravelling the grammars of European sign languages: pathways to full citizenship of deaf signers and to the protection of their linguistic heritage
Altri programmi europei - COST
Unravelling the grammars of European sign languages: pathways to full citizenship of deaf signers and to the protection of their linguistic heritage
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/isch/Actions/IS1006?management
Unravelling the grammars of European sign languages: pathways to full citizenship of deaf signers and to the protection of their linguistic heritage
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/isch/Actions/IS1006?management
Unravelling the grammars of European sign languages: pathways to full citizenship of deaf signers and to the protection of their linguistic heritage
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/isch/Actions/IS1006?management
Unravelling the grammars of European sign languages: pathways to full citizenship of deaf signers and to the protection of their linguistic heritage
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/isch/Actions/IS1006?management
Stemmatological Workshop (COST Action IS1005)
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: http://www.medioevoeuropeo.org/
New Communities of Interpretation: Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Altri programmi europei - COST
Progetto Europeo ESSEM COST Action ES1205 – The transfer of engineered nanomaterials for wastewater treatment and storm water to rivers – WG3, From toxicity studies to regulation ”
Altri programmi europei - COST
COST Action IC1406 High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)
Altri programmi europei - COST
COST EU ALGAE (24/03/2015 - 23/03/2019): European Network for algal-bioproducts
Altri programmi europei - COST
Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles TD1408 INTREPID
Altri programmi europei - COST
This Actions will bring together communities of researchers, and research policy makers, contributing to advance our understanding and effective application of interdisciplinarity. A range of actions is designed to draw upon the Networks knowledge of barriers, as well as success and good practices, leading to the building of a critical mass of researchers and funders working to strengthen the European Research Areas capacity for interdisciplinarity
Sito web: http://intrepid-cost.ics.ulisboa.pt/
Arkwork - Archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment
Altri programmi europei - COST
As nations and the EU are making considerable investments in technologies, infrastructures and standards for all aspects of working with archaeological knowledge, critical understanding of how this knowledge is produced and used remains fragmentary. This COST Action will overcome this fragmentation by forming a transdisciplinary network that brings together the knowledge from individual research projects, national initiatives and EU projects (e.g. CARARE, LoCloud, Europeana Cloud, ARIADNE, DARIAH) in the field of archaeological knowledge production and use. This Action is an acute priority and prerequisite for ensuring the expected benefits of the large-scale investments in the cultural heritage sector.
The better coordination of current fragmented efforts to study archaeological practices, knowledge production and use, social impact and industrial potential of archaeological knowledge will 1) strengthen and consolidate the current state of the art, as represented in leading research in the field, on the making and emergence of archaeological knowledge and its application for societal benefit, and 2) provide a basis for guidance to diverse stakeholders responsible for making, regulating, preserving, managing and using archaeological knowledge including field archaeologists, museum professionals, heritage administrators, researchers, policymakers, cultural industry and the public.
Sito web: https://www.arkwork.eu/
Science and management of intermittent streams and ephemeral rivers
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: https://www.smires.eu/
RESTORE: Rethink Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sustainable buildings and facilities are critical to a future that is socially just, ecologically restorative, culturally rich and economically viable within the climate change context. Despite over a decade of strategies and programmes, progress on built environment sustainability fails to address these key issues. Consequently the built environment sector no longer has the luxury of being incrementally less bad, but, with urgency, needs to adopt net-positive, restorative sustainability thinking to incrementally do ‘more good’.
Within the built environment sustainability agenda a shift is occurring, from a narrow focus on building energy performance, mitigation strategies, and minimisation of environmental impacts to a broader framework that enriches places, people, ecology, culture, and climate at the core of the design task, with a particular emphasis on the salutogenic benefits towards health. Sustainability in buildings, as understood today, is an inadequate measure for current and future architectural design, for it aims no higher than trying to make buildings “less bad”. Building on current European Standards restorative sustainability approaches can and will raise aspirations and deliver restorative outcomes.
The RESTORE Action affects a paradigm shift towards restorative sustainability for new and existing buildings across Europe, promoting forward thinking and multidisciplinary knowledge, leading to solutions that celebrate the richness of design creativity while enhancing users’ experience, comfort, health, wellbeing and satisfaction inside and outside buildings, and in harmony with urban and natural ecosystems, reconnecting users to nature.
The RESTORE Action advocates, mentors and influences for a restorative built environment sustainability through working groups, training schools (including learning design competitions) and Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). Also, in order to facilitate communication and dissemination of results, our Action offers conference grants and open access publication grants.
Sito web: https://www.eurestore.eu/
New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumors
Altri programmi europei - COST
Sito web: https://stratagem-cost.eu/
Cost Action "Who Cares in Europe?"
Altri programmi europei - COST
This Action will define and develop an emerging research field that explores the relationships among voluntary associations, families and states in the creation of social welfare in Europe. It focuses on the question of how state welfare emerged from the social welfare provided by non-profit, non-state institutions and individuals; how it has developed and changed over time; and how, in recent years, it has entered into crisis in many countries. The Action, which is at once local and transnational, will bring together researchers and policy makers throughout Europe in a collaborative exchange. The Action emphasizes the welfare state’s deep historical roots, and will use local case studies to recover the “voices” and contributions of individuals, families and voluntary associations. This will give us a much deeper and richer story about social protection in Europe than is currently available. By analyzing the long-term development of welfare within a triadic optic that examines the interactions among families, voluntary welfare associations and states in the creation of social welfare, the Action has the potential to radically shift dominant paradigms in the field of welfare studies. The Action will contribute to welfare policy development and debate by offering a historical perspective on current problems and debates and the principles and premises that underpin them.
Sito web: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18119/#tabs|Name:management-committee
CA17128 - Establishment of a Pan-European Network on the Sustainable Valorisation of Lignin. Lignocost
Altri programmi europei - COST
Rappresentante italiano e membro del management commettee nel progetto europeo Cost action CA 17128 LignoCOST (2019-2022).
Lignin has the potential to become the future aromatic raw material for the industry, but is largely underexploited due to lack of (information on) industrial availability, sustainable applications, environmental footprint. Economic considerations nonetheless make its valorisation mandatory for the viability of future biorefinery operations.
The main objective of LignoCOST is to establish a sound network covering the entire value chain in which relevant information can be produced with a focus on lignin valorisation towards sustainable industrial applications. Only when working together this information can be gathered to cover the technical, non-technical, environmental and socio-economic implications of the most promising lignin value chains.
Sito web: https://lignocost.eu/ https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA17128/#tabs|Name:overview
CA18220 - European network of FURan based chemicals and materials FOR a Sustainable development (FUR4Sustain)
Altri programmi europei - COST
Modern society relies on a huge quantity of polymeric materials. However, today, these materials are still almost exclusively based on fossil-resources and evolution to a more sustainable model of development is required.
In this perspective, biomass and, in particular carbohydrates from, for example, low value biomass wastes, are outstanding starting feedstocks for the production of added-value chemicals and products. One of such is 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA). Nevertheless, efforts on FDCA-based products development have been scattered in individual scientific activities, and moreover joint efforts between Academy and Industry have also been rare, hampering their successful industrialisation and market introduction.
Precisely, this Action will master the scattered pan-European individual efforts to design innovative routes to FDCA-based chemicals and polymeric materials towards lab-to-industry-to-market, by gathering, for the first time, a real critical mass along the complete value-chain, including several experts in FDCA synthesis, polymer science and general materials developing and chemical-physics; together with producer, manufacture and recycling industrial stakeholders; LCA and techno-economic viability experts.
The Action will accomplish these targets by pursuing two-parallel strategies. Firstly, supporting an ‘holistic vision’ in which FDCA synthetic routes, polymers & polymeric materials development, characterisation, as well as key technical, economic, environmental and social factors are considered together, aiming at supporting and identifying solutions to successful market introduction. Secondly, using intersectorial knowledge, supported by dissemination and networking tools to provide an open platform for collaboration and a common vision addressing research, human resources qualification and industrial implementation.
Sito web: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18220/
Enhancing knowledge of BIOmolecular solutions for the well-being of European AQUAculture sector (BIOAQUA)
Altri programmi europei - COST
A growing interest in the development of new technologies to foster the sustainability of aquaculture sector has arisen over the past decade, seeking alternative scientific and technical tools for fish-farm production. In order to assess the current status, our action aims at exploring the potential of biomolecular solutions for the well-being of European aquaculture sector, proposing an innovative conceptual pathway for veterinary applications, tracking systems, diagnosis or biosafety. For that purpose, the Action proposes to establish an innovative and dynamic European network connecting scientists, aquaculture industry and stakeholders to optimize information exchange, develop a joint research agenda, explore new advance research lines and enhance the co-production among researchers and other industry and societal actors. Among the different activities and outcomes, the action will promote the visit to different aquaculture facilities and the development of an interactive website for knowledge exchange. Overall, the action will contribute to improve fish welfare and reduce costs related to critical circumstances (blooms, diseases, overuse of antimicrobials…).
Sito web: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22160/
Mapping Translation Flows in the Eastern Neighborhood countries: Armenian to Italian Translations Study
Altri programmi europei - Creative Europe - Sottoprogramma Cultura
Altri programmi europei - Creative Europe - Sottoprogramma Cultura
Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism - ATRA (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016, G.A. n° 745704)
Altri programmi europei - Creative Europe - Sottoprogramma Cultura
ACCIARINO Damiano, DRUSI Riccardo
La ricerca intende censire, su scala europea, materiali documentari inerenti l'interesse per i "Realien" dell'Antichità classica (dai reperti archeologici alle epigrafi, alle monete e medaglie antiche, allo studio delle fonti del lessico latino arcaico) quale si amnifestò nel corso del Rinascimento, con particolare riguardo agli scambi epistolari fra eruditi e filologi (molti dei quali ancora inediti) della metà e del tardo Cinquecento. Un ulteriore passo, previsto dal progetto, è la definizione d'una piattaforma informatica che consenta l'incrocio dei dati e la loro consultazione secondo la più vasta parametratura. La ricerca viene condotta in partnership con il dipartimento di Italian Studies della University of Toronto - Canada.
ATRA is a digital system that maps the circulation of antiquarian learning in sixteenth-century Europe. Its purpose is to contribute to the promotion of new knowledge on antiquarian studies in the Renaissance and demonstrate how the Antiquarian approach – that based the growth of thought on documented sources and empirical evidence – played a primary role in the evolution of the entire cultural/intellectual life of Early Modern times. The main intent is to allow the interconnection of data that otherwise would probably never come into contact and to bring to the surface issues not yet
bridled in rigid classifications.
Dancing Museums - The Democracy of Beings (2018-2021)
Altri programmi europei - Creative Europe - Sottoprogramma Cultura
"Dancing Museums" is is an action research project designed to foster and sustain long-term collaborations between dance and museums. It involves 11 partners: 6 dance organisations, 2 museums, 1 university and 1 research centre, plus a multitude of other associated museums. Seven dance artists provided the creative engine for the journey. The aim of the project is to look at how the presence of dance can offer new ways of experiencing art and heritage. Each artist has 10 weeks of residency in their local context to work with the museum and dance organisations. Artists will come together through a series of international workshops to share and exchange. The local residencies enabled a full immersion in the daily life of a museum. They allowed artists to explore the spaces and how visitors behave in them; to experiment with new approaches to the art space, art work and public, always in close collaboration with the local museum and dance organisation teams, engaging local artists and representatives of the different communities. Sustainability, identity, collaboration, decoloniality and taking care of ephemeral heritage are the main themes to be explored in multiple ways and contexts.
Sito web: http://www.dancingmuseums.com
Progetto europeo MIFORCAL
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
Sito web: http://www.univirtual.it/miforcal
ISDERA - Innovative Service in Difficult Environment for Recycler Artisan
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
Plan d'actions éducatives sur les OMD à travers les Jumelages scolaires Nord/Sud
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
Cultura, Turismo e Formacao: Bubaque cidade aberta
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
Sito web: http://Guinea Bissau. Isole Bijagos, settore di Bubaque
Analisi su ecoturismo e gestione rifiuti isole Bijagòs (Guinea Bissau)
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
MEDIUM: New pathways for sustainable urban development in China’s medium-sized cities
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
Cháke Ou: Strengthening of institutional and community preparedness and coordination capacities for disaster risk reduction in Paraguay
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
CLIMASOUTH: Low carbon development for climate resilient societies
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
SAVEMEDCOASTS: Sea level rise scenarios along the Mediterranean coasts
Altri programmi europei - EUROPEAID
Facilitating Corporate Social Responsibility in the field of Trafficking of Human Beings
Altri programmi europei - ISEC - Prevention of and Fight against Crime
Progetto europeo “Transfer Radicalisation Approaches in Training (TRA in Training)”, supported by The Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union, in collaborazione con il Ministero della Giustizia - Dipartimento Amministrazione Penitenziaria DAP (Ap
Altri programmi europei - ISEC - Prevention of and Fight against Crime
CNECT/2020/OP/0035 - A research agenda on Digital Media and Human Well-Being – VIGIE 2020-661
Altri programmi europei - JRC Tender
This European Commission project (May 2021 – Nov 2022) aims at synthesizing the current understanding of the impact of digital media on human behavior, seed and mapping a new interdisciplinary research community on this topic, the scope for a research agenda, and issue recommendations for policy and future digital media design.
This proposal is led by an international consortium with the help of an interdisciplinary Advisory Group (AG) of renowned experts. It proposes a hybrid methodology based on the AG that acts both as catalyst and guide for collaborative large-scale mapping of the state-of-the-art and challenges of that emerging field. This collective study is mediated by intelligent ICT tools.
During the project, the research community will be invited to give its input on the key challenges that should be supported by the EU in the next five years.
On the basis of this collaborative mapping of state-of-the-art and future challenges, the Advisory group will be in charge of recommendations to the European Commission for future funding schemes in this domain.
The outputs of this project will be a prospective roadmap for the EU and cartography of the main actors and research areas related to Digital Media and Human Well-Being.
Sito web: https://iscpif.fr/digeing/
habitat 1150* (coastal Lagoon) recovery by SEagrass RESTOration. A new strategic approach to meet HD & WFD objectives.
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
Sito web: http://in preparazione
Rinaturalizzazione della laguna Nord di Venezia con trapianti di fanerogame acquatiche. Progetto Life12 NAT/IT/000331-SeResto. Progetto finanziato con 1.563.898 euro dalla Comunità Europea (2013-18).
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
FRANZOI Piero, PASTRES Roberto, SFRISO Adriano
Sito web: http://www.lifeseresto.eu
LIFE REDUNE Restoration of dune habitats in Natura 2000 sites of the Veneto coast
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
BUFFA Gabriella, PRANOVI Fabio
the general purpose of this project is to re-establish and maintain over time the ecological integrity of habitats 2110/2120, 2130*, 2250* e 2270* and of Stipa veneta* populations, as a means to guarantee the ecological functioning of the entire coastal dune mosaic, in 4 Natura 2000 sites of the North Adriatic coastline, making use of an ecosystem approach that considers all ecosystem components (e.g. human activities, habitats and species, and physical processes) and applies well developed methods. In detail the project aims to:
1. Restore 91ha of 5 habitats of EU importance and double the mondial number of individuals of the priority species Stipa veneta*;
2. Reduce negative human impacts inside the Natura 2000 sites;
3. Get stakeholders to develop a responsible behaviour towards sand dune ecosystems and support a sustainable use;
4. Transfer and replicate acquired expertise and methods to similar ecosystems within the Mediterranean context.
Sito web: http://www.liferedune.it
LIFE BIOPOL: Production of Leather making Biopolymers from biomasses and industrial by products, through Life Cycle Designed processes
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
BEGHETTO Valentina, SOLE Roberto
Biopolymers are produced using as raw material some industrial by products like animal and vegetable biomasses from Bio-Refineries.
To design and build up an Industrial Prototype Plant able to produce green chemicals
To produce Bio-Polymers using as raw materials some industrial by-products from agro-chemical and leather industries,
To enhance re-using of biomasses and by-products otherwise disposed in landfill or incinerated,
To prove that the new green chemicals have same or better quality performances than petrochemical agents through the application in leather making process,
The most important expected results of the project are the following:
Sensible increasing of biomasses re-use, around 80-90% in comparison to the current practice,
Reduction of 70-90% of the hazardous substances normally found in conventional chemicals used in leather making process.
Discharged leather-process effluents content reduction of :
20-30% of COD,
50-60% of Inorganic salts,
90% of Cr (III) salts.
Reactivity enhancement of 30-40% of the new biopolymers compared to the current leather application technology
Reduction of 20% of the water used in the leather process compared to the current leather application technology
Reduction of 70-80% of the Product Environmental Footprint of the new Biopolymers related to the current tanning, retanning and fatliquoring agents.
Sito web: https://www.codyeco.com/en/biopol/project/
Green Organic Agents for Sustainable Tanneries (GOAST)
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
LIFE GOAST is a pilot project aiming to implement an eco-friendly tanning technique at preindustrial scale and that offers environmental advantages, with equal or even better technological performance, compared to current best practices and to be subsequently applied on a larger scale to similar situations throughout Italy and Europe.
GOAST new products/process require implementation on a pilot and pre-industrial scale as at present they have only been tested at a laboratory level. The aim of the project is to verify that, on a pilot scale, such new tanning agents/protocol are able to reduce toxic/harmful substances, water consumption and solid waste disposal. These achievements will
prompt strong dissemination and communication to the companies involved in the compartment, stakeholders, and eventually their environmental policies could change.
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
Il progetto Life Lagoon Refresh - Coastal lagoon habitat (1150*) and species recovery by restoring the salt gradient increasing fresh water input - prevede l’immissione di acqua dolce dal Fiume Sile alla Laguna di Venezia, per ripristinare il gradiente salino, ricreare l'habitat a canneto, migliorare l’ambiente lagunare e la sua biodiversità.
LIFE PollinAction Actions for boosting pollination in rural and urban areas
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
BUFFA Gabriella, FACCA Chiara, FANTINATO Edy, MALAVASI Stefano, PRANOVI Fabio, RUSSO Elisabetta
ENGAGE – Engage for ESG activation investments
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
BILLIO Monica, COSTOLA Michele
Sito web: https://engage4esg.eurodw.eu/
DeliverEEM - Delivering the Energy Efficient Mortgage Ecosystem
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
Life SeResto
Altri programmi europei - LIFE
Progetto Life Nature - LAGOON REFRESH, Coastal lagoon habitat (1150*) and species recovery by restoring the salt gradient increasing the fresh water input (LIFE16 NAT/IT/000663. Finanziato dalla Comunità Europea con 460711 euro per il DAIS
Altri programmi europei - LIFE Plus
Progetto life Nature - Transfer, Seagrass transplantation for transitional Ecosystem Revcovery (Life19 NAT/IT/000264), finanziato dall'Unione Europea con 267049 euro per il DAIS
Altri programmi europei - LIFE Plus
The specific objectives are:
- Restoring and consolidating priority habitat 1150* in 6 coastal lagoon , by transplanting submerged phanerogams to promote ecosystem self-sustainability;
- Contributing to achieve a goog ecological status of transitional water demonstrating the effectiveness of the poroposed actions to pursue the objectives set in the WFD 2000/60/EC;
- Quantifying the value of ecosystem services provided by the lagoon environments and seagrass meadows;
- Training of future trainers in this techniques, targeting site managers/professional not participating to th project to ensure trasferability and replicability in other sites.
Sito web: http://www.lifetransfer.eu
Progetto Life Nature - TRANSFER, Seagrass transplantation for transitional Ecosystem Recovery (LIFE19 NAT/IT/000264. Finanziato dall'Unione Europea con 267049 euro per il DAIS
Altri programmi europei - LIFE Plus
Sito web: http://www.lifetransfer.eu.
Con3Post - Posting of Third Country Nationals in the Construction Sector
Altri programmi europei - Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EASI) - Progress
Pow-Bridge. Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the Posting of Workers
Altri programmi europei - Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EASI) - Progress
Info-Pow. Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers
Altri programmi europei - Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EASI) - Progress
Precstude. Precarious work amongst students in Europe
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Precstude. Precarious work amongst students in Europe
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
TEAM - Trade Unions, Economic Change and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Sito web: http://www.ub.edu/TEAM
Craw. Challenging Racism at Work
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Linkage. Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Groups through Social Dialogue
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Age Groups through Social Dialogue
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Internstage. Internships, work placements, volunteering: stages on the road to decent work or to insecurity?”, EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities;
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Poosh. Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers: Depicting the existing and future challenges in assuring decent working conditions and wellbeing of workers in hazardous sectors,
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
2018 Gender4stem Erasmus +
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
The project will promote and support teachers in dealing with gender-balance and diversity in their
classroom. It aims to tackle the low representation of girls in STEM education (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths) and subsequently women in STEM careers. The problem has a European
dimension as several studies and recent statistics have shown. Indeed, several problems prevent
girls from fully participating in STEM among them cultural traditions and stereotypes, as well as
unconscious biases about girls in STEM education (e. g. science is solitude, science is more suitable
for men...).
Sito web: https://smartvenice.org/gender4stem-gender-sensitive-education-and-teaching/
REUERHC 2018-20 Erasmus +
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
The REUERHC (“Reinforce EU economies, reinforcing human capital”) project is an Erasmus Plus partnership between five countries: Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Romania and Sweden. It intends to respond to the Erasmus Plus priorities. One of the biggest challenges today for the European institutions and policy-makers is to integrate migrants and refugees into the European society. This project is aimed at contributing to this specific goal by providing tools for understanding and implementing a successful migrant and refugee integration in the field of entrepreneurship. The project also offers an excellent opportunity for exchange and networking between academic and non-academic organisations in different countries.
Project Partners:
1) CA’ FOSCARI UNIVERSITY OF VENICE – Italy, Leading Partner
2) EURONET – Italy, Partner
3) CROSSING BORDERS – Denmark, Partner
4) KIRSEHIR VALILIGI – Turkey, Partner
5) MEXPERT (ex PROiFALL) – Sweden, Partner
6) PREDICT – Romania, Partner
Raising Awareness and Staff MObility on violent RADdicalisation in Prison and Probation Services
Altri programmi europei - Programmi DG Justice
CRETA -- Center for reflected text analytics
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali
The “Center for Reflected Text Analytics” (CRETA) focuses on the development of technical tools and a general workflow methodology for text analysis within Digital Humanities. Of particular importance is the transparency of tools and traceability of results, such that they can be employed in a critically-reflected way. CRETA is a collaboration project with partners from studies of literature, language, history, politics, philosophy, and computational linguistics and data visualization.
CRETA is funded by the German ministry of education and research (BMBF) within the research programme eHumanities (funding reference number 01UG1601; first phase was: 01UG1601).
Sito web: https://www.creta.uni-stuttgart.de/en/
Venezia 2021: Programma di ricerca scientifica per una laguna regolata (2018-2022)
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali
Venezia2021 intende accompagnare la fase di collaudo delle opere di regolazione della marea, valutandone le ricadute, ambientali, sociali ed economiche in un’ottica di sostenibilità.
Nell'ambito della tematica di progetto 2 (Sedimenti, inquinamento chimico e interazione con gli organismi lagunari) la linea di ricerca (2.1) prevede lo studio della qualità del sedimento lagunare a supporto della sua gestione sostenibile, attraverso campagne di campionamento e di monitoraggio di acque e sedimenti lagunari. I risultati consentiranno di supportare la sperimentazione e l’implementazione della nuova normativa sulla movimentazione dei sedimenti. Vengono condotti due approfondimenti specifici: i) uno studio relativo ai processi all’interfaccia acqua-sedimento al fine di approfondire (anche in relazione all’entrata in funzione del MOSE) le problematiche relative al sedimento come sorgente secondaria di contaminazione e come modificatore della trofia; e ii) uno studio della frazione ultrafine del sedimento (al di sotto di 4 µm), al fine di comprendere quale sia il suo ruolo nella determinazione della qualità complessiva di questo comparto.
Sito web: http://Venezia 2021.corila.it
Didattica disciplinare attiva ambito scientifico/tecnologico, PNRR 2023
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Diffusione cultura scientifica
Orientamento attivo nella transizione scuola-università” – nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” – Componente 1 “Potenziamento dell’offerta dei servizi all’istruzione: dagli asili nido all’Università” – Investimento 1.6 “Orientamento attivo nella transizione scuola – università”, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU
FARE EarlyGeoPraxis
Bandi ministeriali - Bando FARE - Attrazione di eccellenza e supporto ERC
EarlyGeoPraxis addresses the cosmological embedment of geological praxis in early modernity by focusing on the ‘water city’, Venice, as a case study for the comprehension of the relationship between nature and civilization in the light of fundamental questions that have been raised by the ongoing debates on the Anthropocene on the consequences of the geological definition of a new age marked by the anthropic transformation of the earth-system as a whole:
can we write a history of scientific knowledge based on the transformative interplay of nature and culture?
what are the epistemological consequences of a historico-political inquiry into the co-evolution of knowledge and territory?
The political economy of a water city like Venice constitutes an emblematic case for the reassessment of such questions in the longue-durée. A series of closely interconnected studies address the cosmological bearing of transformative geo-praxis. They consider the dynamic interplay of humankind and the environment in the Venetian early modernity from the perspective of the global knowledge that was activated in the service of local environmental politics:
what natural knowledge and technical expertise were developed and mobilized (e.g., for the study and transformation of the lagoon’s hydrography)?
against what cosmology (e.g., at the intersection of tidal theories with matter theories about the elements and pre-classical celestial physics)?
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/earlygeopraxis/home
Center for the Study of Lived Religion
Bandi ministeriali - Bando FARE - Attrazione di eccellenza e supporto ERC
Whether marked by meditation, ecstasy, or bloodshed, religious experiences and interactions do not take place merely in institutional spaces and are not necessarily captured by the sacred texts and traditions of the so-called world religions. Instead, religious experiences and interactions largely emerge from the everyday contexts of believers’ lives and from entanglements with the material world (including human bodies). In order to have a better understanding of such experiences and interactions – and their implications for issues, such as religious identity and violence – scholars must thus adopt an approach to religious history that considers not only the texts written by and for religious leaders, but also the host of objects, texts, and
traditions that reflect the quotidian rituals and religious performances of believers more generally.
The Center for the Study of Lived Religion (CSLR) focuses on this analytical horizon by creating a new center dedicated to the academic study of the everyday religious practices of people – both past and present – from around the world. This center will support the study of all so-called world religious traditions, while simultaneously encouraging critical reflection on the boundaries of/between those traditions and on foundational rubrics in religious studies, including the category religion itself. The center will have a director (the PI), a postdoctoral fellow (PR), and an organizing committee and will be hosted by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The CSLR will produce several outputs, including academic conferences; academic lectures and
popular-level talks; and peer-reviewed publications prepared by the PR.
The CSLR will focus on six central, comparative aspects of lived religion: (1) cultural adaptation, appropriation, and differentiation; (2) religious competence and specialization; (3) situational or contextual meaning; (4) materiality, visuality, and
textuality; (5) gender and race; and (6) landscape. In conjunction with this interpretive framework, the CSLR will privilege studies on material artifacts (e.g., amulets, tokens, and manuscripts), archaeological contexts, and religious performances. In sum, the events and projects of the CSLR will operate within a robust theoretical and methodological framework in order to examine lived religious beliefs, experiences, performances, and interactions comparatively within and across all traditions, regions, and times.
Microbiome technoscience in Shanghai and Hong Kong in pandemic times. An anthropological study
Bandi ministeriali - Bando FARE - Attrazione di eccellenza e supporto ERC
Innovazione di prodotto e di processo per una manutenzione, conservazione e restauro sostenibile e programmato del patrimonio culturale.
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Smart Cities
ADAPT: Accessible Data for Accessible Proto-types in Social Sector
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Smart Cities
Il progetto prevede l’ampliamento delle infrastrutture per la realizzazione del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, affinché siano integrate, gestite, analizzate e sfruttate nei contesti opportuni le informazioni rilevanti che riguardano l’assistenza sociale di tutti i cittadini ed in particolare delle categorie più deboli, tra cui le persone sorde e con disabilità del linguaggio e della comunicazione.
Sito web: http://www.smartcityitalia.net/projects/adapt-accessible-data-for-accessible-proto-types-in-social-sector/; www.ehealth4all.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ADAPT.pdf
ADAPT: Accessible Data for Accessible Proto-types in Social Sector
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Smart Cities
ALBARELLI Andrea, BUGLIESI Michele, FOCARDI Riccardo, LUCCIO Flaminia, MARIN Andrea, ORLANDO Salvatore, RAFFAETA' Alessandra, ROSSI Sabina, SILVESTRI Claudio, TORSELLO Andrea
Il progetto prevede l’ampliamento delle infrastrutture per la realizzazione del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, affinché siano integrate, gestite, analizzate e sfruttate nei contesti opportuni le informazioni rilevanti che riguardano l’assistenza sociale di tutti i cittadini ed in particolare delle categorie più deboli.
ADAPT: Accessible Data for Accessible Proto-Types in Social Sector.
Bandi ministeriali - Bando Smart Cities
Il progetto prevede l’ampliamento delle infrastrutture per la realizzazione del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, affinché siano integrate, gestite, analizzate e sfruttate nei contesti opportuni le informazioni rilevanti che riguardano l’assistenza sociale di tutti i cittadini ed in particolare delle categorie più deboli.
La rappresentazione delle conoscenze organizzative: modelli e applicazioni digitali a supporto dei sistemi distribuiti di imprese.
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Tecnologie avanzate per la conoscenza, la conservazione e la valorizzazione di materiali ceramici, vetrosi e musivi in area mediterranea.
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Istituzioni pubbliche, economia e società civile nella cooperazione euromediterranea per una governance dello sviluppo sostenibile che valorizzi le risorse ambientali.
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Nuova filiera produttiva per il comparto tessile-calzatura italiano basata su polimeri nanocompositi.
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
La ricerca fondamentale sul linguaggio al servizio della lingua italiana: documentazione, acquisizione monolingue, bilingue e L2, e ideazione di prodotti multimediali.
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Atlante sintattico dei dialetti d'Italia
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Sito web: http://asis-cnr.unipd.it/
Le conseguenze economiche dell'invecchiamento della popolazione
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
The engines of growth: for a global history of the conflict between renewable, fossil, and fissile energies, 1972-1992
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Omero, Esiodo, Pindaro, Eschilo: forme dell'esegesi antica
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Asse natura-cultura. Progettazione educativa, Sistema formativo integrato, configurazione del territorio
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Il progetto di ricerca si propone di analizzare, valorizzare, e supportare tutte le esperienze innovative condotte fino a oggi in Sicilia sul tema degli orti urbani, cercando di produrre, laddove possibile, una sintesi operativa tra tutte le realtà che operano sul terreno dell’istruzione, della formazione, della riabilitazione terapeutica, e della rivitalizzazione urbana.
UNIVERSITÀ DI CATANIA - Area della Ricerca
Collaborazioni Internazionali
integrazione tra teorie e prassi. p. 135-145, ROMA:Armando Editore, Catania, 15-16 Febbraio 2013 TOMARCHIO M --- TOMARCHIO M.S. (2009). Sapere Scegliere Apprendere. Note a margine di una pedagogia dell'apprendimento. vol. 1, p. 1-107, ACIREALE:Bonanno Editore, ISBN: 8877966343 TOMARCHIO M --- TOMARCHIO M.S. (2010). Educazione Nuova e Scuola attiva. Un variegato e controverso prisma interpretativo. In: Educazione Nuova e Scuola Attiva in Europa all'alba del '900. Modelli, temi. Convegno Internazionale Catania 25/26/27 marzo 2010. vol. 1, p. 315-344, ISBN: 9788873466475 TOMARCHIO M --- Tomarchio M.S. (2012). Culture in dialogo, soggettività e modelli d’educazione integrale. In: (a cura di): Liana Daher, "Migranti" di seconda generazione. Nuovi cittadini in cerca di un’identità. ROMA:Aracne, ISBN: 9788854844858
Anno di Accesso
Gruppo, soggetto o centro di ricerca
Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Dipartimento di Pedagogia - Facultà d'Educaciò - Universitat de Vic (Vic - Catalogna)
Gruppo di ricerca sul tema Educazione Nuova e Scuola attiva in Europa
Gruppo di ricerca sul tema : scuola rurale e campi scolastici in Europa, storia e nuova progettualità collaborazione particolarmente ricca di ricadute scientifiche. La sede ospita un corposo patrimonio di fonti inedite sull'Italia
Fondation Archives Institut J. J. Rousseau - Université de Genève (Ginevra - Svizzera)
2009 2013
Internazionale Internazionale
MESCE Revista Educació i Història
Gruppo di lavoro sul tema :Democracia y educación en el siglo XX.
Negli ultimi decenni si registra infatti, in numerosi contesti urbani, un incremento delle superfici impegnate da usi agricoli. Questi nuovi “strani” luoghi vengono, nel gergo mainstream, identificati appunto come “orti urbani”.
La presenza di orti dentro gli spazi urbani non è una caratteristica esclusiva della città contemporanea, ma accompagna la storia della città sin dalle sue prime manifestazioni. Gli orti urbani nascono dall’esigenza di integrare le funzioni agricole all’interno delle aree più densamente antropizzate per rispondere, in primo luogo, al fabbisogno alimentare della comunità urbana, favorendo l’auto-produzione. Tuttavia gli orti urbani, sin dalle origini, hanno intrecciato spesso questa loro dimensione funzionale con quella estetico-ricreativa, dando luogo alla nascita e allo sviluppo del giardino ornamentale, dei parchi e degli orti botanici, luoghi di coltura e cultura in cui si materializzano elementi fondanti della dimensione identitaria di ogni comunità e città.
Nelle diverse fasi storiche si manifestano forme diverse di orti urbani per soddisfare i bisogni specifici di ciascuna epoca. Nelle città contemporanee, nate per soddisfare le esigenze organizzative delle società industrializzate ma oggi in declino a causa della crisi del modello produttivo che le ha informate, la presenza di orti urbani è spesso sempre più legata al oddisfacimento di nuove esigenze e nuovi bisogni.
In questi contesti gli orti urbani assumono nuove forme manifestandosi come: orti di comunità, orti scolastici, orti terapeutici e orti creativi. Ciascuno di questi “nuovi luoghi urbani” nasce per tentare risposte a problemi specifici e di natura complessa che assommano dimensioni economiche, sociali, ambientali, in molti casi conflittuali.
Nello specifico:
Gli orti di comunità costituiscono uno sfondo per politiche pubbliche, in cui si registra anche una frequente presenza di soggetti appartenenti al terzo settore, finalizzate a rivitalizzare contesti e comunità marginali; in molte di queste esperienze, si registra l’affidamento di aree non utilizzate e degradate ai membri della comunità, che hanno così l’opportunità di sperimentare percorsi inclusivi e cooperativi, e di ricostruire legami sociali e identità collettiva.
Gli orti scolastici si diffondono sulla scorta di esperienze che hanno una lunga tradizione pedagogica e che mettono in evidenza la stretta correlazione tra processi di apprendimento e pratiche di cura della terra. La pratica degli orti scolastici e della coltura della terra integrata nei processi formativi istituzionali, quale esperienza diffusa di cura educativo-didattica, si attesta oggi a più livelli d’azione e sotto diversa forma, quale strategia atta a promuovere, entro l’orizzonte ideale di un sistema formativo integrato, rinnovate modalità di accesso ai saperi e alle discipline, cui si aggiungono in alcune esperienze obiettivi di inclusione e coesione sociale, dialogo interculturale e intergenerazionale, consapevolezza e responsabilità etico-sociale.
Gli orti terapeutici hanno obiettivi riabilitativi e rieducativi, configurandosi quali occasioni per stimolare e potenziare diverse abilità in ambito cognitivo, relazionale e comportamentale.
Gli orti creativi fanno riferimento a una molteplicità di pratiche, spesso non-istituzionali e spontanee, condotte da gruppi formali o informali di cittadini, centrate su paradigmi estetico-relazionali orientati alla costruzione di performance o allestimenti, stabili o temporanei. Questi trovano spesso giustificazione nella necessità di accrescere e stimolare la creatività collettiva e diffusa per aumentare la consapevolezza ambientale e relazionale, consentendo alle comunità di riappropriarsi di contesti e ambiti derelitti e degradati.
Il progetto di ricerca intende stimolare forme di cooperazione tra Dipartimenti di ricerca universitari, Scuola, Enti di assistenza, Istituti di ricerca, Centri di recupero e riabilitazione, Impresa sociale, amministrazioni locali ed Enti pubblici e privati, onlus e terzo settore, restituendo una sistematica attività di monitoraggio e valutazione di queste iniziative attraverso una metodologia scientificamente fondata. Inoltre, il progetto di ricerca punta alla elaborazione di una riflessione critica sulla possibilità di una migliore integrazione di tutte queste esperienze, nei processi formali e informali di trasformazione del territorio, proponendo questi percorsi quali strumenti di riappropriazione del vissuto urbano e di inter-azione “partecipata” ancorata alla tradizione culturale bioregionale e alla crescita di abilità in ambito cognitivo, relazionale e comportamentale nella promozione di cittadinanza attiva(Lawson Laura J., City bountifull; a century of community gardening in America, 2005, University of California press, Berkeley)..
Progetto di Ricerca FIR 2013 - I secoli XI e XII prodromi dell'Europa unita e divisa: confronti e scontri tra l'Oriente bizantino e l'Occidente latino
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Scandlit. Le letterature scandinave in Italia. Traduzione, editoria, ricezione
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Il progetto intende indagare la produzione di letteratura scandinava in Italia e si colloca a livello tematico e metodologico tra gli studi che lavorano alla definizione di una storia letteraria europea e globale attraverso l’analisi della letteratura tradotta, della sua incidenza culturale e letteraria e della sua disseminazione.
FISR - ISMEE Impacts of anti-Covid-19 sanitation in museums and ecclesiastical environments
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
ARICO' Fabio, BALLIANA Eleonora, ZENDRI Elisabetta
Reducing SARS-CoV-2 spread in the human body via the aerosolized delivery of cell-shielding PEGylated bicyclic peptides (RELIEVED)
Bandi ministeriali - FIRB/FIR/SIR
Progetto Smart Cities 2014 Ambito Cultural Heritage: SCN_00520 “Innovazione di prodotto e di processo per una manutenzione, conservazione e restauro sostenibile e programmato del patrimonio culturale”
Bandi ministeriali - JPI Cultural Heritage
European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her)
Bandi ministeriali - JPI Cultural Heritage
European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her)
Bandi ministeriali - JPI Cultural Heritage
European Waterways Heritage (Eu.Wat.Her)
Bandi ministeriali - JPI Cultural Heritage
Progetto di indagini archeologiche e valorizzazione del castello di Shayzar, Siria (2009)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Sito web: http://www.progetto-shayzar.it
Progetto di indagini archeologiche e valorizzazione del castello di Shayzar, Siria (2010)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Sito web: http://www.progetto-shayzar.it
Missione archeologica in Georgia
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Sito web: https://mizar.unive.it/erovaweb/shidakartli/ShidaKartliProject.html
Progetto di indagini archeologiche e valorizzazione del castello di Shayzar, Siria (2011)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Sito web: http://www.progetto-shayzar.it
Missione Archeologica Italiana a Las Bela (Balochistan, Pakistan)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Sito web: http://www.harappa.com/rohri
Miniere di selce della Valle dell'Indo
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Sito web: http://www.harappa.com/rehri, www.sindh.ws/ancient
Progetto di indagini archeologiche e valorizzazione del castello di Shayzar, Siria (2013)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Scavo del relitto bizantino di Cap Stoba (Croazia)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Progetto di indagini archeologiche e valorizzazione del castello di Shayzar, Siria (2014)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Ricostruire la frontiera: la cittadella di Urfa (2014-2016)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
CRISTOFORETTI Simone, FIORI Emiliano Bronislaw, TONGHINI Cristina
Progetto di indagini archeologiche Cittadella di Urfa, Turchia (2014-2016)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Le Pietre del Drago armene e l'uso rituale del paesaggio nel Caucaso preistorico
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Ricostruire la frontiera: la cittadella di Urfa (2015)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
Prospezione archeologica e ricerche storiche nella provincia di Wasit (iraq centro-orientale)
Bandi ministeriali - MAECI - Campagne di scavo
SLIMPORT - Sicurezza, Logistica, Intermodalità Portuale
Bandi ministeriali - MISE - INDUSTRIA 2015
MOTUS - MObility and Tourism in Urban Scenarios
Bandi ministeriali - MISE - INDUSTRIA 2015
ORLANDO Salvatore, RAFFAETA' Alessandra, SILVESTRI Claudio
Ottimizzazione economica e tecnica di un sistema di recupero energetico da rifiuti organici urbani
Bandi ministeriali - MISE - INDUSTRIA 2015
Bandi ministeriali - MISE - INDUSTRIA 2015
CAVINATO Cristina, PAVAN Paolo
Valorizzazione del prodotto ittico nazionale mediante tipizzazione geografica dell’esposizione ambientale a microcontaminanti, della composizione acidica delle carni e delle condizioni di benessere delle specie allevate
Bandi ministeriali - MIUR - MAECI - DAAD
Client-side Security Enforcement for Mobile and Web Applications
Bandi ministeriali - MIUR - MAECI - DAAD
CALZAVARA Stefano, FOCARDI Riccardo, LUCCIO Flaminia
Progetto di ricerca in collaborazione con Saarbrücken University
Analysis on the metabolic process of urban agglomeration and the cooperative strategy of circular economy
Bandi ministeriali - MIUR-MAECI - Cooperazione allo sviluppo - track scientifico
Lavoro e diritti nella rivoluzione di internet: una comparazione con paesi extra-UE
Bandi ministeriali - MIUR-MAECI - Cooperazione allo sviluppo - track scientifico
Integrated Reconstruction of Ice sheet DYnamics during late quaternary Arctic climatic transitions (IRIDYA) (PRA2021_0012)
Bandi ministeriali - MIUR-MAECI - Cooperazione allo sviluppo - track scientifico
Sito web: http://www.iridya.eu/
Indo-Italian Centre of Excellence for Restoratiopn and Assessment of Envoirmental Impacts on Cultural Heritage Monuments
Bandi ministeriali - MIUR-MAECI - Cooperazione allo sviluppo - track scientifico
BACK Michele, BENEDETTI Alvise, RIELLO Pietro
To promote among the partners of the Italian Indian network: 1. a network of excellence to promote joint Indo-Italian research for technologies applied to cultural heritage, 2. a long-term and sustainable relationship based on the reciprocal synergies, 3. the exchange of knowledge, experience, academic materials, information on technology development, publications, personnel, students and post-doctoral scholars, 4. training of research scholars and postdoctoral fellows, 5. the organization of workshops and visits to relevant monuments, 6. joint studies, proposals and conservation actions on the restoration of specific monuments in India, 7. the study of the environmental impacts on restoration and conservation of historical and cultural heritage monuments, including use of laboratory facilities, and 8. participation of private companies and pre-commercial R&D activities.
“TALDICE” (Talos Dome Ice core Project)
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Sito web: http://www.taldice.org/
Comportamento e destino di microcomponenti nel Continente Antartico anche in relazione ai cambiamenti climatici.
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
HOLOCLIP (Holocene climate variability at high-southern latitudes: an integrated perspective) [ESF Project n. 09-PolarCLIMATE-FP-012 ]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
High-latitudes are particularly interesting places to document natural climate variability since: (1) every component of the climate system interacts in these regions in a still poorly-constrained and non-linear way; (2) changes are amplified compared to low latitude environments; (3) Antarctica and its surrounding are characterized by a strong regional variability.
Existing geological records, glacial records and model experiments have highlighted differences in the evolution of the climate as a function of the area.
In the framework of the European Science Foundation PolarCLIMATE programme, HOLOCLIP aims to bring together the ice core, the sediment core and the modelling scientific communities to understand the processes linking different components of the climate system and linking climatic response to external forcing over the Holocene. The areas on which the European research efforts concentrated over the past decades are suited for integrating existing ice and marine records, in terms of amount and quality of collected materials. Key areas of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and their marine surroundings have been selected: Western Ross Sea, Oates-George V-Adelie Lands including Dome C ice drainage basin, Prydz Bay, Dronning Maud Land and Antarctic Peninsula-Scotia Sea.
Sito web: http://www.holoclip.org/
Comportamento e destino di microcomponenti nel Continente Antartico anche in relazione ai cambiamenti climatici
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
GAMBARO Andrea, PIAZZA Rossano
Sito web: http://www.pnra.it/
“IPICS-2kyr-Italia” [PNRA 2009/A2.09]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
The project aims at conducting a multiple firn and ice drilling, at the site of GV7 located about 200 km north of Talos Dome. The site has already been the subject of core study (150 yrs) during surveys carried out in ITASE, and it is characterised by a high snow accumulation (3 times Talos Dome, 10 times EPICA Dome C), a very good signal/noise ratio and an excellent chemical and isotopic stratigraphy. The Project proposes to undertake a series of multiple core in the same site (3 core of 70 m), to reduce the signal to noise ratio providing a resolution of climate and environmental records similar to the meteorological instrument (subannual) in the last 200 years and an intermediate drilling (400-500 m) that solves the climate signal in annual or multi-annual scale during the last 2000 yrs. The data thus collected may be compared with historical time series of meteorological data (since the early 50') and satellites (since the early 70') providing information on quatitative climate variability (precipitation, temperature, etc.) over the last 2000 yrs.
Progetto Contaminazione ambientale in Antartide: livelli ed andamenti degli inquinanti organici persistenti (POPs). A2.10
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
GAMBARO Andrea, PIAZZA Rossano
Sito web: http://www.pnra.it/
“Precipitation Retrieval at Concordia (PRE-REC)” [PNRA 2013/AC3.05]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Snow accumulation is the primary mass input to the Antarctic ice sheet and represents the most important link between the atmosphere and cryosphere. The geochemical (water stable isotopes) and microphysical (crystal morphology) properties of solid precipitation are correlated with both the local conditions of formation, and the thermodynamical history of the moist air path from the source area to the snowfall site. The importance of tracking the present dynamical and termodynamical conditions along the air path producing precipitation is fundamental for better understanding the climate information preserved in the ice core records. Snowfall on the Antarctic plateau is very scarce and very few direct data exist on the seasonal distribution of precipitation. This lack of information is still delaying the improvement of polar atmospheric circulation and ice-sheet models. PRE-REC will address those issues at Concordia station (75°S - 123°E) by means of the joint use of air-mass modelling (back-trajectories), isotope analysis of collected precipitation all year round, and several experimental (line-scan camera), meteorological (AWS, sounding data) and remote sensing ( LIDAR and ceilometer) techniques.
“IPICS-2kyr-Italy second phase: the climate reconstruction” [PNRA 2013/B2.11]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
The Project aims at obtaining a continuous, high-resolution record of climate and environmental changes in East Antarctica over the last 2 millennia, a key time period for climate studies but poorly covered by observational and instrumental data. For this, we propose to analyse three firn/ice cores (two ca. 70 m cores and 1 core > 250m) that are already planned to be drilled during the 2013-2014 field season within an on-going PNRA project. The study site (GV7, 70°41’S, 158°52’E; elevation 1950 m, T= – 31.8°C) is characterised by a high snow accumulation (3 times Talos Dome, 10 times EPICA Dome C), a very good signal/noise ratio and an excellent chemical and isotopic stratigraphy. We will carry out measurements of concentrations in firn/ice samples of the new cores for a range of chemical species, isotopes, mineral dust and tephra. Using a multicore-approach, we will produce a stacked record of the past 200 years with a resolution similar to the meteorological measurements (subannual). For the older periods, the proxy data, once compared/calibrated with historical time series of meteorological and satellite data, will provide quantitative information on past climate variability (precipitation, temperature, etc.) over the past millennia. Our study will represent the Italian contribution to the IPICS theme “The 2k Array”.
“East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse" (EAIIST) [PNRA16_00049 – B]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
This project is an international collaboration between a group of Australian, French, Italian and United States scientists, in the framework of the international SCAR-ITASE (International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expeditions) program. The Project EAIIST (East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse) proposes to unite the knowledge and capability to study the interior of the Antarctic plateau between the French-Italian Concordia station (75°S, 123° E) at Dome C, and the US Amundsen-Scott Station at South Pole (90°S). The scientific objectives of EAIIST are to study the icy terrain of the Antarctic continent in its driest places. We propose an integrated, international research project to study the impacts of very low and highly variable accumulation rates on surface mass balance, mega-dune formation, and near-surface snow and boundary layer chemistry. To minimize costs and maximize flexibility while investigating a broad range of accumulation rates and environmental conditions, we will conduct this research primarily using a surface traverse along a route from Dome C to South Pole. This international consortium of scientists is built around the idea to explore and study the geophysical (snow physics, surface mass balance, density, temperature, seismicity, etc.), geochemical (impurities, aerosols, air-snow transfer, water isotopes, etc.) and meteorological dimensions (AWS, atmospheric dynamic, air mass transport, etc.) of these most inhospitable and remote place on Earth thank to a terrestrial scientific traverse. These objectives will be accomplished through a coordinated program of field observations, remote sensing, laboratory measurements, and data synthesis and integration. The bulk of the field research will be conducted on two overland traverses in East Antarctica: 1) from the Dome C to South Pole Station during 2018-2019 season; and 2) returning from South Pole to Dome C during the 2019-2020 season.
EvASIon - Mercer and Whillans lakes: Evolution of hydrologically Active Subglacial environments
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Antarctic subglacial lakes are extreme and isolated environments. They represent an important component of the glacial hydrological system, can affect ice sheet dynamics and, potentially, oceanic productivity, geochemistry and circulation, especially in the light of future incoming climate changes. EvASIon is a 2-year project that aims to characterize the geo-biochemical parameters of the subglacial environments. The project includes an international collaboration with the US project SALSA (Subglacial Antarctic Lake Scientific Access), which foresees the sampling of the subglacial lake Mercer, currently unexplored.
“SOLARICE-Study of the Solar Forcing over the Holocene from a new Dome C Ice Core” [Progetto PNRA16_00008 – A2]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
The SolarIce project is based on a Franco-Italian collaboration involving three French laboratories (CEREGE, IGE, LSCE) and four Italian research institutions (University Milano- Bicocca, ENEA, CNR-IDPA, University of Parma).
The objective of this project is to propose a new reconstruction of solar activity during the Holocene, our current interglacial. This reconstruction will be based on a 10Be record at high resolution obtained from a new 350 m ice core drilled on the Concordia-Dome C site. In order to make a reference of this record, we will implement a multiproxy approach at a resolution rarely achieved in the past. Many data will be collected to characterize the evolution of the past atmospheric composition (carbon monoxide and methane), the variation of local temperature, humidity sources, volcanic forcing, biomass burning, the dust sources and the origin of air masses that reach Concordia-Dome C.
Geochemical signals in Antarctic Biogenic Carbonates for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions (GRACEFUL) (PNRA16_00069)
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
PROPOSE: PNRA 2018. Processi che controllano la presenza e la distribuzione di contaminanti nell'area del Mare di Ross. Ref PNRA18_00259
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
IPSODES - Investigating the predictability of the Southern Ocean dynamics through ensemble simulation hindcasts
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Le dinamiche dell’Oceano Meridionale (o, in inglese, Southern Ocean, SO) e dei vari fronti della Corrente Circumpolare Antartica (ACC) sono notoriamente caratterizzate da variazioni molto energetiche in un ampio spettro di scale spaziali e temporali. Siccome una parte sostanziale di tale variabilità è intrinseca, e dunque fondamentalmente caotica, la predicibilità in questa parte dell’oceano è particolarmente limitata. In questo contesto, il progetto IPSODES si prefigge di migliorare la comprensione dei processi che stanno alla base della predicibilità delle dinamiche del SO attraverso l’analisi di simulazioni di ensemble (ES) e utilizzando tecniche statistiche avanzate supportate da interpretazioni dinamiche. IPSODES porrà particolare attenzione alle interazioni tra processi a diverse scale temporali e al legame tra variazioni di alta frequenza (fino alla scala stagionale, HF) e di bassa frequenza (scala interannuale e oltre, LF). A tal fine, IPSODES utilizzerà ES già disponibili
ottenute da modelli di circolazione globale oceanica e da modelli climatici accoppiati allo stato dell’arte. Inoltre, saranno eseguite, sul dominio del SO, nuove ES con un modello di circolazione oceanica specificamente sviluppato per gli scopi del progetto. Il progetto verrà completato da un’applicazione allo studio del trasporto di materiale flottante nel SO; ciò contribuirà anche alla validazione dei modelli attraverso l’uso di un ampio data set già disponibile.
In definitiva, IPSODES contribuirà a migliorare l’attendibilità delle previsioni sia a breve che medio termine delle dinamiche del SO. Questo porrà le basi per (i) migliorare i sistemi di modellistica numerica nel framework GIPPS, (ii) rendere più efficace il sistema di osservazioni marine, e (iii) indirizzare iniziative coordinate di ricerca nell’ambito della previsione climatica a scala stagionale (WCRP-S2S) e decennale (CMIP6-DCPP).
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/ipsodes/home
TALDEEP - "Paleoclimate reconstruction from the deep part of the TALDICE ice core" [Project PNRA18_00098]
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Paleoclimate sequences from deep Antarctic ice cores allow understanding the processes occurring in the climate system and their interaction in response to a variety of external and internal forcings. Here we focus on the deeper portion of the TALDICE (TALos Dome Ice CorE drilling project, figure 1) ice core, between 1438 and 1620 m depth, where an important part of paleoclimate information is buried. In particular, we aim to reconstruct climate variability in the deeper part of the TALDICE, below the lowermost limit of the AICC2012 chronology that is about 153.7kyr BP (1438 meters depth, Marine Isotope Stage 6). We will perform high-resolution discrete stable isotope analyses coupled to intermediate resolution mineral dust concentration and size measurements that are very poor at the time of writing, chemical analyses and some discrete measurements of dust magnetic and optical properties. Additional help to dating of the bottom part of the core will derive from 81Kr measurements of air trapped in ice bubbles and new δ18Oatm measurements that will be carried out in the framework of international collaborations with LSCE-CNRS (France).
Attention will be devoted to the study of isotope diffusion which has its most obvious manifestation in the smoothing of the isotopic signal, and to post-depositional impurity relocation processes which manifest through aggregation of dust particles, alteration of original chemical signals and chemical composition of microparticles. Efforts will be made towards a reconstruction of the pristine paleoclimatic signal where possible.
This project represents a joint collaborative effort inside the Italian ice core community and promotes early career scientists that will become next generation world-leading (paleo)climate scientists.
Bioconstructional organisms from the Ross Sea under Climate Change: ecosystems and ‘oasis’ of biodiversity to monitor and protect (BIOROSS) (PNRA18_00237 - D)
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Concordia Atmospheric Chemistry Observatory - CATCH-O
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
The project aims to establish a new Observatory at Dome C for a continuous, all year-round monitoring
and study of atmospheric chemical composition. This Observatory will represent an upgrade of the
observation laboratory which was successfully set-up within the PNRA Long-Term Project LTCPAA.
Our purpose is to turn such a well-established infrastructure into a permanent facility able to join on-line
and off-line atmospheric measurements covering a very large number of chemical species.
On-line data would be provided by ozone analysers, already available at Dome C, and by a state-of-art
time-resolved Analyser of ion markers both in gas and particulate phase, to be acquired with this project.
The data provided by this instrument will need to be tested against measurements accomplished by the
traditional approach of aerosol sampling and following chemical analysis in Italy. Once the new
instrumental set-up will be validated, these automatic measurements will replace the current sampling
and analysis activity.
As regarding the chemical components which at now cannot be measured continuously directly in the
atmosphere (main and trace elements, C-cycle species, including EC and OC, amino-acids and anhydrosugars),
off-line data will continue to be provided by a continuous sampling of atmospheric aerosol,
thanks to the samplers already present at Dome C and robust analysis facilities in Italy.
Such a layout will provide Concordia Station with a permanent Observatory specifically focused on a
multi-parametric analysis of the atmospheric chemistry, equipped with advanced instrumentation and
able to be integrated in a network of Observatories at global scale.
The remarkable expertise of all the research units in the study of polar atmosphere, their consolidated
international collaborations, the successful experience of LTCPAA Project and the long-standing fruitful
collaboration among the involved researchers, all represent solid premises to fulfil the objectives of the
o Antartic-Ome, Human microbiome transmission in the extreme confined built environment of Antarctica, 2024-2026, Partners: Trento University (leading), Tuscia University, Cà Foscari Venice Universi
Bandi ministeriali - PNRA - RICERCA IN ANTARTIDE
Trascendentalita' e modelli della ragion pratica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La modernizzazione del testo medievale. Problemi di ricezione e di traduzione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://prin.cineca.it
PRIN 2001 - Reti bayesiane e modelli grafici: sviluppi e metodologie computazionali per le applicazioni.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Riscritture 'nel' e 'del' Medioevo germanico: modalità, strumenti e fini delle metamorfosi testuali.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://prin.cineca.it
Temi e modelli d'Oriente nelle letterature occidentali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Temi e modelli d'Oriente nelle letterature occidentali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2002 - « Effetti d'Oriente: strategie e funzioni dell'esotismo nelle svolte di fine secolo (1700-1900) »
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Incontri e scontri di civiltà. Italia e Francia nella prima età moderna
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN PNRR 2022 - QWoRe: Quality of Work in Residential long-term care services in Italy: determinants and strategies
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
DA ROIT Barbara, FALSONE Maurizio
In primo luogo, il progetto svilupperà un quadro analitico innovativo, multidisciplinare e integrato per comprendere la qualità del lavoro nei servizi residenziali di LTC a partire dall'analisi dei sistemi di welfare e di cura, dalla sociologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, dalla psicologia sociale, dal diritto del lavoro e del welfare, dalla l sociologia della salute e della malattia, dalla statistica, dagli studi sull'innovazione.
In secondo luogo, QWoRe fornirà un resoconto accurato e approfondito della qualità del lavoro nei servizi residenziali di LTC in Italia. La combinazione di analisi secondaria di dati quantitativi e della regolazione della cura, del lavoro e delle migrazioni consentirà di ricostruire le caratteristiche distintive e le variazioni nel tempo delle condizioni di lavoro nel settore dell'assistenza residenziale in Italia.
In terzo luogo, la mappatura sistematica della regolazione e del sistema di offerta di servizi, e un’indagine tra i lavoratori di cura in tre regioni consentirà una comprensione approfondita della qualità del lavoro nei servizi residenziali LTC. Attraverso l'analisi qualitativa comparativa fuzzy-set (Fs/QCA) il progetto identificherà le configurazioni delle condizioni che si associano a diversi esiti in termini di qualità del lavoro. Infine, sei casi studio organizzativi indagheranno i meccanismi e i processi che influenzano risultati specifici di qualità del lavoro.
Infine, la produzione e la condivisione dei risultati della ricerca nella comunità scientifica nazionale e internazionale e con gli stakeholder nazionali e locali contribuiranno a strutturare un campo di studi per la comprensione della qualità del lavoro di cura e a identificare strategie contestualizzate per la sostenibilità del settore e pratiche per la qualità del lavoro e il benessere degli operatori e degli utenti della cura.
Le conseguenze della presenza di 'unforeseen contingencies' e comportamenti di reciprocita' per contratti, mercati finanziari e la stabilita' sociale.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2003 - Inferenza in condizioni di incertezza sul modello e specifiche applicazioni
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il Contributo della Statistica nello Studio dei Profili di Espressione Genica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Storia della lingua neo-persiana fino all'epoca mongola: il canone linguistico-letterario e le varietà sub-standard
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PELLO' Stefano, ZIPOLI Riccardo
Etica e forme della vita della postmodernità
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
GeoPKDD - Estrazione e presentazione di conoscenza geografica con tecniche di data mining che salvaguardano la privacy
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
ORLANDO Salvatore, RAFFAETA' Alessandra
Data warehouse che preservano la privacy, data mining distribuito e su stream, e ragionamento su dati spazio-temporali
Trasferimento di energia e di carica a livello molecolare
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://Sito MIUR Progetti PRIN
Musisque deoque. Un archivio digitale di poesia latina, dalle origini al Rinascimento italiano.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Letterature medievali: alterità, modernità, strategie di mediazione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La promozione della competenza e della metacompetenza linguistico-comunicativa in situazione d’uso veicolare di una lingua seconda/straniera
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Modelli innovativi nella finanza delle piccole e medie imprese
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La promozione della competenza e della metacompetenza linguistico-comunicativa in situazione d’uso veicolare di una lingua seconda/straniera
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto mirava a investigare metodologie che favorissero la produzione orale in CLIL, con raccolta dati nelle classi CLIL di scuole primarie e secondarie nel veneto (videoregistrazioni, interviste) - focus sui tipi di domande degli insegnanti e organizzazione della classe.
Similarità, matching e clustering di strutture relazionali: una prospettiva unificante
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Testi antichi – Nuove edizioni: il supporto digitale come vettore di <I>mouvance</I> nelle opere del Medioevo germanico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BAMPI Massimiliano, BUZZONI Marina
Sito web: http://prin.cineca.it
Il diritto internazionale privato e processuale dei contratti in transizione: dalla cooperazione interstatale al diritto comunitario
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://cercauniversita.cineca.it/php5/prin/cerca.php?codice=2006121290
Miscele colloidali, proteine globulari e fasi di tipo cristalli liquidi per biopolimeri
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La promozione della competenza e della metacompetenza linguistico-comunicativa in situazione d'uso veicolare di una lingua seconda
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Rileggere Pompei (progetto Regio VI)' progetto biennale (2006-2008)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://Pompei
Il problema della gestione del debito publico: modelli di controllo stocastico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sintesi di nuovi composti organometallici di elementi dei Gruppi 3, 4 e 10 quali potenziali catalizzatori nelle polimerizzazioni e co-polimerizzazioni anche viventi di olefine polari e apolari
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
L’espansione del francese nel Veneto medievale. Archivio digitale delle tradizioni manoscritte e ricerche testuali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
metodologie innovative per la valutazione degli effetti di stress abiotici sui processi metabolici di organismi vegetali geneticamente modificati II
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Dalla Tomba al Palazzo. Spazi comunitari e dimensione individuale nella società cretese dei primi e dei secondi palazzi
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Le Porte dell’Adriatico: Comacchio e Venezia, Empori Altomedievali dell’Europa Mediterranea
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Codice austriaco del 1803 e discrezionalità del giudice
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La ricerca dell’“io autentico”: costruzione e dissoluzione del sé nelle religioni e nelle filosofie dell’Asia Orientale
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Interazioni ed energia di solvatazione per le proteine in soluzione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Equità distributiva nei protocolli di scambio e condivisione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Spazi ibridi e costruzione di nuove identità urbane
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Trasferimenti di energia in vibrazioni molecolari
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Mobilità attraversamenti coloniali post coloniali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Linguaggi e concetti del tardo Illuminismo nel mondo mediterraneo
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://www.ricercaitaliana.it/prin/unita_op-2007NWTEY3_002.htm
Qualità della disclosure, previsioni degli analisti finanziari e strategie di investimento
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BERTINETTI Giorgio Stefano, CAVEZZALI Elisa, MANTOVANI Guido Massimiliano, PROTO Antonio, RIGONI Ugo
SOFT - Security Oriented Formal Techniques
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CORTESI Agostino, FOCARDI Riccardo, LUCCIO Flaminia
Sviluppo di sensori chimici a trasduzione ottica basati su aggregati molecolari e polimerici di porfirine e macrocicli analoghi
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Equità distributiva nei protocolli di scambio e condivisione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Mecca pellegrinaggi attraversamenti
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Differenze ontologiche e conflitti di verità
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Universalità umana e multiculturalità
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PAGANI Paolo, SPANIO Davide, TUROLDO Fabrizio
Oltre le previsioni degli analisti. Caratteristiche dei report e potenziali reazioni del mercato
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Materiali, tecnologie e conservazione delle opere murali contemporanee
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Russi in Italia nel Novecento: indagini archivistiche e bibliografiche (Venezia, Roma e Sanremo), implementazione del “Dizionario on line dell’emigrazione russa”, schedatura delle presenze russe a Venezia e dei loro rapporti con il mondo della cultura ita
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BURINI Silvia, NISTRATOVA Svetlana, RIZZI Daniela
Sito web: http://www.russinitalia.it
Causalità e determinismo in Aristotele
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sintesi Organica Stereocontrollata di Benzociclotrimeri per Applicazioni Supramolecolari
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://Dipartimento di Chimica
Disegni sperimentali evolutivi
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PARPINEL Francesca, PIZZI Claudio, SLANZI Debora
Somministrazione, appalto e distacco fra tutele del lavoro e liberalizzazione del mercato unico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BRINO Vania, PERULLI Adalberto
PRIN 2007 - Analisi della dipendenza in problemi con struttura di informazione parziale.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Per una mappa dei tratti e delle categorie grammaticali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BRUGE' Laura, KRAPOVA Iliana, TURANO Giuseppina
Sito web: http://Cineca
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CAVINATO Cristina, PAVAN Paolo
La lingua dei segni italiana: strutture e variazione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://w3.uniroma1.it/progettolis/
La lingua dei segni italiana: strutture e variazione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://w3.uniroma1.it/progettolis/
eColingua: e-corpora negli studi linguistici e multimodali, nella traduzione, nell'apprendimento e nelle verifiche on-line delle lingue”
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Progetto di ricerca concluso, risalente agli anni 2005-7, diretto dal Prof. Christopher Taylor, nell’unità di ricerca diretta dalla Prof. Margherita Ulrych presso Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.
Disegno di mercati con modelli computazionali e
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Concezione dell’Individuo e formazione della Persona nelle società post-moderne del Vicino Oriente e dell’Asia meridionale: continuità, conflitti, separazioni, passaggi (PRIN 2007-2009)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Viaggi iniziatici nelle scrittrici del Cono Sur (XX secolo)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
L'alimentazione nel Vicino Oriente antico: aspetti storico-geografici, strategie economiche e riflessi sociali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
l'architettura privata come elemento di modellazione degli spazi della citta' nel paesaggio urbano di hierapolis di frigia
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
I processi di miglioramento competitivo dei sistemi produttivi locali: innovazione, imitazione e internazionalizzazione.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Movimento delle acque sotterranee nelle pianure costiere: il caso dell'Alto Adriatico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Le domande degli angeli. L’idea della morte nell’Islam, nello sciamanesimo turco-mongolo e nel Cristianesimo: una di migrazione di riti, simboli e credenze
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
L'evoluzione del discorso scientifico divulgativo in un mondo che cambia: scelte stilistiche e lessicali/The evolution of popular scientific discourse in a changing world: lexical and stylistic choices
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sviluppo di sensori multifunzionali elettrochimici ed ottici. Applicazioni a problemi reali ed elaborazione chemiometrica.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Mangiare divinamente: simbolismo e consumo alimentare in ambito templare e funerario nelle società del Vicino Oriente antico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Meccanismi di risposta ad arsenico e cadmio in piante modello: dal molecolare alla sperimentazione in campo
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Verosimiglianze composite per modelli con struttura di dipendenza complessa
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
GAETAN Carlo, GIUMMOLE' Federica
Upgrading catalitico della frazione C5 in bioraffinerie lignocellulosiche
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Energia di solvatazione ed interazioni per proteine in soluzione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Tradizione ed innovazione della poesia trobadorica: canzonieri (studio e tavole) ed edizioni
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CERLI Consolidamento ed estensione delle risorse linguistiche italiane: treebanks, lessici computazionali e ontologie
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Caratterizzazione tramite diffrazione X e microscopia elettronica dei nanosistemi catalitici per la produzione di H2 in processi di 2a generazione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BENEDETTI Alvise, CANTON Patrizia, RIELLO Pietro
Archivio multimediale degli attori veneziani e dell’area triveneta (secoli XIX-XX)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://www.actores.it/
Risposte strategiche della filiera automobilistica italiana alla crisi internazionale
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2008 / Forme della pastorale. Intersezioni di generi tra panorami europei e paesaggi locali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sicurezza per Applicazioni Distribuite in Sistemi Aperti
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CONCERTO (CONtrol and CERTification of Resources Usage)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Metodi quantitativi per la valutazione di opzioni con caratteristiche esotiche e in ipotesi non standard
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BASSO Antonella, NARDON Martina
Progetto PRIN 2008 - Prot. 2008YP85ZH_001
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Pastorali secc. XV-XVII: Forme della pastorale. Intersezioni di generi tra panorami europei e paesaggi locali.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
I mercati dell’informazione: incentivi ad acquisire e trasmettere informazione ed efficienza del mercato
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Preparazione, caratterizzazione e impiego di catalizzatori di nuova generazione a base di nanoparticelle metalliche su matrici polichetoniche
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Le categorie funzionali della frase e dei suoi sintagmi maggiori
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BRUGE' Laura, KRAPOVA Iliana, TURANO Giuseppina
Modelli statistici per dati con struttura di dipendenza complessa
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Nuove metodologie robuste per l'analisi di dati complessi
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
dell'Unità di Verona.
Il progetto si articolerà secondo due filoni.
A) Analisi robusta del mercato italiano: serie storiche dei prezzi all'ingrosso
Uno degli obiettivi nell'analisi del mercato elettrico è la stima di modelli per serie storiche (modelli reg-ARFIMA-GARCH) in cui i prezzi sono spiegati variabili
derivanti dagli eventi di congestione della rete e dalla tecnologia di produzione.
B) Analisi robusta del mercato britannico: relazioni fra prezzi all'ingrosso e al dettaglio
L'obiettivo successivo è l'identificazione del meccanismi di trasmissione dei prezzi nel mercato dell'energia elettrica nel Regno Unito.
L'obiettivo finale del progetto
sarà quindi quello di estendere la forward search ai modelli per dati longitudinali. Tale introduzione comporterà la valutazione dell'influenza sui parametri del
modello proveniente da diverse fonti.
Equazioni alle derivate parziali stocastiche e deterministiche e loro applicazioni
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Un’analisi Economica dei Conflitti tra Gruppi Sociali nel Processo di Democratizzazione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
strategie di superamento della crisi e rilancio competitivo di imprese italiane della filiera automotive
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Cultura religiosa e insegnamento della religione e della teologia nella scuola e nell'università contemporanea
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Percorsi dell'Ontologia: Linguaggio, Socialità e forme della Politica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Metodologie innovative per la valutazione degli effetti di stress abiotici sul contenuto di metaboliti secondari di organismi vegetali geneticamente modificati.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il processo inquisitorio nel Regno Lombardo-Veneto (1815-1848)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Trivium: Archivio digitale dei testi grammaticali, retorici e dialettici dei secc. XIII-XV
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
I determinanti sociali: analisi dell'influenza sulla salute e sui profili di cura
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 20079PLLN7 “Nonlinear Optimization, Variational Inequalities, and Equilibrium Problems”
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sintesi Organica Stereocontrollata di Benzociclotrimeri per Applicazioni Supramolecolari
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi
Roma e la Transpadana: processi acculturativi, infrastrutture, forme di organizzazione amministrativa e territoriale
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Percorsi dell’ontologia: Linguaggio, socialità e forme della politica.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Le dimensioni dell’imprenditorialità: variabili demografiche e sociali, competenze, orientamento imprenditoriale
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sintesi di bisfosfonati mediante reazioni catalitiche con complessi solubili di metalli di transizione.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Formazione di legami C-C via metatesi delle olefine e addizione nucleofila catalizzate da sistemi eterogenei in reattori a flusso continuo con CO2 supercritica come solvente/carrier.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Cultura del restauro e restauratori: modelli di ricezione per la museologia e la storia dell'arte antica e moderna. Un archivio informatizzato
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
L'insegnamento della teologia e della filosofia cristiana nell'Italia contemporanea
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
ADINOLFI Isabella, VIAN Giovanni
Caratterizzazione strutturale e morfologica di celle a combustibile ad elettrolita polimerico (PEMFC)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Probabilità e Finanza
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Problemi differenziali di evoluzione: approcci deterministici e stocastici e loro interazioni
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Atlante della ragione europea (XV-XVIII secolo). Tra Oriente e Occidente.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale: Ontoped Qualità della ricerca e documentaizone scoentifica nelle scienze pedagogiche
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2009: Articoli musicali nei quotidiani dell'Ottocento in Italia: una Banca Dati - ARTMUS
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Modelli Statistici multivariati per la valutazione dei rischi
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BILLIO Monica, CASARIN Roberto, LUCCHETTA Marcella, MANTOVANI Guido Massimiliano, PARPINEL Francesca, PELIZZON Loriana, PIZZI Claudio
Le condizioni del riconoscimento: ricongiungimento familiare, genere, diritti stratificati (Prin 2009)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Studi sintetici e strutturali del legame metallo-Idrogeno: verso nuovi materiali per lo stoccaggio di idrogeno e la catalisi.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2011 Ontologie Pedagogiche e Valutazione della Ricerca Scientifica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BANZATO Monica, COSTA Massimiliano, TESSARO Fiorino
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Titolo ricerca nazionale: "Il recupero della memoria: l'emigrazione russa in Italia nel Novecento (ricerche archivistiche e bibliografiche, digitalizzazione di materiali, analisi dell'eredità culturale)"
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
NISTRATOVA Svetlana, RIZZI Daniela
Sito web: http://www.russinitalia.it
PRIN 2010-2011
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://Dip. CHIMICA, MATERIALI E INGEGNERIA CHIMICA Politecnico di Milano
Spettroscopia infrarossa a media e ad alta risoluzione di molecole di importanza atmosferica e astrofisica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Caratterizzazione avanzata delle proprietà chimico-fisiche di interesse tossicologico e ambientale di biossido di titanio nanometrico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Ricerca su credito ed istituzioni in età moderna e contemporanea-Progetto Prin
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Approcci integrati alla valutazione dello stato ecologico e alla gestione alieutica degli ecosistemi acquatici di transizione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Lingue e iscrizioni dell'Italia antica. Documenti ed inferenze di storia linguistica e sociale: autoidentità etnica, circolazione e coinai culturali
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Forme di statualità fra medio evo ed età moderna. La dimensione mediterranea e il dominio sulla terraferma nel “modello”
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La rappresentazione dell'Italia e della sua cultura nel cinema e nel teatro delle ex-colonie britanniche, le settler colonies e in opere letterarie di scrittori post-coloniali anglofoni
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BASSI Shaul, FAZZINI Marco, GREGORI Flavio, NEWBOLD David John
missione di ricerca Efficacia terapeutica e magica nei PGM ( PRIN)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Costruzione fisica e ideologica del territorio e identità culturali fra Anatolia orientale e Transcaucasia nel IV-III millenio
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2011 Ontologie Pedagogiche e Valutazione della Ricerca Scientifica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BANZATO Monica, COSTA Massimiliano, TESSARO Fiorino
Trasformazioni politico-sociali e proiezioni ideologiche fra Grecia occidentale e Magna Grecia in età classica ed ellenistica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Istituzioni, Dinamiche Sociali e Sviluppo Economico: Parte 1
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Lavoro e legalità nella società dell'inclusione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BRINO Vania, PERULLI Adalberto
Partecipazione Progetto PRIN 2010-2011
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Progetto PRIN 2010 codice progetto 2010FP79LR
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Costruire con il DNA: uno studio coordinato sperimentale, numerico e teorico (PRIN-COFIN 2010-2011)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
La vita delle opere: dalle fonti al digitale. Progetto pilota per la ricerca e la comunicazione nei musei della storia conservativa delle opere d'arte
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Modelli ed algoritmi per l'analisi non lineare delle strutture e la validazione di regole di progettazione a base prestazionale
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN, L'impatto economico dell'invecchiamento della popolazione in Europa
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://cercauniversita.cineca.it/php5/prin/cerca.php?codice=2010T8XAXB
Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria. Ricorrenze lessicali e tematiche nella versificazione epigrafica e nel sistema letterario.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
DE RUBEIS Flavia, ZANATO Tiziano
Canone letterario e lessico delle emozioni nel Medioevo europeo: un network di risorse on line (bibliografia, manoscritti, strumenti multimediali)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
preparazione e Workshop: Efficacia magica e terapeutica tra antico e contemporaneo ( PRIN)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CINA: Composizionalità, Interazione, Negoziazione, Autonomicità per la società ICT futura
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BALSAMO Maria Simonetta, BUGLIESI Michele, MARIN Andrea, ROSSI Sabina
I limiti della rappresentazione: I film inventati dalla letteratura
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2010-2011: Costituzione del Corpus del teatro francese del Rinascimento
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://www.cinquecentofrancese.it/default.php?idnodo=12
I cambiamenti climatici nell'area del Mediterraneo: scenari evolutivi, impatti economici, politiche di mitigazione e innovazione tecnologica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sensori chimici e tecniche strumentali accoppiate in spettrometria di massa per il controllo della sicurezza alimentare
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2012 Articoli musicali nei quotidiani italiani dell'Ottocento: una Banca Dati - ARTMUS
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http://www.artmus.it
PRIN-WISE (18/10/2013 - 31/08/2017): Processi avanzati per la conversione di rifiuti organici in prodotti innovativi, utili e sostenibili (WISE).
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CAVINATO Cristina, PAVAN Paolo
preparazione e Congresso internazionale Il corpo in scena ( PRIN)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Atlante della ragione europea
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Indagine su fisica e metafisica in età moderna
Teoria, Sperimentazione, Applicazioni: le dipendenze a distanza nelle forme di diversità linguistica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Spettroscopia e Tecniche computazionali per la ricerca Astrofisica, atmosferica e Radioastronomica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN prot.2010AXENJ8_001, area 03: "Sensori chimici e tecniche strumentali accoppiate in spettrometria di massa per il controllo e la sicurezza alimentare"
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Teoria, Sperimentazione, Applicazioni: le dipendenze a distanza nelle forme di diversità linguistica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Teoria, Sperimentazione, Applicazioni: Le dipendenze a distanza nelle forme di diversità linguistica
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2012. L'universalità e i suoi limiti: meccanismi di inclusione ed esclusione nella storia della filosofia e nei dibattiti filosofici contemporanei. Prin 2012
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BAGNATI Gaia, MASI Francesca, MASO Stefano
L’eredità dell’Illuminismo. Diritti e costituzionalismo tra rivoluzioni e restaurazioni (1789-1848)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BAMPI Massimiliano, TOCCHINI Gerardo, TRAMPUS Antonio
Il progetto si sviluppa dall’ipotesi di ricerca che le idee di fondo della politica e della cultura delle democrazie contemporanee
siano largamente riconducibili alla cultura illuminista, e siano il frutto di un processo storico segnato da dibattiti e aspre lotte
attorno ad alcuni concetti-chiave: eguaglianza fra gli esseri umani, diritti fondamentali, libertà, costituzione. Questa è, nelle
sue linee essenziali, l’eredità politica e culturale dell’Illuminimo, quella che ha contribuito in misura decisiva alla nascita della
modernità democratica.
L’obiettivo del progetto consiste dunque nella ricostruzione del ruolo svolto da questa eredità nella genesi dell’Europa
contemporanea, che può essere individuata nel periodo cruciale compreso tra la Rivoluzione francese e il 1848.
La delimitazione cronologica della ricerca ha infatti un preciso significato storiografico. A fronte di una lettura dominante che
intende la prima metà dell’Ottocento come il rovesciamento o il superamento della fase storica tardosettecentesca – il
sorgere dei nazionalismi e dunque l’oblio del soggetto individuale e universalista dell’Illuminismo, la ripresa del ruolo
egemonico delle Chiese, la temperie antirazionalista della Restaurazione come liquidazione del linguaggio politico dei Lumi –,
il progetto intende invece verificare la presenza di continuità spesso sotterranee, di dialettiche positive che gravitano attorno
a nuclei strategici quali le rivendicazioni costituzionaliste, la lotta per l’abolizione della schiavitù, l’evoluzione delle scienze
dell’uomo. In questo senso il terminus a quo della ricerca non può che essere il 1789, visto non come conclusione di un
secolo, bensì, al contrario, come trauma originario che influenza una lunga fase storica che si compie solo alla metà del
secolo successivo. Il 1848, con il sorgere della questione operaia e la definitiva abolizione della schiavitù nelle colonie
francesi, costituisce invece il naturale terminus ad quem di questa parabola.
L’eredità dei Lumi, dunque, sarà analizzata attraverso una serie di case studies affidati a diversi componenti delle UR che
toccano sia i processi di circolazione delle idee di libertà, di eguaglianza, di diritti inalienabili dell’uomo – divenute egemoni
nel Tardo Illuminismo –, sia il consolidamento di queste in pratiche e teorie, coprendo quindi una gamma di temi che va dal
ruolo dell’opinione pubblica alla traduzione dei diritti in termini politici e giuridici. La storia politica e costituzionale, lo
sviluppo delle scienze dell’uomo, la rielaborazione dei diritti fondamentali nel linguaggio della cultura e delle arti costituiscono
i nuclei di interesse primario della ricerca che qui si propone. I risultati attesi possono preludere a una radicale ridefinizione
della storia politica dell’Europa, nonché della geografia e della cronologia della genesi del mondo contemporaneo.
Sito web: http://attiministeriali.miur.it/media/296347/allegato_3.pdf
Prin 2015: Il problema dell’indeterminatezza: significato, conoscenza, azione (coordinatore scientifico Luigi Perissinotto)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Interculturalità, formazione e generi letterari: proposta di un manuale di letteratura cinese per gli studenti della scuola secondaria
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BACCINI Giulia, GIACHINO Monica, MAGAGNIN Paolo, PASSI Federica, PESARO Nicoletta
Sotto la spinta del crescente numero di istituti secondari che offrono un curriculum di lingua cinese e della sistematizzazione dei percorsi di abilitazione, il progetto mira alla stesura di una bozza di manuale di letteratura cinese espressamente concepito per il secondario italiano. In particolare, esso si prefigge di: 1) offrire strumenti per la critica interdisciplinare e la ricezione del testo letterario cinese; 2) elaborare metodologie didattiche fornendo nuovi strumenti per accogliere la tradizione cinese in una prospettiva di mediazione culturale; 3) formulare un supporto alla didattica in linea con le modalità pedagogiche del secondario italiano e fondato su un approccio cognitivo.
PRIN 2015: Il problema dell'indeterminatezza. Significato, conoscenza, azione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Nuovi approcci al pensiero della prima età moderna: forme, caratteri e finalità del metodo costellatorio.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
ALIM 2 (PRIN-2015)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
“English as a Lingua Franca in domain-specific contexts of intercultural communication: a Cognitive-functional Model for the analysis of ELF accommodation strategies in unequal migration contexts, digital-media virtual environments, and multicultural ELF
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The strand of the project I am investigating concerns the development of English as a Lingua Franca in educational contexts, and the feasibility of developing an ELF construct (or constructs) for assessing ELF.
Sito web: http://L'unversità del Salento; L'Università Roma 3
Nuovi approcci al pensiero della prima modernità
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Indagine su limiti e estensione del metodo costellatorio applicato alla storia della filosofia moderna
Translating Worlds: Towards a Global History of Italian Culture (1450-1914)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
“Percorsi di avvicinamento fra Europa Occidentale e Repubblica Popolare Cinese negli anni della Guerra Fredda: Italia e Repubblica Federale Tedesca a confronto, 1949-1972”
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Una ricerca che pone a confronto l'esperienza dell'Italia e quella delle Repubblica Federale Tedesca nelle relazioni ed interazioni con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese nel periodo 1949-1972, con l'obiettivo di contribuire ad una migliore e più profonda comprensione delle relazioni tra Cina ed Europa occidentale nella prima fase della Guerra Fredda
Hi-Di NET Econometric Analysis of High Dimensional Models with Network Structures in Macroeconomics and Finance
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il problema dell'indeterminatezza. Significato, conoscenza e azione
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The Making of the Washington Consensus: debts, assets and power, 1979-91
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: https://site.unibo.it/the-making-of-the-washington-consensus-assets-debts-power/en
Progetto PAdAI - Paesaggi Archeologici dell’Antico Iraq PRIN (2017-2019)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Progetto PAdAI - Paesaggi Archeologici dell’Antico Iraq, con le Università di Udine – capofila - Milano, Torino e Roma.
ASIT Debordering Activities and citizenship from below of Asylum seekers in Italy. Policies, practices, people
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project aims at deepening the understanding of the “battleground” frame of the asylum system in Italy; highlighting the conflict between local policies of exclusion, de-bordering initiatives by civil societies, and practices of “citizenship from below” by asylum seekers and refugees.
Virtuous local experiences in which public authorities and civil society cooperate together, and asylum seekers and refugees have been able to exercise practices of active citizenship, will be identified.
The proposal is inherently qualitative and comparative, based on selected case studies and in-depth interviews. Each unit (Milan, Genoa, Trento, Venice) will develop twelve case studies of local reception experiences of asylum seekers, and will collect at least forty in-depth interviews to refugees and/or asylum seekers, aimed at exploring various forms of insertion, social participation and “active citizenship” from below.
The project aims also at empowering young researchers that will directly collaborate in the research process, and at contributing to the improvement of social policies by producing a “handbook of refugees’ citizenship”.
A steering committee, made of international scholars and key actors of the reception system, will supervise the realization of the project.
Terre di Mosul: insediamento, paesaggi e cultura materiale dell'Iraq settentrionale nel periodo islamico (2017-2021)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Terre di Mosul: insediamento, paesaggi e cultura materiale dell'Iraq settentrionale nel periodo islamico (2017-2021)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
HEterogeneous Robust Catalysts to Upgrade Low valuE biomass Streams (HERCULES)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Aim of the present project (HERCULES) is to develop active and stable catalysts and the related processes for the
valorization of waste biomass as sustainable source of H2. Unlike the current literature mainly focused on aqueous-phase
reforming (APR) and photoreforming (PR) of model carbohydrates, the goal is to feed real hydrolyzed solutions obtained from lignocellulosic biomass (BH), locally available, to enhance the Italy competitiveness. The choice of the biomass is a further key aspect, nowadays not deeply investigated, due to the difficulty to hydrolyze many raw materials and the ensuing impact of specific side components on the catalysts, required to perform under demanding conditions and in presence of poisons.
HERCULES schedules 3 main catalytic lines: 1) BH of waste biomass to obtain raw carbohydrate solutions; 2) APR to convert
such solutions to H2 by a thermocatalytic route; 3) PR to exploit the potential of the photocatalytic production of H2 under
mild conditions. Although all these catalytic processes have demonstrated their feasibility on model systems, the challenge of HERCULES project is to exploit their applicability to processes of potential industrial interest. This goal will be achieved by: i) tuning the catalysts for each possible poisoning/deactivation route; ii) optimizing the reaction conditions to limit
deactivation; iii) developing reactivation strategies for each deactivation routes; iv) integrating the process with unit
operations for selective removal/inertisation of deactivating agent. For the BH process, two promising materials will be
studied (pine dust and waste cellulose powder from paper mill plants), optimizing the conditions to reach the desired
depolymerization degree without damaging the monosaccharide components, focusing on heterogeneous catalysts due to the strong drawbacks of currently employed homogeneous catalysts. The APR process will be performed on real streams
obtained in the previous BH step, searching a selective pattern to increase H2 production and catalyst stability, trying to
correlate the reactivity and the resistance to poisoning. The possibility to obtain H2 together with chemicals will be also
explored as a possible solution to avoid deactivation by dehydrogenated products. The PR process will be investigated, as an
alternative route, for the valorization of carbohydrates to H2, exploiting solar energy and adapting this promising reaction to
real hydrolyzed solutions from waste biomasses. The goal will be the determination of the activity of new catalysts developed
in the frame of the project, optimizing the catalyst performance/process robustness as a function of the poisons present. A
preliminary economical assessment will be also performed, to ensure a faster technology transfer to the market as final high
impact result of the whole activity.
False testimonianze. Copie, contraffazioni, manipolazioni e abusi del documento epigrafico antico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto di ricerca “False testimonianze. Copie, contraffazioni, manipolazioni e abusi del documento epigrafico antico” è stato finanziato dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) nell'ambito del programma PRIN (Progetti di ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) 2015. Il progetto ha ricevuto uno stanziamento ministeriale di 178.000 Euro, ha durata triennale e ha preso avvio ufficialmente il 5 febbraio 2017.
Il progetto si propone di elaborare i fondamenti metodologici che consentano di giungere a una definizione condivisa del concetto di falso epigrafico. Superando l'atteggiamento discriminatorio tradizionalmente assunto dalla bibliografia di settore, le falsae sono esaminate come il prodotto di culture che esprimono simultaneamente un rapporto con il mondo antico e con il mondo a esse contemporaneo. Si intende inoltre tracciare una storia della falsificazione epigrafica in Italia dal medioevo ai giorni nostri, rivolgendo attenzione all'individuazione dei diversi contesti culturali e delle varianti regionali in cui il fenomeno è attestato.
Sito web: https://virgo.unive.it/archeolab/index.php?it/367/progetti-di-ricerca-collaborazioni-nazionali-e-internazionali
Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution: nuovi lavori, subordinazione e autonomia, esigenze di tutela
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Impact of Climate Change on the biogeochemistry of Contaminants in the Mediterranean sea (ICCC)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project proposes an innovative and systematic analysis on the effects of climate change on: i) the Mediterranean circulation, ii) the distribution of plankton, organic matter and main components of C,N,P,
Si, biogeochemical cycles, iii) the distribution and chemical speciation of Cd, Cu and Hg, which in their bioavailable forms and relatively high concentrations induce toxic effects on the ecosystem. An
ensemble of numerical models will be used to simulate the evolution of hydrodynamic and biogeochemical variables up to 2100 and to investigate and quantify, supported by a wide spectrum of laboratory
and in-field experiments, the effects of climate change on the chemical speciation of Cu, Cd and Hg in seawater. Results will include space distribution maps of physical, biogeochemical, and contaminant
properties for several representative climatic scenarios, at basin scale and for 3 specific subareas, investigated through field experiments and higher resolution numerical models. The integration of lab and
field observations with deterministic and stochastic models coupled to oceanographic models will provide an innovative approach to capture and investigate the biogeochemistry and bioavailability of priority
chemical species and assess cumulative impact of climate and pollution
Sito web: http://Mediterranean Sea
MeC - Meanings of Care: An interdisciplinary socio-historical investigation into narratives and representations of eldercare in Italy since the early 20th Century
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BARBIERI Giuseppe, BURINI Silvia, DA ROIT Barbara, DALLA GASSA Marco
Il progetto propone un approccio storico-sociale interdisciplinare allo studio dei significati della cupa a partire dalla fine del 1800/inizio 1900 in Italia, da una prospettiva europea comparata.
Le società europee stanno cercando un equilibrio tra responsabilità pubblica e private nella cura delle persone anziane. Il progetto interroga gli assunti sottostanti il dibatto politiche e scientifico secondo i quali la cura sarebbe un insieme dato di responsabilità e compiti e la cura familiare e di comunità rappresenterebbe il passato comune delle società Europee messo in pericolo dal welfare state e dalle trasformazioni socio-demografiche. Accanto allo studio della struttura del campo della cura in Italia da fine 800, MeC si sviluppa attraverso l’analisi di diari, lettere, storie, familiari, delle arti figurative e di materiali audio-visivi per contribuire ad una nuova comprensione dei differenti t mutevoli significati della cura in relazione alle trasformazioni demografiche, familiari, produttive, tecnologiche e delle politiche sociali.
MeC - Meanings of Care: An interdisciplinary socio-historical investigation into narratives and representations of eldercare in Italy since the early 20th Century
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BARBIERI Giuseppe, BURINI Silvia, DA ROIT Barbara, DALLA GASSA Marco
Il progetto propone un approccio storico-sociale interdisciplinare allo studio dei significati della cupa a partire dalla fine del 1800/inizio 1900 in Italia, da una prospettiva europea comparata.
Le società europee stanno cercando un equilibrio tra responsabilità pubblica e private nella cura delle persone anziane. Il progetto interroga gli assunti sottostanti il dibatto politiche e scientifico secondo i quali la cura sarebbe un insieme dato di responsabilità e compiti e la cura familiare e di comunità rappresenterebbe il passato comune delle società Europee messo in pericolo dal welfare state e dalle trasformazioni socio-demografiche. Accanto allo studio della struttura del campo della cura in Italia da fine 800, MeC si sviluppa attraverso l’analisi di diari, lettere, storie, familiari, delle arti figurative e di materiali audio-visivi per contribuire ad una nuova comprensione dei differenti t mutevoli significati della cura in relazione alle trasformazioni demografiche, familiari, produttive, tecnologiche e delle politiche sociali.
REXlearn: Reliable and Explainable Adversarial Machine Learning
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Machine-learning technologies have become pervasive, and even able to outperform humans on specific tasks. However, it has been shown that they suffer from hallucinations known as adversarial examples, i.e., imperceptible, adversarial perturbations to images, text and audio that fool these systems into perceiving things that are not there. This has severely questioned their suitability for mission-critical applications, including self-driving cars and autonomous vehicles. The defense strategies proposed to overcome this issue have been shown to be ineffective against more sophisticated attacks carefully crafted to bypass them, highlighting the challenging nature of this problem. In this project, we formulate three main challenges that demand for novel learning paradigms, able to take reliable and explainable decisions, to assess and mitigate the security risks associated to such potential misuses of machine learning. This project will pave the way towards the design of reliable and explainable machines that are also useful beyond adversarial settings. We will indeed develop tools and prototypes that can face the challenges posed not only by cybersecurity applications with a clear adversarial nature, but also by recent computer-vision and deep-learning technologies.
SELECT - Unfolding the SEcrets of LongEvity
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CAMPOSTRINI Stefano, PASTORE Andrea, TONELLATO Stefano Federico, ZANTOMIO Francesca
Sito web: https://selectprin.github.io/index.html
Gli archivi segreti del nunzio: diplomazia papale e società multiconfessionale europea prima della Guerra dei Trent’anni” (2017JMPYTA)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Nella seconda metà del '500 la conoscenza della situazione nell'Europa centro-orientale (Sacro Romano Impero e granducato di Polonia-Lituania) con proiezioni verso la Russia e l'Impero ottomano, passa attraverso la mediazione di un esiguo numero di uomini, figure preminenti della diplomazia papale. Costoro sono gli occhi di Roma prima ancora di esserne il braccio. La politica papale si costruisce sulla loro percezione di quel mondo «altro», dove cattolici ed eretici si dividevano il medesimo spazio pubblico, e la coesistenza tra fedi diverse era regolata da «paci di religione».
Questa fase cruciale della diplomazia pontificia è stata mal compresa dalla storiografia che ha proiettato su di essa il paradigma missionario-conversionistico della ricattolicizzazione, prevalso solo dopo la fondazione di Propaganda Fide, la congregazione cardinalizia cui il papa nel 1622 affidò, centralizzandolo, il governo delle aree abitate da eretici, infedeli e scismatici. Il risultato è stato quello di interpretare le prime fasi dei rapporti tra Roma e le aree dell'«eresia» europea in un'ottica romanocentrica, ipotizzando un'azione coerente e unidirezionale di controllo e disciplinamento attuata principalmente attraverso gli ordini regolari.
Lo studio delle carte private dei rappresentanti papali nelle aree multiconfessionali del secondo '500 ci restituisce però una realtà molto diversa, che tende a scardinare questa lettura storiografica. Tale documentazione finora inesplorata che va ben oltre i dispacci ufficiali ma è comunque riconducibile a nunzi e legati pontifici, fa emergere situazioni e contesti non ancora sottoposti a un controllo uniforme e pervasivo di Roma entro i quali alcuni rappresentanti papali, pur restando nel solco dell'ortodossia, beneficiarono di un’ampia libertà d’intervento, sviluppando un'irripetibile autonomia di giudizio verso il problema della diversità religiosa nella società.
Tra questi materiali spiccano gli archivi politici appartenuti a due grandi diplomatici: il cardinale veneziano Giovanni Francesco Commendone (1524-1584), più volte nunzio e poi cardinal legato nell'Impero e in Polonia, considerato in curia l'esperto delle «cose di Germania», e il suo segretario Antonio Maria Graziani (1537-1611), nunzio in Polonia e a Venezia, a sua volta punto di riferimento di un gruppo di diplomatici pontifici cresciuti al servizio di Commendone e legati alla sua eredità intellettuale e politica.
Si tratta, nell’insieme, di uno straordinario complesso documentario, fatto di lettere, memoriali, avvisi, relazioni, diari di viaggio, orazioni, «istruzioni e «ragionamenti», oggi materialmente diviso tra l'archivio della famiglia Graziani di Vada (Livorno) e, per una quota minore, la sezione manoscritti della Kenneth Spencer Research Library della University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas). Le ingenti dimensioni di tale fondo (tra cui si trovano oltre 6000 lettere) ne ha sinora scoraggiato un'inventariazione sistematica, ostacolandone l'utilizzazione da parte degli studiosi. Eppure, queste carte preziose spalancano una finestra su un universo ricco di relazioni e scambi al di qua e al di là delle Alpi, dal quale emerge la funzione di intelligence svolta sul territorio da un gruppo coeso di rappresentanti papali. Esplorandolo, sarà finalmente possibile apprezzare l'esistenza di livelli e circuiti differenziati della comunicazione politica; la straordinaria ricchezza degli scambi culturali di raggio europeo e la collaborazione intensa con i gesuiti, nonché i condizionamenti della cultura classico-umanistica sulla formazione delle categorie intellettuali di questi mediatori.
Il progetto si propone di:
a) valorizzare questo eccezionale e stratificato archivio politico per mezzo della creazione di un portale di ricerca online, open access, dotato di banche dati interattive e costantemente aggiornabili che permetterano agli studiosi di interrogare la documentazione seguendo 5 percorsi specifici di ricerca (Regesto, Network, Mappe interattive, Biblioteca, Bibliografia e saggi), saldando tra l’altro virtualmente i due tronconi in cui ora è diviso il materiale, tra Italia e Stati Uniti.
b) affiancare gli strumenti delle Digital Humanities a metodologie di ricerca tradizionali per fornire un contributo innovativo sulle prime fasi della diplomazia pontificia all'indomani della legalizzazione del pluralismo confessionale avviato dalla pace di Augusta (1555). Ciò consentirà di portare alla luce una ricca e inedita gamma di percezioni, conoscenze e orientamenti messi in gioco dai mediatori romani di fronte all'Europa multiconfessionale.
Per fare tutto questo, il progetto riunisce studiosi altamente motivati con competenze specifiche e complementari tra loro, che spaziano dalla storia politico-religiosa e intellettuale della prima età moderna alle Digital Humanities e archivistica, dalla storia dei gesuiti a quella della Riforma protestante.
Class IIa HDACs as therapeutic targets in human diseases: new roles and new selective inhibitors
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
PRIN 2019-22 Libri in movimento. Circolazione e costruzione di saperi tra Italia e Europa in età moderna (P.I.Giorgio Caravale)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Lingue e culture dell'Italia antica: linguistica storica e modelli digitali.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto indagherà le culture dell’Italia antica a partire dalla loro documentazione linguistica, anche mediante strumenti tecnologici elaborati a tal fine. Si integrerà il metodo della linguistica storica e i suoi prodotti (studio, edizione e commento linguistico e storico-culturale dei testi) con l’allestimento di tecnologie digitali. La sinergia tra linguistica storica e computazionale, filologia, epigrafia tradizionale e digitale consentirà un significativo progresso nell’analisi, interpretazione, valorizzazione e diffusione dei risultati.
Data la natura epigrafica della documentazione delle lingue indagate, un trattamento computazionale dei testi ne consentirà una fruizione interdisciplinare.
La ricerca ha come finalità edizione e commento di testi e la creazione di strumenti digitali per la condivisione e l’integrazione di dati e risultati: un corpus dei testi gestito in un archivio digitale che contenga le relative informazioni e un thesaurus elettronico, strumenti mai usati su Restsprachen. Si sperimenterà l’uso di CRMinf e CRMtex per la rappresentazione in formato semantico dei testi e delle interpretazioni. Thesaurus e testi digitali saranno resi disponibili tramite le RI europee CLARIN e DARIAH per la condivisione dei risultati e la valorizzazione del patrimonio.
Languages and Cultures of Ancient Italy. Historical Linguistics and Digital Models/Lingue e culture dell'Italia antica: linguistica storica e modelli digitali.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Testo inglese
The project will investigate the cultures of ancient Italy on the basis of their linguistic documentation (7th -1st c. B.C.), including making use of technological tools specially developed for this purpose. It is
planned to combine the traditional method proper to historical linguistics and its products (study, edition and the linguistic, historical and cultural commentary on the texts) with the setting up of digital
technologies. This synergy between historical and digital linguistics, philology, and traditional and digital epigraphy will allow significant progress in analysis, interpretation, valorisation and diffusion of the
The languages of ancient Italy are documented almost exclusively in epigraphic texts; consequently, on the one hand, their linguistic framework is that of fragmentarily attested languages and, on the other
hand, a specific method is required to analyse and edit these texts.
In this very particular situation, renewed processing of the texts using computational models and tools would make it possible to make available the data both within and beyond the limits of the specific
relative discipline so that they could be exploited in an interdisciplinary perspective in the fields of history, archaeology, institutional history etc.
Thus the purpose of this research will be the edition and commentary of the texts considered to be significant and the creation of digital tools in order to share and integrate the data and the results. More
specifically, this will involve making a digital edition of the texts under investigation, managed and exploited via a digital philological platform connected to a digital archive that will employ standardised
metadata and coding models both for the bibliographical information (e.g., FRBR) and also for the texts (e.g., EpiDoc, which has so far been used only for languages with extensive corpora). To code the
textual data it is planned to test the CRMtex extension of CIDOC CRM, the de facto ontology for Digital Humanities (DH) in the European Community. By way of experiment, use will also be made of the
extension CRMinf to code scientific interpretations in semantic format. Finally, an electronic lexicon or thesaurus will be set up, drawing inspiration from both existing lexicon models and recent standards for
diachronic digital lexicographical representation, which has never been applied to Restsprachen. By coding the hermeneutical positions of the individual editors using CRMinf, it will be possible to investigate
in greater detail the thesaurus configured in this way.
The thesaurus and the digital texts will be made available via the CLARIN and DARIAH European research infrastructures for e-Humanities and Cultural Heritage, in order to share the results and valorise this
heritage. This choice is made because these resources are potentially of major interest for scholars who are also active beyond their respective national limits and their sharing and visibility on the European
scale could also have considerable spin-offs for historical linguistic research and also for the diffusion of Italian culture.
In view of the experimental nature of the project, we propose during its initial stage to restrict the documentation to be digitised to a limited number of epigraphic corpora chosen for their specific
characteristics judged also to be representative of various linguistic groups: the Oscan, Venetic and Celtic inscriptions of Italy and the neo-Faliscan inscriptions. Subsequently, this digital processing can also
be extended to the other languages of ancient Italy.
The objectives of this project are situated organically within to the research guidelines suggested by the European Community, in particular for HORIZON2020.
Testo italiano
Il progetto si propone di indagare le culture dell’Italia antica a partire dalla loro documentazione linguistica (VII-I sec. a.C.), anche mediante il supporto di una serie di prodotti tecnologici specificamente
elaborati a tal fine. Si intende pertanto integrare il tradizionale metodo di studio proprio della linguistica storica e i suoi prodotti (studio, edizione e commento linguistico e storico-culturale delle iscrizioni
dell’Italia antica) con l’allestimento di strumenti digitali. Tale sinergia tra linguistica storica e linguistica computazionale, filologia testuale, epigrafia tradizionale e digitale consentirà un significativo progresso
nell’analisi, interpretazione, valorizzazione e diffusione dei risultati.
La documentazione delle lingue dell’Italia antica è affidata quasi esclusivamente a testi epigrafici; in conseguenza, da una parte il quadro linguistico che ne consegue è quello di lingue di frammentaria
attestazione, dall’altra si richiede una specifica metodologia per l’analisi dei testi e la loro edizione.
In tale situazione, del tutto peculiare, un rinnovato trattamento dei testi mediante l’adozione di modelli e strumenti computazionali consentirà di rendere disponibili i dati anche oltre i confini dell’ambito
disciplinare proprio, garantendone una fruizione in prospettiva interdisciplinare nell’ambito della storia, dell’archeologia, della storia delle istituzioni, etc.
La ricerca prevede quindi come finalità l’edizione e il commento di testi epigrafici ritenuti significativi e la creazione di strumenti digitali per la condivisione e l’integrazione dei dati e dei risultati. Nello specifico
si creerà un’edizione digitale dei testi indagati gestita e fruita attraverso una piattaforma filologico-digitale e collegata ad un archivio digitale che utilizzerà modelli di metadati e codifica standardizzati sia per le
informazioni bibliografiche (es. FRBR) sia per i testi (es. EpiDoc, usato finora solo su lingue a ampio corpus). Per la codifica dei dati testuali verrà sperimentata l’estensione CRMtex di CIDOC CRM, ontologia
de facto delle Digital Humanities (DH) nella Comunità Europea. In via sperimentale si userà anche l’estensione CRMinf per la codifica delle interpretazioni scientifiche in formato semantico. Verrà infine
allestito un thesaurus-lessico elettronico, ispirato a modelli di lessici esistenti e ai recenti standard per la rappresentazione lessicografica digitale diacronica, esercizio mai attuato su Restsprachen. La codifica
tramite CRMinf delle posizioni ermeneutiche dei singoli editori permetterà di indagare più approfonditamente il thesaurus così configurato.
Thesaurus e testi digitali saranno resi disponibili tramite le infrastrutture di ricerca europee per e-Humanities e Cultural Heritage CLARIN e DARIAH, per la condivisione dei risultati e la valorizzazione del
patrimonio. Queste risorse infatti sono potenzialmente di grande interesse per studiosi attivi anche oltre i confini nazionali e la loro condivisione e visibilità europea può avere ricadute importanti sia per la
ricerca linguistica storica, sia per la diffusione della cultura italiana.
Dato il carattere sperimentale del progetto, si propone nella sua fase iniziale di circoscrivere la documentazione da informatizzare ad alcuni corpora epigrafici, selezionati in ragione delle loro caratteristiche,
Sito web: https://www.prin-italia-antica.unifi.it/
The Economics of Culture: Ethnicity, Gender, and their Interactions
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Hi-Di NET Econometric Analysis of High Dimensional Models with Network Structures in Macroeconomics and Finance
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BILLIO Monica, CASARIN Roberto
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/pag/40521
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il genere novella nel Rinascimento italiano: repertorio, database e inquadramento storiografico (Re.Novella)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Understanding and controlling magnetic inertia: towards terahertz spin-based technologies
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The energy consumption of digital information is the fastest increasing item in the global energy balance, directly correlated with the ever-increasing data transfer from large-scale data centers, which rely magnetic technology for storing and writing information. The understanding of how spins, the building blocks of magnetism, move and can be manipulated at their fundamental ultrafast (pico- and femtosecond) timescales has implications for energy-efficient data-processing and storage applications in the data centers worldwide. However, the possibility of realizing novel commercial technologies based on such ultrafast spin dynamics has been hampered by our limited knowledge of the physics behind processes at these timescales.
Recently, we detected for the first time the experimental evidence of intrinsic inertial effects in thin ferromagnetic films, in the form of a nutation of the magnetization at a frequency of ~0.5THz, i.e. with a period of a few picoseconds. Right after our experiment, a first attempt of encoding information with picosecond electrical pulses has been made, which makes the understanding of magnetic inertia a fundamental and timely requirement for advancing this area of technology.
This proposal suggests a cohesive approach to achieve an encompassing view of inertial spin dynamics in metallic ferromagnets, via three work packages. The first one aims at measuring inertial dynamics (i.e. spin nutation) driven by strong THz radiation in several magnetic materials using table-top femtosecond lasers and free electron laser radiation; the second is dedicated to the growth and synthesis of different magnetic systems, epitaxial thin films and nanoparticle assemblies, in order to explore how microscopic (intrinsic) and, respectively, mesoscopic (extrinsic) properties affect the spin nutation. The last work package's goal is to develop an analytical and numerical theory for inertial spin dynamics able to describe the experimental evidence in a fully consistent way. Preliminary experiments on different epitaxial thin cobalt films show that different structural order and magnetic anisotropy affect the nutation frequency in a tangible way, laying the foundation for the research plan in this proposal. The proposed investigations are challenging and explore unchartered territories: we anticipate that they will advance the fundamental understanding of inertial spin dynamics and of ultrafast control of magnetization, with potential implications for future spin-based technologies.
DIETALY Destination Italy in Engiish Translation over the Years
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
AGORNI Mirella, CAMATTI Nicola, CESIRI Daniela, FINA Maria Elisa, ROSSATO Linda
Il progetto intende mappare la comunicazione turistica sulla destinazione Italia in lingua inglese prodotta istituzionalmente nell'arco temporale di un secolo
Sito web: http://non disponibile
VIS - Venetian Integrated Studies. Philology, Textuality, Lexicography (XIVth-XVIIIth centuries)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto VIS mira alla valorizzazione del patrimonio linguistico-culturale del veneziano mediante la bonifica filologica, lo studio lessicale e il trattamento informatico di un numero significativo di testi dei secc. XIV-XVIII appartenenti ad àmbiti o generi a tutt’oggi non sufficientemente studiati.
Il progetto intende: a) allargare e consolidare la conoscenza della storia linguistica e culturale del volgare (e quindi del dialetto) veneziano; b) rafforzare la produzione e la circolazione di edizioni critiche native digitali ad accesso aperto, creando strumenti per l’archiviazione e lo studio dei testi via via presentati in una veste filologicamente accertata; c) rendere disponibili nuovi materiali di qualità per il corpus assunto a base del VEV-Vocabolario storico-etimologico del veneziano, avviato nel settembre 2020 (diretto da L. Tomasin e L. D’Onghia).
I laboratori culturali della fede. La produzione di cultura religiosa popolare in Italia dall'Unita al miracolo economico
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CICILIOT Valentina, MENTI Daiana, VIAN Giovanni
The project intends to study the development of the production of religious “popular” culture from the last phase of the national unification of Italy to the economic "miracle" (1860-1960). The project aim is to investigate the cultural products conceived by several Christian institutions for a wide audience and with the intention of instructing, educating, presenting exemplar models, and guiding social and political behavior. The project also intends to study from the inside the religious laboratories and cultural industries that have shown an effective ability to penetrate all strata of society through the creation of innovative narratives and the use of diversified mass media. These are Catholic religious orders that are committed to the spreading of "good press"; lay associations that are devoted to the education of the youngest; Christian churches that are the expression of religious minorities in the country and promoters of publishing popular activities; institutions linked to ecclesiastical structures that support economic initiatives aimed at popular classes. Over a century, these cultural laboratories expand their presence in the public sphere by exploiting communicative channels and technological innovations: from the affirmation of the periodical press to the serial literature (feuilleton), from the adventure novel to the comic strip, from the diffusion of photography to cinema, from the weekly illustrated magazine to the photo-story, from radio to television. Attention will be paid to the origins and consequences of the growing specialization of products by generational groups, genres and by professional categories, from production for children and young people to that for women and different working people.
This research focuses on specific broad historiographical questions from a new perspective:
a) the working process of cultural religious labs through a multidisciplinary approach that takes into account social, economic and historical-cultural aspects;
b) the narrative systems that characterize these cultural products and their ability to form behavioral patterns which are able to profoundly (re)shape society and to re-address consciences;
c) the modes of circulation and reception of this cultural production;
d) the transnational exchange of organizational models and educational proposals in the products and producers of Christian popular culture in Italy.
Sito web: https://prin.mur.gov.it/Ricerca?Filtro.Anno=2020&Filtro.Ateneo=Universit%C3%A0+%22Ca%27+Foscari%22+VENEZIA&Filtro.Argomento=&Filtro.Cognome=VIAN
The acquisition of Chinese resultative verbal complexes by L1 Italian learners: Combining learner corpusand experimental data
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
ARCODIA Giorgio Francesco, BASCIANO Bianca, CASENTINI Marco, IURATO Alessia, MORBIATO Anna
This project aims at investigating the acquisition of Chinese resultative verb complexes (RVCs, i.e.resultative compounds, phase resultative compounds and directional complex verbs) by L1 Italian learners.
RVCs pose a challenge for L1 Italian learners of Chinese due to their complexity (both from the morpho-syntactic and from the semantic point of view) and to the typological distance between Italian and Chinese inexpressing this kind of events. For Italian learners of L2/FL Chinese, acquiring structures which are eitherabsent or very distant from those in their L1, as Chinese RVCs, is especially challenging.
The present project aims at answering the following research questions:
1. What are the characteristics of lexical development of RVCs by L1 Italian learners of Chinese?
2. What are the main sources of difficulty in their acquisition?
3. What are the stages of acquisition of RVCs?
4. What differences may be observed in the acquisition of different RVCs?
5. What is the role of typological distance and what kind of L1 transfer can be observed in the acquisition ofRVCs?
6. Is there a correlation between proficiency level and mastery of different RVCs?
We will adopt a mixed-method, triangulated approach, consisting in the combination and analysis of bothcorpus data (to analyze learner performance) and experimental data (to investigate learner competence), inorder to provide different insights into the phenomenon under study and to obtain data as authentic aspossible, thus strengthening the validity of the results and the conclusions drawn from research findings.
After a thorough review of the literature on the topic and a preliminary analysis of the treatment of RVCs inteaching materials, we will collect data of L1 Italian learners of Chinese, divided by proficiency levels, at bothinstitutions involved in the project. In addition, we will also collect data from L1 Chinese speakers, acting ascontrol group, for comparative purposes. One of the main results of the project will be the compilation of alearner corpus collecting both written and oral data of L1 Italian learners of Chinese, which will be freelyaccessible online and will prove to be a valuable resource for anyone who needs a sample of data toinvestigate the acquisition of Chinese by L1 Italian speakers, which is still an understudied field. After thecompilation of the corpus, both corpus and experimental data will be analyzed and interpreted: we willidentify the acquisitional path of different RVCs followed by L1 Italian learners of Chinese and formulategeneralizations, both at the descriptive and at the theoretical level. The study has significant pedagogicalimplications, as it lays the basis for the development of pedagogical tools and methods that more accuratelytarget the needs of Italian learners of Chinese.
Sito web: https://pric.unive.it/projects/achieve/home
At the frontier of agent-based modelling: a new data driven framework for policy design toward sustainable and resilient economies
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
In this project we propose a novel data-driven modelling approach to evaluate economic policies, with an empirical focus on Italy and with an application to climate change mitigation policies. It builds upon the idea of combining the flexible, realistic, and disaggregated structure of agent-based models with the coherent and consistent data framework provided by the Social Accounting Matrix. To do that we need to address several challenges both on the modelling and on the data representation side. Concerning modelling, we need to face the challenge of letting the model dynamically interact with data. On the data ide, we have to integrate and harmonize several data sources in a framework that can serve and guide the development of he model. We identify the key for succeeding in a continuous and bidirectional feedback between data analysis and model building. In particular, we propose a novel approach in structuring data, called Multi-Agent Social Accounting Matrix MASAM). It consists in a new data framework where the national social accounting matrix is linked with a set of granular information on firms and households, in terms of both stocks and flows, and where financial and environmental aspects are described. This detailed data structure dynamically interacts with the model via advanced estimation, data assimilation, and validation techniques drawn from the statistical learning domain. The main test-bed for evaluating the performance of the model will be its out-of-sample forecasting accuracy of macroeconomic variables of interest. Indeed, the predictive performance of the model will be continuously assessed. In this way, we plan to promptly intervene, spotting and correcting the inconsistencies that arise. A large body of theoretical investigation will be devoted to understanding the proper level of disaggregation that the model needs to provide accurate forecasts. Once a correctly calibrated model with high predictive
accuracy is available, we can perform stress-tests on the resilience of the Italian economy to various shocks, providing accurate quantitative predictions on the outcomes of different sets of policies in the short-medium run. At the same time, we will be able to provide realistic scenario analyses, simulating the behavior of the economy over longer time horizons. Given the relevance and the global concern on the topic, we apply our framework to economic policies aimed at tackling climate change. In particular, we will investigate the consequences of fiscal and monetary policy reforms, aimed at mitigating the environmental effects of economic activity on the Italian economy. We believe that our effort toward the development of a consistent data-driven framework for agent-based modelling may constitute an important contribution to both scientific debate and policy making, especially considering the fundamental challenges the world is facing.
Myths of Legitimation and Government of Difference in the European Imperial Regimes during the Modern and Contemporary Age
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto intende contribuire in modo originale al rinnovamento concettuale, tematico e metodologico dello studio degli imperi in svolgimento da due o tre decenni nella storiografia italiana e internazionale. Le esperienze storiche imperiali, intatti, continuano per lo più a essere trattate dalla storiografia come realtà predestinate a soccombere davanti all’incedere del paradigma egemonico dello stato nazionale. L’odierno risveglio d’interesse per il passato imperiale ha tratto invece ispirazione dalla percezione, diffusasi dopo il 1989-91, di una rinnovata attualità etico-politica degli imperi, ritenuti in grado di fornire un precedente per la soluzione di problemi attuali quali la rifondazione dell’ordine internazionale, la governance globale, la convivenza multinazionale e multiculturale. Nel solco della «New Imperial History» che ne è scaturita, il progetto intende pertanto studiare la resilienza e la durevolezza della forma-impero, le sue risposte ai bisogni suscitati dalla modernizzazione e dalla globalizzazione, la sua adattabilità al mutare delle circostanze, così da indagare aspetti ancora troppo sottovalutati della storia europea contemporanea.
Libri di poesia nell’Italia settentrionale del Quattrocento: edizioni critiche e commenti.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CURTI Elisa, DAVOLI Francesco, PEZZE' Stefano, ZANATO Tiziano
Book production, graphic dislocations and cultural networks in Byzantium in the 9th and 10th centuries
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto comprende lo studio della minuscola libraria bizantina dei secoli IX e X, con un punto di vista che tenga insieme la tradizione degli studi , la revisione delle interpretazioni e la proposta di riletture originali; i manoscritti riferibili ai secoli indicati saranno indagati altresì con l'obiettivo di ricostruire, attraverso l'analisi delle mani dei copisti e delle note marginali di lettura, networks e cerchie di intellettuali e le dinamiche delle reciproche interazioni.
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
SCARSO Alessandro, VISENTIN Fabiano
Catalytic processes influence chemical reactions in terms of atom efficiency, energy demand, and product accessibility. They are fundamental to increase the competitiveness of chemical companies and the sustainability of the chemical industry. A key For this challenge that must be addressed in the development of new catalysts is selectivity. reason, a large and
increasing share of the catalysts market (20% in 2012, 30% in 2017) is covered by enzymes, notwithstanding their disadvantages in terms of cost, stability, and complicated process development. The availability of selective artificial catalysts would provide relevant potential benefits to chemical production and new application in fields such as detection, waste recycling, and even healthcare. The scientific goal of the CAGED project is to implement nonenzymatic catalytic processes beyond their current limitations, confining catalysts, and reactions within a defined nanostructured space (cage). In this
environment, the solvent exclusion, the precisely positioned second-sphere interactions, and the steric constraints will allow getting control on: i) substrate selectivity, still underexplored in traditional homogeneous catalysis; ii) preorientation and preorganization effects within the cavity, that can influence the product selectivity; iii) transition state stabilization, that can increase activity or enable new reaction pathways; iv) nanoenvironment chirality, that can influence the stereoselectivity of the reactions; v) cooperativity, which adding the beneficial effects of different catalytic centres can improve reactions efficiency. Not only will this approach lead to the realization of new catalytic processes, but it will also dramatically enlarge the scope of every single catalyst. Indeed, reactivity and selectivity will be modulated by the simple coupling with the appropriate caging system, without the need for catalyst modification. Different caged systems will be explored, ranging from surfactant aggregates to monolayer protected nanoparticles and self-assembled capsules. Self-organization is the common feature of these systems, allowing their easy realization, modification, and optimization. On the other hand, they feature different structural rigidity levels and preorganization, allowing to individuate and optimize the relevant parameters controlling selectivity. The CAGED network comprises five research groups with highly complementary expertise covering the whole pipeline, from the design and realization of supramolecular catalysts to their application. The partners have their main background in organic synthesis, mechanistic and computational investigations, catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, solid state characterization and nanosystems. Taken together, they represent a team of excellence in the whole Italian community of supramolecular catalysis.
Sito web: http://Finanziato 40.5 Keuro
Data Driven Innovation. Measuring its Effects on Industries, Firms, and Business Models
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
CROSATO Lisa, NUCCIO Massimiliano
Neglected microbial diversity of coastal hypersaline environments and marine transition areas: study of its dark matter and hidden treasures (Maricostems).
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Fin4Green - Finance for a Sustainable, Green and Resilient Society Quantitative approaches for a robust assessment and management of risks related to sustainable investing
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
DIETALY Destination Italy in Engiish Translation over the Years
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
AGORNI Mirella, CAMATTI Nicola, CAVALLI Giulia, CESIRI Daniela, DE BONIS Giuseppe, FINA Maria Elisa, MATTEI Elena, MAURO Viviana, ROSSATO Linda
Patterning of Antiferromagnets for THz Operation (PATH)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
With the end of Moore's law and the rise of IoT applications, IT needs new, efficient methods for data transmission and processing at the nanoscale while conserving power. Spintronics offers promise for post-CMOS computing. Antiferromagnets (AFs) with their THz dynamics and lack of net magnetization could overcome some limitations. However, challenges include controlling AF magnetic properties and probing their magnetic order. The PATH project introduces a novel approach using thermally assisted scanning probe lithography (t-SPL) and THz spectroscopy to achieve sub-10 nm control of static AF properties and manipulate dynamic properties and magnonic responses for spintronics.
Looking for Legislative Intent in Judicial Reasoning: An Empirical Account
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto di ricerca attiene al campo dell’argomentazione giuridica e si concentra in particolare sul tema dell’argomentazione tratta dall’intenzione del legislatore. La ricerca si propone di analizzare il modo in cui l’intenzione del legislatore è concepito dalle Corti supreme italiane, le diverse forme che questo tipo di argomentazione assume nel ragionamento giuridico, in che misura queste forme vengono rispettivamente impiegate e sviluppate e le implicazioni teoriche di questi risultati. In particolare, la ricerca ha tre obiettivi. In primo luogo, raccogliere un certo numero di decisioni delle Supreme Corti italiane in cui l’argomentazione è usata e organizzarle in un database, che includerà le decisioni maggiormente rilevanti degli ultimi cinque anni all’interno di quattro rami del diritto italiano (diritto costituzionale, diritto civile, diritto penale, diritto amministrativo). Il database verrà aggiornato nel corso della ricerca, in modo da incorporare in esso un’analisi quantitativa e statistica. In secondo luogo, la ricerca opererà una ricostruzione e valutazione dell’argomentazione tratta dall’intenzione del legislatore, per come viene effettivamente applicata dalle Corti supreme italiane, sulla base dei dati selezionati. In terzo luogo, l’analisi strutturale e qualitativa verrà utilizzata per affrontare questioni teoriche relative alla natura dell’intenzione del legislatore, al suo peso nel processo decisionale e alla sua interazione con gli altri standard argomentativi. Infine, la ricerca affronterà le questioni normative connessa al tema dell’intenzione del legislatore, dalla prospettiva sia del potere legislativo che di quello giudiziario, in modo da rendere l’utilizzo dell’argomentazione più rigoroso e convincente.
Chinese narratives and the narration of China in Italy: literature, cinema and art at the intersection of cultural diplomacy and cultural industry
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project aims at understanding the cultural, political and economic processes and dynamics which govern knowledge production about China in Italy with an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on literature, cinema and the visual arts. It assumes that narratives about China not only reflect the shifting power balance at global level determined by the rise of China, but also result in complex processes of negotiation among different political, cultural and economic agents.
It is well-known how China’s global economic and political projection have a major cultural component, whose primary actors are its political, educational and cultural institutions, as well as its cultural industries. The literature has already investigated several aspects of Chinese global projection under the categories of international propaganda, soft power and cultural diplomacy: the role of the Confucius Institutes, sports and art diplomacy, the strategy of the so-called United Front, the expansion of Chinese international media and information capacity and the role of social media.
Diverging from a perspective centred on these categories, the project embraces an alternative perspective, focusing on the analysis of the negotiations and cultural practices that, in China as in Italy, shape the image of China.
The project has identified the following fields of analysis as particularly significant: a) literary translation; b) cinema and screening cultures including co-production practices and festivals; c) art exhibitions of both traditional and contemporary art.
It will be developed according to two lines of enquiry:
a) to understand the processes of negotiation between cultural industries and government institutions in China and how they affect China’s strategy of cultural projection abroad;
b) to better understand the institutional and cultural negotiation processes behind the diffusion of Chinese cultural products in Italy, in relation to the translation of Chinese literature, China’s participation in film festivals and audiovisual co-production, the circulation of Chinese art and related policies of exhibitions.
Knowledge of these dynamics will form the premise for increasing Italian capacity to produce independent and critical knowledge on China at the local level. Moreover, it will help the actors in the creative and cultural sectors and in the education system to better tackle the challenges facing us in this ever-changing geopolitical landscape, identifying weaknesses and gaps in these processes and their impact on the Italian public opinion in its understanding of China.
The research will adopt both qualitative and quantitative methods of enquiry. On the one hand, it aims at offering an overview of Chinese cultural products circulating in Italy by analysing the trends in relation to global China’s cultural production and strategy for the international market. On the other, it will investigate the role of the different actors, their strategies and networks.
An analysis of the Italian financial legal framework vis-a-vis the Capital Markets Union action plan: the perspective of regulatory fragmentation and sustainability - PRIN - Responsabile Unità Venezia
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BEVIVINO Vito, MARTINA Giuliana, MINTO Andrea, URBANI Alberto, ZANARDO Alessandra
Sito web: http://www.prinrossano.it
PRIN 2022 (20227M8RS7): The ATLAS of Italian Digital Humanities: a dynamic knowledge graph of digital scholarly research on Italian Cultural Heritage
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
In this project we want to show the potential deriving from having shared protocols, good practices, guidelines and evaluation
frameworks in the Humanities. In order to tackle these problems in real-world scenarios, a pool of selected sources will be harvested, mined, and reengineered with state-of-the-art Semantic Web technologies and Natural Language Processing methods to define guidelines for excellent projects and create a golden set of reference projects in the Digital Humanities.
Venezia Libro Aperto (acronym: VeLA) - 2022BAYPL5
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
DE RUBEIS Flavia, MINOTTO Alessandra, RAPETTI Anna Maria, TUCCI Sara
Il programma di ricerca è finanziato da intende censire tutti i graffiti presenti all'interno di Palazzo Ducale (Venezia), dalla sua fondazione al 2020. il programma prevede l'attivazione di in sito dedicato, l'installazione di strutture per la lettura tattile e audio di una parte dei graffiti, selezionati.
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” - Componente C2 Investimento 1.1 “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)”
Principal Investigator: prof.ssa Flavia DE RUBEIS
Codice CUP: H53D23006800006
Sito web: http://in corso di attivazione
ATlantificaTion dRiven by polAr-subpolar ConnecTIONs (ATTRACTION) in a changing climate: integrating observational evidence, paleo-oceanography and modelling over the last thousand years at the gateway of the Arctic Ocean
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Since satellite-based measurements began in 1978, Arctic sea ice extent has strongly declined. This is especially pronounced at the Atlantic-Arctic boundary where warm and salty waters of Atlantic origin are progressively replacing the Arctic halocline layer. This phenomenon, known as Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean, has large-scale impacts on several environmental and economic aspects including retreat of the tide-water glaciers, stability of slope gas hydrates, sea ice loss and fish stock. The common perception is that this process is exclusively limited to modern times, essentially because instrumental evidence has only been available since the last decades. However, our understanding of recent changes cannot overlook the assessment of the past climate evolution. Earth’s natural climate variability in fact provides a necessary context to evaluate anthropogenic impacts. The last millennium, in particular, is a critical time window as the abundance of historical documents allows to constrain the range of uncertainty about the climate evolution. Available archives indicate that during this period the North Atlantic subpolar circulation experienced remarkable changes, which surely affected the way heat and nutrients are redistributed further north. Considering that similar changes are projected in future scenarios, knowing how subpolar dynamics affected the Arctic gateway in the recent past is an essential step to build confidence on the evolution of the Arctic Ocean. However, a survey of the recent literature covering the Common Era shows that the available marine records are located far too south to capture the expansion of the Arctic-Atlantic front which, in turn, hampers a rigorous validation with paleoclimate simulations. ATTRACTION acknowledges this limitation and proposes to analyse new archives from a strategic region of the Arctic bathed by the Atlantic inflow to (i) provide novel data on sea-ice dynamics and seawater properties throughout the last millennium and (ii) compare these proxy-based reconstructions with ensembles of state-of-the-art paleoclimate and historical simulations to identify robust subpolar-polar connections. In addition, as each earth science discipline dealing with the Atlantification has been primarily working within its restricted circle with a limited exchange of data, ideas and approaches, ATTRACTION will leverage on the diverse nature of the consortium for a mutual enrichment via an interchange of knowledge among physical oceanographers, paleo-oceanographers and modellers. By combining novel evidence from sediment cores with model results, both validated by modern observations, we will shed new insights into the nature of Atlantification and we will benchmark the ability of models to simulate Atlantification. ATTRACTION will ultimately assess our current capability in predicting future evolution in a region which is expected to face some of the most dramatic changes on Earth in a global warming scenario
Poetesse del Rinascimento: ricostruzione e commento del corpus della lirica femminile del Cinquecento
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The Transmission of Old Church Slavonic Texts
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The intended goal of this project is to offer new tools in further advancing our knowledge in the textual transmission of Old Church Slavonic writings, that is, the literature of Slavia Christiana (9th -11th centuries). The output lies in the compilation of a repertoire in one volume of histories of textual transmission of Old Church Slavonic writings, translated from Latin and Greek or originally composed by prominent authors of that time. This collection of studies will be based on the compilation of a database, developed by the team members over the two years, and will be finalised for print within the additional six-months period after the completion date of the project. The production of single entries on each individual manuscript tradition to be investigated will follow strict methodological guidelines and will have a precise structural configuration. The Old Church Slavonic manuscripts will be subjected to a thorough text-critical study. The most important witnesses (Variantenträger) shall also be subject to a palaeographical and codicological investigation. And last but not least, due attention will be paid to their linguistic analysis.
The scientific impact of this project lies in addressing a scientific void in the field of the transmission of Old Church Slavonic texts, since a comprehensive study of this kind has until now been absent. In order to achieve such an ambitious goal, we plan to build an integrated and systematic approach toward assisting the adoption of innovative methodologies in Slavic philology. This appears to be necessary both for the purpose of the future production of reliable critical editions and the aim of properly addressing major outstanding issues in this field. They concern, on the one hand, the origin, the process of copying, the modifications, and the circulation through the ages of hundreds of works; on the other, the problem of pointing out any differences and analogies with Byzantine, Middle Latin, German or Romance traditions.
Answers to these questions require new ways of examining textual transmission. Instead of selecting a handful of works retrieved from the earliest Glagolitic and Cyrillic manuscripts (late 10th – 11th century) as our starting point, we should rather focus on the 14th and more importantly the 15th century as a key-period for the investigation.
This is in contrast with a longstanding tradition in our discipline to focus on earlier documents and the most ancient traits of the language. Such an outdated traditional practice had grave consequences for an assessment of the works belonging to the earliest body of Old Church Slavonic literature. As a result, a large number of texts were insufficiently studied merely on the grounds that they are not attested in the earliest manuscripts (Palaeoslavic canon). The time is now ripe to achieve a new understanding of the transmission of texts of Slavia Christiana, and thereby to offer a re-evaluation of its literary patrimony.
PRIN -PNRR 2022- SCORE2- Solar Energy for circular CO2 photoconversion
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The photoconversion of CO2 through solar energy is the most challenging application in photocatalysis, due to the high stability of this compound and slow kinetics of a multi-electron transfer reaction. Limited reactivity is reported both in liquid and gas phase, also due to poor CO2 solubility in water and limited surface adsorption of CO2.
SCORE2 pursues the ambitious objectives to i) regenerate valuable chemical compounds in a fully circular approach;
ii) convert CO2 to regenerated fuels and chemicals; iii) store solar energy. We will demonstrate an integrated process for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in gas and liquid phase exploiting efficiently the solar light spectrum through smartly engineered semiconductors, prepared by means of advanced synthesis techniques and exploited in an unconventional photoreactor. Advanced solar sensitive materials will be synthetised and thoroughly characterised by means of different
complementary approaches. A new generation of upconversion (UC) hybrid nanomaterials (NMs) relying on Triplet-Triplet Annihilation (TTA) will be designed by PoliTO to exploit solar light. Compared with state-of-the-art, such NMs have the great advantage of working with non- coherent and relatively low-intensity incident light (ca. hundreds of mW/cm2 ), making them particularly promisingMfor solar applications. On the other hand, mixed oxides
Sito web: http://Q
Atmospheres: What They Are and How They Are Grasped [ATMOS]
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
ERCOLINO Stefano, ROFENA Cecilia
Let us imagine to listen to the first movement of Felix Mendelssohn’s symphony n. 4 in A major Op. 90, the “Italian”. What do we exactly hear? Undoubtedly, we hear musical sounds but that is not all. There is, indeed, an Italian "character" conveyed by the musical notes, namely, we detect a specific and vivid Italian atmosphere in the symphony, regardless knowing or not what is its title. The perception of this Italian atmosphere is essential to the aesthetic appreciation of Mendelssohn’s symphony. To begin with, atmospheres occur not only when we listen to musical sounds but also when listening to environmental sounds (which are the sounds surrounding us in everyday life). Moreover, atmospheres take place not only in the auditory field but also when taking into account other sense modalities: vision, taste, olfaction, and touch. Atmospheres concern natural or para-natural objects, as well as aesthetic objects: from design and leisure objects, to full-fledged artworks, such as films, novels, paintings, installations, and buildings. Aesthetic appreciation in particular is strongly influenced by the atmospheres aesthetic objects create. As its first objective, which is a Metaphysical Objective (MO), ATMOS wants to provide a characterization of what atmospheres are starting from the hypothesis that they are kinds of relational expressive properties, which are predicated of worldly objects (their bearers), and involve two relational poles: the environment in which the relevant object is located, and the subject who entertains experiences toward that object. ATMOS' second objective is a Phenomenological Objective (PO); its aim is to answer the question of how atmospheres can be grasped starting from how they appear to the subject, especially when taking into account her empathic reactions. ATMOS looks at atmospheres by means of an analytical method, mobilizing metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and aesthetics, as well as their interactions with cognitive sciences. In order to test both the relational and the perceptualist account of atmospheres, ATMOS examines different kinds of worldly objects to which atmospheres are usually ascribed: natural and artificial landscapes, ordinary objects (e.g. tables and chairs), artifactual objects (e.g. cities, design and leisure objects), and artworks (e.g. buildings, installations, films, musical pieces, paintings, poems and novels).
WilDebate. Coexistences, Bio-cultural Frictions and Pastoralism in Protected Areas
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project aims at an ethnographic and comparative research on interspecific cohabitations in the mountain environments between wildlife
(particularly bears and wolves), other non-humans and humans. The main objective is mapping the complex field of local and super-local actors
involved and bring out the critical issues of coexistence in order to find shared, participatory and sustainable solutions. Ethnography will take into
consideration the debates and conflicts arising from the relationships between human communities and farmed biodiversity, domestic and wild species.
Ethnography aims at the account of multiple positions in this multi-scale context consisting of:
- territorial control and management policies
- legal frameworks about the protection of animal husbandry on the one hand and landscape-naturalistic conservation on the other
- breeding activities aimed at the conservation of grazing areas and the protection of animals and relative products
- animal rights activism with its sometimes assertive positioning in the public space
- local communities affected by the reintroduction of wildlife (attacked by wolves and other wild animals)
- multidisciplinary experts’ positioning
- economic and tourist activities sometimes inherently controversial in relationships to extensive pastoralism
- protected areas transforming and sometimes even commodifying natural habitats and species into elements of territorial enhancement, often
regardless of the intrinsic value of species and biodiversity.
The questions generated by this framework and to which the project intends to give answers and attention are:
1. AGENCY: who and in what capacity is called to decide on how to manage this interspecific relationship and coexistence: institutions, trade
associations, breeders, animal rights activists, scientists in their various and specific areas of expertise and application?
2. ENTANGLEMENTS: what are the interspecific coexistences also in terms of influence on ecosystems: imbalance due to excessive reproduction, loss
of other species due to excessive predation and consequent loss of biodiversity, limitation in human movements in certain areas of the territory
resulting from fear the meeting (Stokland Hakon 2015)?
3. NARRATIVES: which narratives and representations of the wild are arousing from contemporary communities also due to a growing commodification
of protected areas and wilderness? How is it assessed the marketable value of a reserve of nature? (Muray Mayako 2017; Kosek 2010;
Sjölander-Lindkvist, Cinque 2013);
4. PARTICIPATION: what is the more or less real involvement of the local communities involved and affected by the issue / problem in the
decision-making processes? Which forms have been adopted to facilitate local communities’ inclusion and involvement, taking into account the issue of
interests in the field, survival of particular activities threatened by the increase in the presence of predators (breeding, crops, tourism)
Blending the physical and the virtual workplace: How different hybrid work’s models disrupt the labor market and call for emergent configurations of organizational and human resource management practices
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
In March 2020, a massive experiment of remote working started abruptly almost worldwide. Italy was among the first and most hit countries, such that in 2020 around 8,000,000 employees started working from home, while the average number of remote workers before the lockdown in Italy was approximately 500,000. The growth of remote working due to COVID-19 has accelerated some trends already on the way, like connectivity and virtualization of teamwork affecting the supervision style required in distributed organizations. As highlighted by recent labor market surveys, experts have estimated a long-term growth of this trend, and an increasing number of employees working in hybrid arrangements. If the future of work is depicted as hybrid - that is, employees who do some tasks in the office and others virtually – it becomes paramount to understand the implications that these changes will generate for the organizations and the labor market. In this scenario, the present project aims to conduct an exploratory study on this emergent and still under investigated phenomenon.
A first aim of the project is to disentangle the broad category of hybrid working, identifying the salient dimensions that can help to identify different combinations between the two poles of the continuum virtual- physical work. Some of the dimensions that the project will consider are the types of interdependence among tasks and the job characteristics which will affect the decisions on space and time flexibility.
The second aim is to shed light on the implications of the adoption of different models of hybrid work. The project will contribute to this debate adopting three different perspectives. At the organizational level, the project will analyze the design solutions that turn out to be successful in contexts of hybrid work, looking at the combination of coordination mechanisms with a specific attention to the use of digital technologies and leadership behaviors. At the individual level, the new work arrangements challenge organizations to change their performance management systems in order to influence people’s behavior and performance. Finally, from a macro and systems perspective, the research will investigate how the diffusion of hybrid work for specific categories of professionals is, on the one hand, widening the geographical extension of the target labor market for groups of companies and, on the other hand, it is creating serious problems of skill shortage for entire sectors in certain local areas, even generating deeper inequalities among industrial systems.
The project will focus on a specific category of workers, the clerical one, as it is the most exposed to this emerging phenomenon.
Coherently with the exploratory nature of the research, a qualitative multiple case study as well as a narrative design will be
implemented, selecting organizational settings in both private and public sectors, which are experimenting different models of
hybrid work.
ARTCHAE – Rediscovering video and installation art as an archaeology of telepresence
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
DE ROSA Miriam Stefania, REJAS DEL PINO Miriam
Referente unità di ricerca cafoscarina per il progetto, che coinvolge l'Università Statale di Milano (PI).
Film Base Matters: A Material Approach to the History of Small-gauge Film in Italy
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
DE ROSA Miriam Stefania, IZZO Francesca Caterina
Referente unità di ricerca cafoscarina per il progetto, che coinvolge l'Università degli Studi di Udine (PI) e l'Università IULM.
SHERDs Networks in Hellenistic and Roman Mediterranean - Making and Managing History with material culture
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The main aim of the project is to demonstrate that a new integrated and interdisciplinary approach in investigating material culture use and production can shed new light on past social practices and cultural identities. Based on the premise that the study of artigianal artifacts strongly depends on the detail and quality of the analysis of the raw data but also on the capacity to compare them within a common framework, the project will propose an innovative approach in the study of archaeological ceramics.
For a Multivocal History of the Attitudes Towards Non-human Animals in South Asia. Ethics, Practices, Symbolism. Investigating New and Unsolved Issues
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Farms on the move. Rethinking the geographies of transhumance’s community-based economies: a more-than-human approach
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project offers an innovative, less anthropocentric understanding of transhumance, understood as a pillar of rural economies in remote regions. It aims to contribute to advancing knowledge on human-animal relations in agriculture and theorizations of the economy from a more-than-human perspective. Transhumance is husbandry method based on the seasonal movement of livestock, which is overlooked in contemporary international geography, as most studies focus on factory farming or alternative food networks. Despite having long been set aside in policymaking and in international geographical debates, transhumance is re-emerging as politically relevant as various stakeholders work to valorise it as a multifunctional, agroecological venture. Adopting a more-than-human approach inspired by translocal assemblage theory, the project posits transhumance as partaking in the diverse economy, understood as made of economic practices which do not exist in isolation from capitalism but which try to avoid practices of exploitation and foster relationships of care, mutuality and obligation. Transhumance is here also explored as a context where to produce novel knowledge on complex human-animal relations enabled by the possibility of animals to move across the landscape, rather than being confined within the intensive farm.
Three main research questions guide this project 1) How do the places and practices of contemporary transhumance affect the lives of humans and animals? 2) What are human-animal relations in transhumance from the animals’ perspectives? 3) How do these specific human-animal relations foster transhumance’s diverse economies? To whom and to what do these relations stretch?
To investigate how specific human-animal relationships are at the core of transhumance and how these partake in the diverse economy the project adopts a multispecies ethnographic approach that combines traditional and innovative qualitative methods, including desk research and digital ethnography, in-depth interviews, participant observation based on kinaesthetic empathy and supported by visual and body mapping methods. This approach is applied to two case studies where transhumance is notably and widely practiced: Piedmont (North-West Italy) and Abruzzo (Central Italy).
Optical NanoThermometry using Luminescence and Raman Spectroscopies - OPTIMISE
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
RISE: Rethinking and Innovating Statistics for Extremes
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The RISE project will introduce novel theoretical, methodological, and applied contributions to better analyse extreme value data. Extreme value theory is employed in a number of applications to quantify the risks connected to rare extreme events. The mathematical theory which underlies classical extreme value methods relies on strong assumptions. Most notably, it is assumed that the data generating process is stationary (in loose terms, not changing in time), an assumption rarely met by real-world phenomena. For example, this assumption is clearly untenable when the process of interest involves climatic variables, which have well known seasonal behaviours as well as long and short range dependencies. Informed by the behaviour observed in real-world processes, this research project aims to radically rethink the current approaches for extreme value analysis. We will develop novel theory and methods to overcome the simplifying assumptions underlying classical extreme value theory, which mostly exist for mathematical convenience and are rarely apt at describing real-world phenomena. Furthermore, the project will go beyond the requirement that the observed data constitutes a sample from a unique parametric distribution. This assumption is too restrictive when available data originates from diverse sources, some of which may be non-systematic and result in uncertain or censored observations. Overall, we aspire to deliver methods which can make the best use of the available data as it is rather than relying on assumptions which do not necessarily match the data generating process.
Although the project aims at providing practical and applicable solutions for real-world analysis of extreme value data, the proposed methods will be based on innovative theoretical foundations which will combine modern statistical alternatives to classical extreme value theory. In particular we will employ Bayesian and frequentist nonparametric and semiparametric methods, extending their use in the field of extreme value statistics. These approaches make it possible to model complex phenomena in a flexible, data-driven way: they will be employed to construct approaches less reliant on the classical extreme value theory and able to better capture the possibly dynamic behaviour of the processes under study.
Sito web: https://risextremes.github.io/
Farms on the move. Rethinking the geographies of transhumance's community-based economies: a more-than-human approach
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
COLOMBINO Annalisa, MOLFESE Carlotta, SORIANI Stefano
The project offers an innovative, less anthropocentric understanding of transhumance, understood as a pillar of rural economies in remote regions. It aims to contribute to advancing knowledge on human-animal relations in agriculture and theorizations of the economy from a more-than-human perspective. Transhumance is husbandry method based on the seasonal movement of livestock, which is overlooked in contemporary international geography, as most studies focus on factory farming or alternative food networks. Despite having long been set aside in policymaking and in international geographical debates, transhumance is re-emerging as politically relevant as various stakeholders work to valorise it as a multifunctional, agroecological venture. Adopting a
more-than-human approach inspired by translocal assemblage theory, the project posits transhumance as partaking in the diverse economy, understood as made of economic practices which do not exist in isolation from capitalism but which try to avoid practices of exploitation and foster relationships of care, mutuality and obligation. Transhumance is here also explored as a context where to produce novel knowledge on complex human-animal relations enabled by the possibility of animals to move across the landscape, rather than being confined within the intensive farm.
JUST4WHOM - Boosting “full” environmental justice and resilience in communities facing transitions
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
JUST4WHOM will investigate the psychosocial and symbolic dimensions of pre-existing or emerging injustices in the transition dynamics toward climate-neutral societies. It will better understand and operationalise the “environmental justice” (EJ) construct. It will also implement concrete actions to reduce inequalities and promote active citizenship and resilience in communities facing transformations. The institutional framework will be the Just Transition Mechanism, ie the EU financial tool to support communities affected by the socioeconomic challenges of the ongoing transition. It requires the proposal of territorial plans arising from the dialogue between institutional representatives and a territorial partnership of public and private actors, including citizens. While the value of this tool is undeniable, it tends to provide a partial view of EJ, predominantly in economic and political terms. Such a vision risks neglecting - or not adequately addressing - the underlying causes and implications of injustices, potentially leading to further inequalities and vulnerabilities. Social sciences are committed to identifying vulnerable social groups to alleviate the socioeconomic impacts of the transition. However, the scientific literature renders a somewhat fragmented and non-univocal conceptualisation of the EJ construct. It provides a theoretical framework developed along a few fundamental mechanisms (eg distributive, procedural, recognition and restorative justice), which do not necessarily exhaust the complexity of the social dynamics involved in creating inequalities (eg identity processes, collective memories, symbolic meanings). Thus, the issue of what the “just transition” is and for whom is still under discussion. JUST4WHOM will contribute to this debate. First, JUST4WHOM will examine institutional and scientific conceptualisations of EJ to converge towards a comprehensive definition and shed light on discrepancies between perspectives. It will allow the design of a theoretical model for EJ able to grasp the underlying psychosocial dimensions and their mutual relationships. Second, JUST4WHOM will release methodological tools to measure the psychosocial antecedents and consequences of perceived injustices. Tools will be developed and validated through a participatory process that will actively involve vulnerable communities facing transition with a citizen science approach. Third, JUST4WHOM will contribute to concretely boosting people’s resilience. It will implement actions targeted by social groups (eg children, elderly, minorities) to highlight potential clashes between “macro” and local views of EJ, to meet specific community needs and expectations, and to promote the imaginability of alternative future scenarios and innovative resources to solve local challenges. Overall, JUST4WHOM will impact policy design and planning to reduce inequalities and achieve a “full” just transition for all.
Exploring scribal minds: the structural and visual organization of knowledge in Mesopotamian archives and libraries
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project aims at investigating the structural and visual organization of knowledge as reflected in the written documents from ancient Mesopotamia: adopting a broad comparative perspective that focuses on institutional archives and libraries and spans chronologically from the 2nd to the 1st millennium BC, it will be based on the parallel analysis of archival records from Kassite Babylonia and of literary and scholarly texts from the so-called Library of Ashurbanipal as case-studies.
The research builds upon the assumption that the physical aspect of a manuscript is crucial in determining its effectiveness as a medium to convey information, facilitating the text’s understandability and fruition by visually organizing its content. In view of the strong relationship between the extrinsic features of a manuscript and its content, the systematic analysis of the interaction between these two aspects is likely to shed light on the mental processes that led Mesopotamian scribes to choose specific formats depending on the function texts had within a given context of redaction, fruition and circulation. Indeed, the rationale behind these choices is likely to be different in a bureaucratic environment, where the standardized format and wording of documents respond mainly to utilitarian purposes, and in a learned circle, where a certain layout may rather depend on a text’s literary structure or reflect other (for example, aesthetic) concerns. Despite its relevance for understanding how scribes organized and shaped their knowledge when they communicated by means of clay tablets, this topic received little attention in Ancient Near Eastern studies and only recently have scholars started investigating issues
related to the materiality of cuneiform texts, increasingly applying methodologies borrowed from the field of diplomatic
studies to the analysis of cuneiform corpora. Still, major research gaps remain to be filled, both as it concerns the corpora under investigation and the approach adopted to their study. By addressing case-studies representative of the two main areas of scribal activity, the project aims at exploring how and to what extent the physical appearance of cuneiform texts embodied the mental processes of their authors and responded to their intellectual needs as well as to those of further possible users. In doing so, the research will contribute to highlighting the complex dynamics of social, economic and cultural environments where writing plays a central role in shaping and organizing knowledge.
Mapping and Annotating Plots (MAP): the Multimodality of Cadastral Plans in Antiquity (Babylonia and Rome)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project addresses the study of multimodality in the context of a well-defined documentary corpus, i.e. cadastral maps: adopting both a comparative and diachronic perspective we will investigate the pertinent sources from Mesopotamia spanning in time between the 3rd and 1st mill. BC and from the Roman world between the 1st c. BC and the imperial age. Annotated field maps represent a paradigmatic example of the co-occurence on the same support of texts, in the form of annotations (epigraphs), and images, i.e drawings (schematic maps), in the ancient world. The combination of more than one semiotic mode in meaning-making, communication, and representation is pervasive in our times and according to multimodal theories allows for the 'multiplication’ of their respective meanings. Despite its prominent role in the contemporary world, the interplay of text and images, whose significance is so relevant to contemporary debate, is not a new achievement, as ‘people have been putting textual information and images together for thousands of years’ (Bateman 2014 and 2016). Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca MUR - BANDO 2022 PNRR The study of multimodality in the documentary corpora from the ancient world is however still in its infancy and remains limited to isolated case-studies that either do not equally represent all corpora or do consider them in a diachronic perspective or lack a solid theoretical background: most notably, an in-depth analysis of annotated topographical sources resulting from field surveys in antiquity is still a desideratum. This type of documents, that are attested both in the cuneiform corpus from Mesopotamia and in Ancient Rome, share similar characteristics. No attempt has been made so far to tackle this material as a coherent corpus, nor in a comparative and diachronic perspective. The aim of our project is to fill in these research gaps, investigating annotated cadastral plans in the Mesopotamian and Roman world, benefiting from a comparative approach. In addition, we will explore annotated maps through the lens of multimodality, whose potential for a better understanding of the mechanisms and procedures underpinning the production of this documentary class and the administrative context whence they stem will be tested here for the first time.
Progetto Prin "Global value chains, human rights and the law. Subtitle: The Italian, European and international path towards accountability".
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BRINO Vania, PERULLI Adalberto
Global Value Chains (GVCs) has always represented a privileged sector for observing the complexities of today’s legal and economic relations. For some time now identifying the rules and the mechanisms adequate to facilitate corporate economic development, on the one hand, and protecting human rights, the environment and the rule of law, on the other hand, has been a challenge for the international organizations, the European Union and the national governments. Obviously, the enhanced difficulties arising from the recent health, economic and geo-political crisis are increasing the importance of the regulation of GVCs. In light of these premises the present project aims at analyzing the relevant legal framework and case-law, evaluating its adequateness and efficacy, and, in case lacks and pitfalls are identified, proposing the necessary solutions. Accordingly, the project aims at dealing with three aspects: 1) outlining the state-of-the-art and the critical issues concerning the GVCs; 2) focusing on the ‘transnational governance’ of GVCs, under a legal and an economic perspective; 3) examining the measures adopted (and to be adopted) at international, supranational and national level, in order to promote the protection of human rights (including fundamental labor rights, the environment and the rule of law).
Dealing with this last aspect, a special focus will be devoted to the adoption on 23.2.2022 of a Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
Universalism and Right of Man: Late Enlightenment
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
NOVAK Stéphanie, SBARRA Stefania, TOCCHINI Gerardo
Durante il conflitto "globale" della Guerra dei Sette Anni, che ridisegnò la configurazione dei moderni imperi da parte delle potenze europee, si accese un nuovo interesse nei confronti delle culture e delle civiltà "altre". Ciò diede vita nel Tardo Illuminismo a originali e inusitate aperture che hanno contribuito direttamente alla trasformazione in senso universalistico di ideali e valori illuministici, di cui il linguaggio dei diritti dell’uomo rappresenta la sintesi più alta e l’eredità più significativa. Negli ultimi decenni questa fase cruciale di apertura è stata largamente affrontata soprattutto dalla cosiddetta storiografia postcoloniale che ne ha denunciato l’eurocentrismo mirando a smascherare la presunta natura retorica dell’universalismo, accusata di nascondere pulsioni e interessi coloniali e imperialistici, senza mai tener conto del linguaggio dei diritti dell’uomo e soprattutto del suo fondamento universalistico. Il progetto intende rimettere in discussione gli elementi portanti del paradigma postcoloniale verificandone i risultati alla luce delle soluzioni e dei temi affrontati dalla cultura del Tardo Illuminismo europeo.
#EtiamEgo. La violenza contro le donne nella Roma antica: prospettive storiche e costruzioni simboliche
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
BORRELLO Sara, LUCCHELLI Tomaso Maria, ROHR Francesca, VALENTINI Alessandra
La ricerca si propone di indagare modelli, comportamenti e caratteri della violenza contro le donne a Roma (VIII a.C.-V d.C.)
attraverso l’esame delle fonti (letterarie, storiografiche, epigrafiche, giuridiche, numismatiche), di individuare le sovrastrutture
storiche e culturali che dall’antichità e fino a oggi condizionano il fenomeno della violenza sulle donne nella società occidentale. La
ricerca si propone di interpretare le linee indicate dalla EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 tra le cui aree prioritarie è
individuata esplicitamente la lotta contro la violenza di genere: presupposto di qualunque strategia di intervento è la conoscenza del
fenomeno sotto il profilo storico, giuridico, economico e antropologico. Il corpo femminile è da sempre luogo culturale e simbolico
della costruzione dell’identità di genere e delle relazioni tra i sessi, ed è ordine simbolico unitario da cui scaturiscono modelli, norme
e comportamenti: la ricerca si propone di verificare la validità di tali premesse nella storia di Roma antica che è, per la cultura
occidentale, il principale riferimento storico, ideologico e simbolico dall’età postclassica fino ad oggi.
La ricerca prevede più percorsi paralleli: l’analisi sistematica delle fonti metterà in luce i/le protagonisti/e, le diverse declinazioni
della violenza, le motivazioni alla base dell’azione violenta, il format narrativo, il lessico: si indagheranno i casi attestati nelle fonti
antiche per l’età repubblicana e la persistenza del fenomeno nell’età imperiale e tardoantica; il focus consente di risalire alle origini
culturali e antropologiche dell’asimmetria di genere, di esplorare prospettive immaginarie e simboliche, di ricostruire dimensioni
storiche di lunga durata, di leggere correttamente le sovrastrutture storiche e culturali che ancora persistono nella società
occidentale attuale. Le saghe di età monarchica saranno valorizzate non per la ricostruzione del tessuto storico, bensì come contesto
privilegiato per la codificazione del sistema di valori e, quindi, per la comprensione dei ruoli sociali della Roma antica.
La sistematizzazione e la divulgazione degli esiti delle ricerche promosse dalle unità in relazione ai diversi segmenti cronologici
oggetto di indagine, organizzata sulla base dei nuclei tematici della ricerca (protagonisti, forme, motivazioni, perseguimento),
saranno affidate a una PIATTAFORMA DIGITALE OPEN ACCESS; strumento di diffusione presso la comunità scientifica dei risultati
della ricerca sarà un OSSERVATORIO PERMANENTE sulla storia delle donne nel mondo romano: esso ha lo scopo di alimentare la rete
di connessioni scientifiche all’interno delle università e di mettere in rete istituzioni pubbliche e private, nazionali e internazionali che
operano per contrastare il fenomeno della violenza; l’ACADEMY sarà destinata all’organizzazione periodica di iniziative di formazione
e disseminazione rivolte alla società civile.
“Democratizing Energy, Energizing Democracy (DEED): A deliberative, participatory energy democracy for an inclusive ecological transition”,
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Score2- Solar -driven COnveRsion of CO2 with HP-HT photoreactor
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The photoconversion of CO2 through solar energy is the most challenging application in photocatalysis, due to the high stability of this compound and slow kinetics of a multi-electron transfer reaction. Limited reactivity is reported both in liquid and gas phase, also due to poor CO2 solubility in water and limited surface adsorption of CO2.
SCORE2 pursues the ambitious objectives to i) regenerate valuable chemical compounds in a fully circular approach; ii) convert CO2 to regenerated fuels and chemicals; iii) store solar energy. We will demonstrate an integrated process for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in gas and liquid phase exploiting efficiently the solar light spectrum through smartly engineered semiconductors, prepared by means of advanced synthesis techniques and exploited in an unconventional photoreactor.
Advanced solar sensitive materials will be synthetised and thoroughly characterised by means of different complementary approaches. A new generation of upconversion (UC) hybrid nanomaterials (NMs) relying on Triplet-Triplet Annihilation (TTA) will be designed by POLITO to exploit solar light. Compared with state-of-the-art, such NMs have the great advantage of working with non-coherent and relatively low-intensity incident light (ca. hundreds of mW/cm2), making them particularly promising for solar applications. On the other hand, mixed oxides with perovskite structure revealed very promising for this application through in silico design and will be exploited by UNIVE by innovative synthesis methods. UNIVE and POLITO will be also in charge of the physical chemical and spectroscopic characterisation of all the catalysts.
Testing for the photoreduction of CO2 will be carried out at UNIMI by means of a unique device operating at high pressure and temperature (HP, up to 20 bar, and HT, up to 100°C). This gas/liquid/solid photoreactor will allow operating in continuous mode. High pressure photoreactors are very challenging due to the need of a pressure-resistant vessel, but equipped with specially designed transparent quartz windows. Additionally, it uses the beneficial effect of high temperature to fasten mass transfer and kinetics.
Finally, the best performing materials will be deepened through advanced spectroscopic and optical characterisation by UNIGE, who will be also in charge of understanding the role of different hole scavengers to boost the reactivity, besides a broader investigation on the reaction mechanism. The fusion between advanced materials design and unconventional reaction conditions is the key to boost the productivity by orders of magnitude even by using very simple, robust and inexpensive photocatalysts, as already successfully demonstrated by us at lab scale. Indeed, high pressure improves the solubility in water (when operating in gas/liquid/solid phase) and surface adsorption of CO2, boosting kinetics thanks to increased concentration of the reactant over the catalyst.
Sito web: https://sites.unimi.it/Rossetti/it/on-going-projects/
CarbON exchange processes across STReAm INterfaces (CONSTRAIN)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
LaLaLexiT. Late Latin Lexicon in Transition
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Nationalisms and emerging ideologies, migration of peoples, major cultural and political upheavals: Late Antiquity is undoubtedly an age of great change, which shaped European culture in the following centuries. This crucial transition has been well-investigated and well-highlighted by the scholars from a historical, social, economic, and political point of view. However, the following questions still need to be answered: what words did contemporary literary texts precisely use to describe this ongoing transition? Which expressions, in prose and poetry, were entrusted with the task of representing - and interpreting - the change? What was the “Fortleben” of these words, which often became part of the modern literary process and of a heritage of expressions, images and metaphors, contributing to our cultural identity and to the way we think about the world and ourselves?
This project aims at answering these questions by creating a new tool for the analysis of the historical and cultural transition of Late Antiquity as described by the literary texts in Latin: LaLaLexiT (Late Latin Lexicon In Transition), the first digital "Latin lexicon of the historical transition in Late Antiquity", built on the basis of a selection of Latin texts, in prose and poetry, dating back from the 3rd to the 7th century AD.
FAmilies, Gender, Mobility and Interculturalism in the etrusco-italic necropolis. Some cases from Campania and Veneto (FaGeMI)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto mira alla ricostruzione delle caratteristiche dei nuclei familiari alla base della formazione del processo urbano in ambito Mediterraneo attraverso la comparazione tra ambiti culturali differenziati: il Veneto con le necropoli di Este e Padova, le due principlai città del Veneto preromano. e la Campania con l'importante sito etrusco di Pontecagnano.
Sono tematiche inerenti il progetto le forme di mobilità, la costituzione die gruppi familiari, gli indicato di gender e la condizione infantile.
Il progetto è in Collaborazione con le Università del Molise e di Salerno .
FAmilies, Gender, Mobility and Interculturalism in the etrusco-italic necropolis. Some cases from Campania and Veneto (FaGeMI)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
IL progetto in collaborzione con le università di Salerno e del Molise, mira alla ricostruzione della fisionomia dei nuclei familiari all'origine dei centri urbani, tra IX e VII secolo a.C. ,comparando le evidenze funerarie dei centri venetti di Este e Padova e di Pontecagnano in Campania
Honey BEE VOLatility: An environmental index for assessing climatic risk impact on ecosystems service provision
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: http:///
INTEGRATION_INTEllectual miGRATION: circulation of philosophical books and ideas around the ancient Mediterranean through the evidence of Graeco-Roman papyri
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The project INTEGRATION aims at enriching our knowledge of Ancient Greek and Roman philosophical thought with an in-depth and multifaceted study of its circulation around the Mediterranean area from its origin onwards. This objective can benefit extraordinarily from focusing on the Greek and - to a lesser extent - Latin papyrological evidence, coming from different places and dating from the Early Hellenistic Age through Late Antiquity. Major emphasis will be placed on papyri found all over Egypt and at Herculaneum, in the philosophical library of the so-called Villa dei Papiri, but attention will be paid also to the evidence coming from peripheral areas such as Ai-Khanum (Afghanistan). So far, philosophical texts on papyri have been rarely studied in a multidisciplinary perspective with little to no synergy between different research groups and subfields, whereas the wide and varied distribution of evidence over time and space lends itself perfectly to a comparative and multilateral approach. The applicants aim to exploit and foster the work produced over the last century on philosophical papyri and, more particularly, to join for the first time the efforts of two different leading research enterprises in the field of philosophical papyri, promoted respectively by the Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici greci e latini (CPF) and the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi (CISPE). Our new approach will require further investigation of
Greek and Latin philosophical papyri which are still unpublished or worthy of an updated study, with the specific aim at
contextualizing them in a wider frame and highlighting their relationship with other texts coming from the same context as well as from different ones. Space and time will be investigated in a completely novel threefold perspective, which will consider for each piece of evidence: (1) where and when the recognized philosophical doctrine was produced; (2) where and when the book (or, more generally, the written witness) was manufactured; (3) where and when the book was presumably used, testifying to the circulation of its philosophical contents. This will result in a synoptic view on the reception, decentralization, and adaptation of philosophical ideas throughout space and time. This task will be accomplished through (a) the revision of published texts, and the study of unpublished ones in view of their edition; (b) related interpretative and philosophical studies; (c) the creation of a web-based database, which, besides being a product of our research, will act as a tool for further investigation: it will provide texts, translations, metadata, cross-references and dynamic maps, which will help to put in context the single pieces of evidence and shed light on their mutual relationship. Moreover, it will supply the international scientific community as well as non-specialized users with a comprehensive and multilevel tool on philosophical texts on papyri.
Rethinking, Understanding Modal Particles (RUM) - Bando PRIN 2022
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Sito web: https://www.unive.it/rum
Engineering Functional Metal Nanocluster-Protein Architectures for Bio-(sensing and catalytic) applications
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Gendering international legal responses to chronic emergencies - GenREm – PRIN 2022 PNRR – P2022XYHPTC
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Research in international law deals with emergencies and disasters (e.g., the 2016 Draft Articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters), but not extensively with what this project calls ‘chronic emergencies’ (ChEm). The concept develops the notion ‘slow violence,’ elaborated in 2011 by Rob Nixon, by including the feminist critique to the dichotomy fast/slow violence (Christian and Dowler 2019) and incorporating the legal analysis dimension in a gender-based perspective. The project acknowledges the disproportionate impact of ChEm on women and girls and explores States’ obligation in addressing slow violence whether or not this violence results in major disasters.
The project will not deal with disasters per se but with the phenomenon that precedes violence and is not sufficiently addressed from a legal perspective. International disaster relief law looks at the downstream phase, but rarely considers that pandemics, megafires, droughts, landslides, severe flooding, hurricanes, are the product of ChEm. They refer to the degradation of the environment that creates the conditions for the spread of, e.g., pandemics and natural disasters (like the mega-fires in Australia, Roger 2022). They encompass but are not limited to climate change. Climate change perpetuates gender inequality (A/HRC/41/26), as other manifestations of slow violence do. The legal and political approach to emergencies is generally to delve into one single disaster, and with an anticipatory response, which produces an immediate shock and an impact on the general public, without grasping the complexity of the whole system of violence that anticipates the disruptive force. For example, climate change policies have been moved to the background because of the pandemic, without understanding the strong connection between ChEm like climate change and other phenomena (De Vido 2021). The concept of ChEm relies on the one of slow-onset emergencies (OCHA 2011, COP16), but is different from the latter, because it does not describe the dynamics of the single disaster but refers to the underlying phenomenon of environmental degradation caused by irresponsible exploitation of natural resources and absence of adequate responsible preventive policies. As stressed by H. Charlesworth (2002), ‘international lawyers […] are preoccupied with great crises, rather than the politics of everyday life. In this way international law steers clear of analysis of longer-term trends and structural problems. One major silence is the position of women in the representation of crises.’
GenREm disrupts the dichotomy normality vs state of exception, and ordinary vs disaster, by conceptualising States’ legal obligations to address slow violence. The project develops a new method of analysis and legal research that is based on a holistic and gendered comprehension of contemporary emergency phenomena, and is aimed at having an impact on multiple stakeholders.
Sito web: https://genrem.wordpress.com/
ECCE-HUMAN, Empowering Citizens for Circular Economy: a HUMAN-centred law model
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
The overall objective of the project is to provide a theorization of new individual “legal powers” for citizens fit for the new paradigm of the SDCircEcon.
The project proposes to fill this “legal gap” with the following research agenda: STAGE 1) to map the legal sources concerning SDCircEcon in light of the relevant condition of individuals (R1.1), and to re-conceptualize citizens' rights to meet the new challenges of this paradigm shift (R1.2); STAGE 2) to assess the (in)adequacy of existing and forthcoming regulatory remedies, highlighting critical issues in terms of structural effectiveness and functional fitness for the identified re-conceptualization at the previous stage (R.2); STAGE 3) to make an innovative proposal in terms of new “legal powers” that can effectively "empower" European citizens about such re-conceptualized rights, so to shape a proper human-centered SDCircEcon also at the legal level (R.3).
Governing consensus. The political role of knowledge in Italy (1789-1870)
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Come si governa il consenso? Come si navigano gli scenari politici aperti dalla stagione rivoluzionaria? Il progetto intende rispondere a questi interrogativi e parte dall’ipotesi che per comprendere questi fenomeni, a fianco delle ormai molto studiate categorie di celebrità e carisma, sia necessario riscoprire il ruolo politico dei saperi. Per illustrare come i saperi divennero centrali nella sfera pubblica e nell’agone politico, il progetto indaga luoghi di formazione, eventi mediatici, agenti e testi nello spazio italiano (1789-1870). Nell’età considerata, che abbraccia momenti rivoluzionari e profondi rivolgimenti istituzionali, la penisola italiana appare come un laboratorio nel quale verificare come la riconfigurazione di saperi antichi e la creazione di nuovi saperi abbiano fornito agli agenti che popolavano l’agone politico (sovrani, funzionari, professionisti, comuni cittadini) quelle competenze necessarie ad avere un impatto concreto sulla società e a governare il consenso, ad agire cioè in modo efficace per ottenere e poi conservare potere e incarichi.
Literary California 1884-2022: Spaces of Exception, Spaces of Disaster
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Il progetto si propone di indagare le rappresentazioni letterarie della California tra la fine del XIX secolo e i giorni nostri. L’indagine ha lo scopo di riconoscere e interrogare la storia dell’ ‘eccezionalità’ della stato californiano, ovvero la sua costruzione culturale come Eden mediterraneo che, tuttavia, contiene numerose contraddizioni. La California, ovvero, è stata storicamente e culturalmente percepita come uno stato caratterizzato da possibilità illimitate, mobilità ascendente, libertà e ricchezza. Parallelamente a tale costruzione, la letteratura californiana ha articolato una riflessione altrettanto potente sull’immaginazione dello stato come spazio di disastro, rafforzando così il paradosso di pensare alla regione come meta ultima della retorica nazionale di espansione e, al contempo, come futuro negativo dell’umanità in una prospettiva politica, ambientale e sociale distopica. Il progetto presta particolare attenzione alla percezione e rappresentazione dello spazio naturale: mentre la California è la regione dei primi parchi naturali, lo stato è anche luogo di uno sfruttamento del territorio feroce, come testimonia la corsa all’ora che ha segnato la sua storia, oltre che di disastri ambientali come incendi e terremoti.
Integrated Systemic Detection of Pollutants in the Human Body - INSYDE-HU
Bandi ministeriali - PRIN
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is a pivotal approach for the protection of human health due to exposure to chemicals of concern, particularly environmental pollutants, by measuring their actual level in the body. Introduced in the field of occupational medicine, HBM has been implemented to the large-scale monitoring of unexposed population, particularly through recent joint initiatives coordinated at the EU level. While the standard HBM strategy is based on the minimally invasive collection and analysis of matrices such as blood and urine, monitoring human tissues would provide highly informative data on the actual target organs of toxicants, particularly upon chronic exposure, but it is seriously hampered by obvious ethical and practical reasons. With the INSYDE-HU project, we propose to